Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

30 May 2016 to 4 June 2016
University of Wrocław
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Participant List

123 participants

Regular registration

Last Name First Name Affiliation
Ohnishi Akira Kyoto University
Dubinin Aleksandr University of Wroclaw
Ayriyan Alexander Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Sorin Alexander Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU)
Friesen Alexandra Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR)
Kurepin Alexeii Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)
Kachanovich Aliaksei
Rustamov Anar FIAS/NNRC
Seryakov Andrey St. Petersburg State University (RU)
Rybicki Andrzej Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)
Motornenko Anton Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Taranenko Arkadiy National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (RU)
Ikeda Atsuro Osaka University
Nakamura Atsushi Hiroshima Univ
Friman Bengt GSI
Schaefer Bernd-Jochen JLU Giessen
Kampfer Burkhard HZDR
Sasaki Chihiro University of Wroclaw
Blume Christoph Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE)
Herold Christoph Suranaree University of Technology
Bonati Claudio University of Pisa
Kincses Dániel Eötvös Loránd University
Prorok Dariusz University of Wroclaw, Poland
Blaschke David University of Wroclaw
Miller David Penn State University, Bielefeld University
Shuryak Edward Stony Brook University
Bratkovskaya Elena GSI, Darmstadt
Andronov Evgeny St. Petersburg State University (RU)
Seck Florian TU Darmstadt
Karsch Frithjof Brookhaven National Laboratory
Barnafoldi Gergely Gabor Wigner RCP Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU)
Baym Gordon University of Illinois
Stefanek Grzegorz Jan Kochanowski University (PL)
Wolf György Wigner RCP, Budapest
Xu Haojie Peking University
Oeschler Helmut Universtity of Heidelberg
Satz Helmut Univ. Bielefeld
van Hees Hendrik Goethe University Frankfurt
Suganuma Hideo Kyoto University
Grigorian Hovik JINR & YSU
Song Huichao Peking University
Iosilevskiy Igor Joint Institute for High Temperature of Russian Academy of Science
Selyuzhenkov Ilya GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE)
Karpenko Iurii INFN Firenze
Rozynek Jacek NCBJ Warsaw Poland
Pawlowski Jan M. University Heidelberg
Cleymans Jean University of Cape Town (ZA)
Stroth Joachim Goethe University / GSI
Aichelin Joerg subatech
Rafelski Johann University of Arizona
Stachel Johanna Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE)
Randrup Jørgen
Chelabi Kaddour Institute of Theoretical Physics Beijing
AR Karthy
Grebieszkow Katarzyna Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
Fukushima Kenji The University of Tokyo
Morita Kenji Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Redlich Krzysztof University of Wroclaw
McLerran Larry BNL
Glozman Leonid University of Graz
Turko Ludwik University of Wroclaw (PL)
Lewicki Maciej Piotr University of Wroclaw (PL)
Mackowiak-Pawlowska Maja Katarzyna Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
Lorenz Manuel GU Frankfurt
Bluhm Marcus North Carolina State University
Gazdzicki Marek Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Jan Kochanowski University Kielce
Carrington Margaret Brandon University
Mitter Mario U Heidelberg
Gorenstein Mark Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev
Kaltenborn Mark University of Wroclaw
Nahrgang Marlene Duke University
Kohn Martin Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Kitazawa Masakiyo
Cierniak Mateusz University of Wrocław
Buballa Michael TU Darmstadt
Naskret Michal University of Wroclaw (PL)
Praszalowicz Michal Jagiellonian University, Krakow
Marczenko Michał University of Wrocław
Szymański Michał University of Wrocław
Tanha Milad Goethe University
Gevorgyan Narine Russian-Armenian University
Bastian Niels-Uwe University of Wroclaw
Davis Nikolaos Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)
Ivanytskyi Oleksii Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of NAS of Ukraine
Huovinen Pasi University of Wroclaw
Braun-Munzinger Peter GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE)
Senger Peter GSI
Seyboth Peter Jan Kochanowski University (PL)
Kähler Philipp Institut für Kernphysik, Münster
Bozek Piotr AGH University of Science and Technology
Lo Pok Man University of Wroclaw
Jain Poonam Amity University, Noida
Gavai Rajiv V Tata Institute, Mumbai, India
Lacey Roy Alphanso State University of New York (US)
Yoshiike Ryo Kyoto university
Pu Shi ITP, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Liebing Simon TU Freiberg
Mrowczynski Stanislaw Jan Kochanowski University
Bass Steffen A. Duke University
Endres Stephan Frankfurt University / Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Mukherjee Swagato Brookhaven National Laboratory
Harabasz Szymon TU Darmstadt / Jagiellonian University
Kim Taekwang Osaka University
Doi Takahiro Kyoto University
Yokota Takeru Kyoto University, Japan
Mahmoud Tariq University of Giessen
Galatyuk Tetyana TU Darmstadt / GSI
Klahn Thomas IFT, University of Wroclaw
Fischer Tobias IFT UWr.
Matulewicz Tomasz University of Warsaw
Kojo Toru Central China Normal University
Begun Viktor Jan Kochanowski University
Klochkov Viktor GSI
Steinberg Vinzent Goethe University Frankfurt
Blinov Vitalii Frankfurt University / GSI
Filinov Vladimir Joint Institute for High Temperatures Russian Academy of Sciences
Friese Volker GSI Darmstadt
Koch Volker Lawerence Berkeley National Laboratory
Vovchenko Volodymyr Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Broniowski Wojciech UJK & IFJ PAN
Florkowski Wojciech IFJ PAN Krakow / UJK Kielce / Poland
Xu Zhangbu Brookhaven National Laboratory