The results from the analysis of fluctuations and correlations can help to discover the
critical point of strongly interacting matter. In the NA61/SHINE experiment the strategy
of locating the critical point relies on performing a two dimensional phase diagram
(T-mu_B) scan by measurements of fluctuations and correlations in proton-proton,
proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions as a...
One of the motivations for the RHIC beam energy scan program was its capability of providing data for the determination of the temperature- and baryon-density dependence of QGP transport coefficients, such as the specific shear viscosity. This task is complicated by the rich set phenomena that computational models commonly used for the determination of the transport coefficients need to...
In this talk, I will first summarize the critical behavior of fluctuations of conserved charges expected in the vicinity of the chiral phase boundary. Then, I will show how the finite quark mass or finite volume modifies the divergent cumulants in QCD-like model calculations.Particular emphasis will be put on the importance of the regular contribution to the fluctuations when the singular part...
Recent developments in anisotropic hydrodynamics will be reviewed.
We analyze the directed flow ($v_1$) of protons and pions
in high-energy heavy-ion collisions in the incident energy range
from $\sqrt{s_{{\scriptscriptstyle NN}}}=7.7$ GeV to 27 GeV
within a microscopic transport model [1].
Standard hadronic transport approaches do not explain the collapse of directed flow below
$\sqrt{s_{{\scriptscriptstyle NN}}}\simeq 20$ GeV.
By contrast, when we take...
We study the formation of collective flow vorticity in non-central heavy ion collisions at RHIC Beam Energy Scan collision energy range, $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=7.7\dots 200$ GeV with state-of-the-art viscous hydro model, vHLLE+UrQMD. With the model adjusted to approach the experimental data for rapidity, transverse momentum distributions and elliptic flow of produced hadrons, we explore the...
We address holographically (i) an emulation of deconfinement upon temperature increase as
sequential or instanteneous melting (disappearence) of normalizable eigenmodes of hadron states with a Regge type spectrum in vacuum, and (ii) the phase diagram within the updated DeWolfe-Gubser-Rosen model. Photon emission rates are calculated and found to map out the pecularities (CEP and first-order...
The CBM Experiment is one of the main four scientific pillars of the
new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). Its main
objective is the study of the QCD phase diagram in the region of high
baryon-densities. With nucleus-nucleus collisions at the SIS100
accelerator at beam energies up to 14 A GeV strongly interacting
matter with densities about 10 times as high as normal...
Data on particle production in heavy ion collisions in the energy regime of 1-2 A GeV have been collected over almost three decades now. As most of the newly created hadrons are produced below or slightly above their free NN-thresholds, data are usually interpreted with the help of phenomenological models, rather than comparing to elementary reference measurements. Driven by advance in...
The computation of single particle spectral functions and transport coefficients with functional continuum methods is discussed. Results are presented for quark and meson, and glue ball spectral functions, as well as the temperature-dependent shear viscosity over entropy ratio.
Fluctuation observables in relativistic heavy ion collisions measured by event-by-event analysis are important observables for the study of thermodynamics in primordial stage. In this talk, I will discuss some problems which have to be considered seriously when one compares the experimental results on fluctuations with theoretical study. In particular, I will discuss (1)non-equilibrium...
We study the relation between quark confinement and chiral symmetry breaking, and investigate interplay between confinement/deconfinement and chiral properties at finite temperatures. We analytically derive some relations of the Polyakov loop or its fluctuations with Dirac eigenmodes in temporally odd-number lattice QCD [1,2]. For the these quantities related to confinement, the contribution...
The dependence of particle production on the size of the colliding nuclei is
analysed in terms of the thermal model using the canonical ensemble.
The concept of strangeness correlation in clusters of sub-volume $V_C$ is used
to account for the suppression of strangeness.
A systematic analysis is presented of the predictions of the thermal model
for particle production in collisions of small...
The Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility (NICA) project is now under active realization at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna). The main goal of the project is an experimental study of hot and dense strongly interacting matter in heavy ion (up to Au) collisions at centre-of-mass energies up to 11 GeV per nucleon. Two modes of the operation are foreseen, collider mode and...
We investigate the relation between quark confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in the finite-temperature lattice QCD. First of all, we derive analytical formulae to express the Polyakov loop and its fluctuations in terms of the Dirac eigenmodes[1-3]. Based on the analytical formulae, it is shown that the low-lying Dirac modes have little contribution to the quantities such as the Polyakov...
An effective model for low-energy QCD thermodynamics is presented which provides a microscopic interpretation of the transition from a gas of hadron resonances to the quark-gluon plasma by Mott dissociation of hadrons. The self consistent approximation scheme of the Φ-derivable approach is applied to describe the thermodynamics of the Polyakov loop extended Nambu–Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model...
Starting from the (Polyakov-) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Lagrangian, (P)NJL, we formulate a transport theory which allows for describing the expansion of a quark-antiquark plasma and the subsequent transition to the hadronic world ---without adding
any new parameter to the standard (P)NJL approach, whose parameters are fixed to vacuum physics. This transport theory can be used to describe...
Recently, the STAR beam energy scan (BES) measured the multiplicity distributions of net protons with the maximum transverse momentum extended from 0.8 GeV to 2 GeV. The related higher cumulants (moments) present large deviations from the poisson baselines, showing the potential of discovery the QCD critical point in experiment.
In this talk, we introduce a freeze-out scheme for the...
The presence of collective expansion in small collision is discussed.
Approaches based on relativistic hydrodynamics are compared to existing data.
Possibilities to study fluctuations in the interaction region in small collision systems
are described.
While the crucial role of gauge topology was recognized from 1970’s,
confinement was associated with monopoles and chiral symmetry breaking with instantons.
Recognizing presence of non-zero holonomy, van Baal and others discovered
splitting of the instantons into their constituents — the instanton-dyons.
Several groups now work out properties of their ensembles, which generate
Non-equilibrium evolution of cumulants of critical fluctuations for space-time trajectories on the cross-over side of the QCD phase diagram we be discussed in detail. Memory effects are important. Utilizing a simple model of the space-time evolution of a heavy-ion collision, we demonstrate that, depending on the relaxation rate of critical fluctuations, Skewness and Kurtosis can differ...
We compare the low eigenvalue spectra of the Overlap Dirac
operator on two sets of configurations at $\mu_I/mu_I^c = 0.5$ and $1.5$ generated with dynamical staggered fermions at these isospin chemical potential on $24^3 \times 6$ lattices. We find very small changes in the number of zero modes and low lying modes across the transition which is in stark contrast with those across the...
We apply the wounded quark model to particle production and properties of the initial fireball in A+A, p+A, and p+p collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We find uniformity of the approach, as similar production of initial entropy per source
is needed to explain particle production in all studied reactions and at all centralities. We also investigate event-by-event initial...