BOOST2016 is the eighth of a series of successful joint theory/experiment workshops that bring together the world's leading experts from theory and LHC experiments to discuss the latest progress and develop new approaches on the reconstruction of and use of boosted decay topologies in order to search for new physics. This year, the workshop is jointly hosted by the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich.

University of Zurich Rämistrasse 74 8001 Zürich

International Committee
Lily Asquith (University of Sussex)
Jon Butterworth (University College London)
Tancredi Carli (CERN)
Mrinal Dasgupta (University of Manchester)
Steve Ellis (University of Washington)
Gregor Kasieczka (ETH Zurich)
Peter Loch (University of Arizona)
David Miller (University of Chicago)
Tilman Plehn (University of Heidelberg)
Sal Rappoccio (SUNY Buffalo)
Andrea Rizzi (INFN/University of Pisa)
Albert de Roeck (CERN/University of Antwerp)
Gavin Salam (CERN)
Alexander Schmidt (University of Hamburg)
Matthew Schwartz (Harvard University)
Ariel Schwartzman (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Jesse Thaler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia)
Lian-Tao Wang (University of Chicago)