FCC-ee Machine Detector Interface
- Sergio Bertolucci (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Frascati (IT))
Manuela Boscolo
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Frascati (IT))
13/04/2016, 08:30
Experiments and Detectors
Helmut Burkhardt
13/04/2016, 08:45
Experiments and Detectors
Michael Kenneth Sullivan
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
13/04/2016, 09:10
Experiments and Detectors
The Interaction Region of the FCC-ee is an interesting part of the accelerator.
The design has to span beam energies from 45 GeV (Z running) to 175 GeV (top running).
The beam currents range from 6.6 mA at the top mass to 1.45 A at the Z.
Synchrotron radiation from the beam is both a detector background as well as being capable of damaging and even destroying machine and detector...
Emmanuel Francois Perez
13/04/2016, 09:35
Experiments and Detectors
The very high luminosities anticipated at FCC-ee may pose constraints
to the trigger system and to the data acquisition of the experiment.
At the Z peak, the rate of physics events to be recorded can reach 100 kHz.
Together with the high granularity of the detector, the high rates can lead to a very
large volume of data to be sent to the acquisition system, and to be written to ...