Hervé Cauwelier
Luis Belmar-Letelier
A new breed of Source Code Management tools has exploded in the Free Software world.
These are the Distributed SCMs, an indispensable tool for the agile developer.
This talk will explain how a Distributed SCM is different from a Centralized one,
and why this makes a special difference in an agile environment.
We will expose our working experience at Itaapy with these tools:
- how they became the central part of our production process.
- what was the motivation to move from CVS to GNU Arch,
and then from GNU Arch to Git and Cogito.
We will close with a tour through the most prominent solutions available: Bazaar-NG,
Darcs, GIT and Mercurial. And we will explain why we chose GIT.
Hervé Cauwelier
Luis Belmar-Letelier