The CBM Experiment is one of the main four scientific pillars of the
new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). Its main
objective is the study of the QCD phase diagram in the region of high
baryon-densities. With nucleus-nucleus collisions at the SIS100
accelerator at beam energies up to 14 A GeV strongly interacting
matter with densities about 10 times as high as normal nuclear matter
can be produced. The experimental setup is designed to cope with
highest interaction rates (up to 10 MHz), which for the first time
will also allow to measure rare probes (open charm, light and heavy
vector mesons) in the FAIR energy regime. We will report on the
current status of the CBM experiment. Many detector subsystems have
already completed their technical design reports, or will finalize
them in 2016. The main achievements and challenges of these
developments will be discussed. Also, a lot of effort is being spend
on evaluating the physics performance of the experiment. An overview
on the main results in the context of the CBM physics program will be