4–6 Jul 2016
Europe/Paris timezone


List of participants currently registered for the PSR16 workshop:

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Johannes Bellm Durham
Christoph Borschensky University of Tuebingen
Matteo Cacciari LPTHE Paris
James Cockburn Edinburgh
Yuri Dokshitzer LPTHE Paris
Frederic Dreyer LPTHE Paris
Stefano Forte Milan University
Rikkert Frederix TU Munchen
Benjamin Fuks LPTHE
Jonathan Gaunt NIKHEF
Nigel Glover IPPP Durham
Marco Guzzi University of Manchester
Keith Hamilton UCL, London
Stanislaw Jadach INP Krakow
Anna Kulesza Muenster
Claudio Muselli Milan University
Zoltan Nagy DESY
Simon Platzer IPPP Durham
Luca Rottoli Oxford
Gavin Salam CERN
Lais Sarem Schunk IPhT, CEA Saclay
Marek Schoenherr Universitat Zurich
Christian Schwinn RWTH Aachen
Dingyu Shao Mainz University
Gregory Soyez IPhT, CEA Saclay
Vincent Theeuwes Buffalo (NY)
Rob Verheyen Nijmegen
Jian Wang Mainz University
Marco Zaro LPTHE Paris


























Ps.: Note that due to marvels of the registration system, we have no automatic method to provide the list of participants. The above list is therefore updated manually and we apologise for the possible delays resulting from this tedious procedure.