FCC-hh Experiments and Detectors, 3rd session
- Ian Shipsey (University of Oxford (GB))
Marianna Testa
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Frascati (IT))
13/04/2016, 15:30
Experiments and Detectors
With the Higgs boson discovery all particles expected from the
Standard Model of Particle Physics have been found. From now on the
main target of the field is to look for signatures of new physics.
The Higgs field potential sector is up to now unexplored and
predicts the presence of a self-interaction coupling among Higgs
Being almost unconstrained from the present precision...
Martin Aleksa
13/04/2016, 15:50
Experiments and Detectors
This talk will explore the options for electromagnetic calorimetry for FCC-hh experiments. The requirements and key parameters for electromagnetic calorimetry in the FCC environment will be reviewed and discussed. Special emphasis will be given to the similarities to the LHC experiments and what could be learned from them, but also the expected differences with respect to LHC will be...
Ana Maria Henriques Correia
Clement Helsens
13/04/2016, 16:10
Experiments and Detectors
The particles produced at the future hadron Circular Collider (FCC-hh) with √ s = 100 TeV are of unprecedented energies. We present preliminary studies that motivate a 12 λ calorimeter in order to contain at 98% level TeV single hadron showers and multi-TeV jets and keep a needed pion energy resolution constant term of 3%, the dominant contribution to the total energy resolution at the TeV...
Ashutosh Kotwal
(Duke University (US))
13/04/2016, 16:30
Experiments and Detectors
There is considerable expertise and a growing interest in the US hadron collider community to help understand and develop the physics case for a future, higher-energy hadron collider beyond the LHC. This interest extends from developing BSM models that can address the big, open questions in the standard model, to performing simulated analyses to quantify the sensitivity of benchmark models for...