List of participants currently registered for the PSR16 workshop:
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Johannes | Bellm | Durham |
Christoph | Borschensky | University of Tuebingen |
Matteo | Cacciari | LPTHE Paris |
James | Cockburn | Edinburgh |
Yuri | Dokshitzer | LPTHE Paris |
Frederic | Dreyer | LPTHE Paris |
Stefano | Forte | Milan University |
Rikkert | Frederix | TU Munchen |
Benjamin | Fuks | LPTHE |
Jonathan | Gaunt | NIKHEF |
Nigel | Glover | IPPP Durham |
Marco | Guzzi | University of Manchester |
Keith | Hamilton | UCL, London |
Stanislaw | Jadach | INP Krakow |
Anna | Kulesza | Muenster |
Claudio | Muselli | Milan University |
Zoltan | Nagy | DESY |
Simon | Platzer | IPPP Durham |
Luca | Rottoli | Oxford |
Gavin | Salam | CERN |
Lais | Sarem Schunk | IPhT, CEA Saclay |
Marek | Schoenherr | Universitat Zurich |
Christian | Schwinn | RWTH Aachen |
Dingyu | Shao | Mainz University |
Gregory | Soyez | IPhT, CEA Saclay |
Vincent | Theeuwes | Buffalo (NY) |
Rob | Verheyen | Nijmegen |
Jian | Wang | Mainz University |
Marco | Zaro | LPTHE Paris |
Ps.: Note that due to marvels of the registration system, we have no automatic method to provide the list of participants. The above list is therefore updated manually and we apologise for the possible delays resulting from this tedious procedure.