Enabling new trends in molecular imaging

2 May 2016, 14:30
Oral Industry


M. Conti, Siemens Healthcare (Siemens Healthcare)


We will review the new trends and the exciting future developments of molecular imaging, and relate them to how the industry can enable and strengthen these new directions. 1)Enabling new trends: i)Theranostics and its role in personalized medicine, and the associated requirements on present and future generations of PET scanners ii)Beyond “generic” FDG imaging, new specific tracers and some examples: prostate cancer, Alzheimer. iii)Beyond “static” SUV imaging, dynamic imaging, parametric imaging 2) Enabling promising applications: Prostate cancer, Lung cancer, Breast, pancreas, and Screening of genetically high risk patients 3) Enabling better workflow and patient comfort: faster scans, patient comfort, continuous bed motion, computer guided/assisted scans, dosimetry 4) Enabling better image quality and image reconstruction: Motion correction, Low dose, TOF reconstruction 5) Envisioning technological innovation: Dedicated scanners for cardiac, brain, surgical probes; improve TOF performance and PET sensitivity 6) Enabling clinical research: Easier access to data via listmode and dynamic imaging


We will review the new trends and the exciting future developments of molecular imaging, and relate them to how the industry can enable and strengthen these new directions.

1)Enabling new trends:

i) Theranostics and its role in personalized medicine, and the associated requirements on present and future generations of PET scanners

ii) Beyond “generic” FDG imaging, new specific tracers and some examples: prostate cancer, Alzheimer.

iii) Beyond “static” SUV imaging, dynamic imaging, parametric imaging

2) Enabling promising applications: Prostate cancer, Lung cancer, Breast, pancreas, and Screening of genetically high risk patients

3) Enabling better workflow and patient comfort: faster scans, patient comfort, continuous bed motion, computer guided/assisted scans, dosimetry

4) Enabling better image quality and image reconstruction: Motion correction, Low dose, TOF reconstruction

5) Envisioning technological innovation: Dedicated scanners for cardiac, brain, surgical probes; improve TOF performance and PET sensitivity

6) Enabling clinical research: Easier access to data via listmode and dynamic imaging


M. Conti, Siemens Healthcare (Siemens Healthcare)

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