30 May 2016 to 4 June 2016
University of Wrocław
Europe/Warsaw timezone

News from strong interactions program of the NA61/SHINE experiment

30 May 2016, 11:00
Oratorium Marianum (University of Wrocław)

Oratorium Marianum

University of Wrocław

Main Building, plac Uniwersytecki 1


Katarzyna Grebieszkow (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))


The results from the analysis of fluctuations and correlations can help to discover the
critical point of strongly interacting matter. In the NA61/SHINE experiment the strategy
of locating the critical point relies on performing a two dimensional phase diagram
(T-mu_B) scan by measurements of fluctuations and correlations in proton-proton,
proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions as a function of collision energy and
system size. Close to the critical point increase of fluctuations is predicted.

In this contribution the latest NA61/SHINE results on fluctuations and correlations from
the p+p, Be+Be, and Ar+Sc energy scans will be presented. The NA61 experimental results
will be compared with existing NA49 data and with model predictions.


Katarzyna Grebieszkow (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))

Presentation materials