Thinking outside the ROCs: Designing Decorrelated Taggers (DDT) for jet substructure

19 Jul 2016, 11:15
RAI-H-041 (Zurich)



University of Zurich Rämistrasse 74 8001 Zürich


Salvatore Rappoccio (State University of New York (US))


We explore the scale-dependence and correlations of jet substructure observables to improve upon existing techniques in the identification of highly Lorentz-boosted objects. Modified observables are designed to remove correlations from existing theoretically well-understood observables, providing practical advantages for experimental measurements and searches for new phenomena. We study such observables in W jet tagging and provide recommendations for observables based on considerations beyond signal and background efficiencies.


We explore the scale-dependence and correlations of jet substructure observables to improve upon existing techniques in the identification of highly Lorentz-boosted objects. Modified observables are designed to remove correlations from existing theoretically well-understood observables, providing practical advantages for experimental measurements and searches for new phenomena. We study such observables in W jet tagging and provide recommendations for observables based on considerations beyond signal and background efficiencies.


James William Dolen (State University of New York (US)) Nhan Viet Tran (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) Philip Coleman Harris (CERN) Salvatore Rappoccio (State University of New York (US)) Dr Simone Marzani (SUNY Buffalo)

Presentation materials