4–6 Jul 2016
Europe/Paris timezone

Registration and fee

Registration for the PSR16 workshop is now open.

The registration fee is 126 euros per participant and includes the dinner on Tuesday night.

Please note that the registration is done in two steps:

  • Pre-registration
  • Registration (and payment)

You will be able proceed to the second step once the pre-registration has been validated by a member of the local organizing committee. Pre-registration alone is not enough to attend the workshop.

Please register as soon as possible, and ideally before end of May.


You should first proceed to the pre-registration, which is done through this link.

When you complete this step, you should get an email confirming that "your pre-registration has been correctly saved". Do not hesitate to contact the organisers if you are in doubt or trouble.

Note for CNRS participants: if would you like to pay by transfer between laboratories, please read carefully the CNRS-specific instructions below before completing the web forms.


Once the pre-registration has been validated by the organizing committee you will receive another confirmation email with a link for the Registration page.  When you click on that link, please select "Confirm a pre-registration" (in the line corresponding to our workshop) and provide your name and email address to be identified. You will be then able to fill the registration form and complete the process. (Please note: it can take a little time for the database to be updated, so if you click on the registration link and it gives you an error, please wait for a few minutes and try again. It may also be necessary to close the browser session between preregistration and registration.)

Payment can be done by credit card or bank transfer. (Note that there is no option to pay cash upon arrival.) Once you complete this step you have been registered.

Please proceed through the registration step even if you are exempted of registration fees.

If you will be accompanied by another guest who would like to attend the workshop dinner, please inform the organisers by email.