30 May 2016 to 4 June 2016
University of Wrocław
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Non-perturbative production rate of photons with a lattice quark propagator – effect of vertex correction –

2 Jun 2016, 15:00
Oratorium Marianum (University of Wrocław)

Oratorium Marianum

University of Wrocław

Main Building, plac Uniwersytecki 1


Taekwang Kim (Osaka University)


We analyze the production rate of photons from the deconfined medium with a quark propagator obtained from a lattice QCD numerical simulation. We calculate the production rates non-perturbatively at two temperatures above $T_{\rm c}$. The photon-quark vertex is determined gauge-invariantly so as to satisfy the Ward-Takahashi identity. It is found that the vertex correction modifies spectra quantitatively. The photon production rate shows a peculiar structure reflecting the dispersion relations and kinematics of quasi-particles. We discuss the origin of this structure.


Taekwang Kim (Osaka University)

Presentation materials