11–15 Apr 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.
Webcast: Only Plenary sessions on Monday and Friday, and the public event will be webcast

Magnet systems

13 Apr 2016, 11:10
Traiano (Crowne Plazza)


Crowne Plazza

Oral Experiments and Detectors FCC-hh Experiments and Detectors, 1st session


Matthias Mentink (CERN)


As part of the conceptual design of the Future Circular Collider for hadron-hadron collisions (FCC-hh), new detector magnet designs are required. Due to the need to provide a magnetic field of 5-6 T over a very large volume, these detector magnets have stored magnetic energies as high as 50 GJ. The two main designs currently under consideration are the ‘Minimum Yoke Solenoid’ and the ‘Twin Solenoid’ designs. Key questions in the design of these magnets are which materials should be used and how this impacts the mechanical and thermal behavior of the magnet. In this investigation the feasibility of using copper, a combination of copper and stainless steel, and aluminum are evaluated. These material options are compared to see how a given choice in materials, weight and volume affects the stress and strain in the coils. Subsequently, the implications for quench protection are given in terms of hot-spot temperature and energy extraction under regular and fault conditions. Given the very large size and weight of the detector magnets needed to meet the needs of the Future Circular Collider, a detailed stocktaking of the mechanical and thermal properties resulting from material choices is an important step towards finding a suitable design.


Matthias Mentink (CERN)


Alexey Dudarev (CERN) Andrea Gaddi (CERN) Benoit Cure (CERN) Christophe Paul Berriaud (DAPNIA) Gabriella Rolando (CERN) Helder Filipe Pais Da Silva (CERN) Herman Ten Kate (CERN) Hubert Gerwig (CERN) Slava Klyukhin (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU)) Udo Wagner (CERN)

Presentation materials