30 May 2016 to 4 June 2016
University of Wrocław
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Dynamical freeze-out in event-by-event hydrodynamics

Not scheduled
Oratorium Marianum (University of Wrocław)

Oratorium Marianum

University of Wrocław

Main Building, plac Uniwersytecki 1


Pasi Huovinen (Goethe-Universität)


We employ a dynamical freeze-out criterion, which requires the hydrodynamical expansion rate to be equal to the pion scattering rate, in an ideal fluid hydrodynamical calculation of spectra at RHIC (EoS s95p-PCE-v1, $T_{chem} = 150$ MeV). We find that the $p_T$ spectra are very similar to those evaluated using freeze-out in constant temperature, but pion $v_2(p_T)$ is reduced by $\sim 10\%$.


Pasi Huovinen (Goethe-Universität)

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