Nov 5 – 6, 2015
J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry
Europe/Prague timezone

Scientific Program

The aim of the Colloquium is to present a status and plans for CP violation measurement in neutrino experiments.  It plans to provide an overview of recent experimental results, theoretical predictions, experiments under construction and planned experiments to measure CP violation in lepton sector. It consists of invited talks.

Confirmed talks

NOvA Peter Shanahan, Fermilab
DUNE Mark Thomson, University of Cambridg
CERN neutrino platform Marzio Nessi, CERN
Daya Bay En-Chuan Huang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Double Chooz Marianne Göger-Neff, TUM Munich
RENO and RENO-50 Soo-Bong Kim, Seoul National University
JUNO Gioacchino Ranucci, INFN, Milano
DANSS Viacheslav Egorov, JINR Dubna
PROSPECT Karin Gilje, Illinois Institute of Technology
KATRIN Otokar Dragoun, NPI, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Neutrinoless double beta decay Ivan Stekl, IEAP, Czech Technical University
Theory and Phenomenolofy of the 0nbb-decay Fedor Simkovic, Comenius University and JINR
Theory Michal Malinsky, IPNP, Charles University

 Also invited:

  • T2K
  • HK
  • MicroBooNE

All physicists interested in the topic are welcome. Please register by 23 October 2015.