Common Detector Technologies
- Pierluigi Campana (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF))
Walter Snoeys
14/04/2016, 10:30
Experiments and Detectors
Recently monolithic silicon sensors integrating sensor and readout in one chip fabricated in standard CMOS technologies have been selected for STAR and ALICE where they offer low mass, high granularity, low cost and low power density. Major requirements for monolithic CMOS sensors to be adopted in more aggressive applications like FCC, are increased radiation tolerance and speed maintaining...
Dave Newbold
(University of Bristol (GB) / Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB))
14/04/2016, 10:50
Experiments and Detectors
Georg Viehhauser
(University of Oxford (GB))
14/04/2016, 11:10
Experiments and Detectors
In this presentation I will first discuss the requirements for the mechanics and cooling of the tracking system of a FCC-hadron experiment. I will then explore possible approaches, building on solutions developed for the LHC experiments and their upgrades, to satisfy these requirements.
Hans Kristian Soltveit
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
14/04/2016, 11:30
Experiments and Detectors
Wireless techniques have developed extremely fast the last decade, and using them in particle physics detectors for data transfer is not science fiction any more.
Tremendous advances in silicon technologies have made possible to build high performance transceivers operating in the mm band, where the 57-66 GHz band is situated. The use in the HEP environment has been triggered by the high data...