25/05/2009, 09:30
Opening remarks by Prof. Bo Kågström, director HPC2N.
Troy Dawson
25/05/2009, 10:30
Operating Systems & Applications
Fermi Linux Short Term Support
This project helped fix a problem at Fermilab for bleeding edge hardware.
It also helped the Scientific Linux development team look at what might be possible with Scientific Linux 6.
This presentation will show what we were able to do with Fermi Linux STS, and give some insight into what might be coming with Scientific Linux 6.
Thomas Bellman
(National Supercomputer Centre, Sweden)
25/05/2009, 11:00
Operating Systems & Applications
As a way of automating and structuring the administration of our clusters, we have started using Puppet, which is a system for configuring and administering Unix machines, similar to Cfengine. We here present our experiences, and show some of Puppet's strengths and weaknesses.
Wolfgang Friebel
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
25/05/2009, 11:30
Operating Systems & Applications
DESY recently planned to migrate some of its UNIX based IMAP servers to dovecot. The latest releases of dovecot (version 1.2) include support for several mailbox fomats, quota handling, compressed folders, ACLs and allows for a comfortable configuration of namespaces. The additional sieve component and the managesieve protocol does enable users to configure server side filtering and managing...
Mario David
(LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentaco e Fisica Experimental de Particulas)
25/05/2009, 13:00
Site reports
The Portuguese LCG federated Tier-2 supports the ATLAS and CMS experiments and is
composed of three sites. Two of these sites (Lisbon and Coimbra) are already in production
and the third one is currently being setup (LNEC/FCCN).
We will describe briefly the Tier2 and then concentrate on the Storage Element component.
In the middle of 2008, it was decided to use the Storm SRM with SUN's...
Helge Meinhard
25/05/2009, 13:20
Site reports
Summary of changes at CERN since the last meeting
Marc Gasser
25/05/2009, 13:40
Site reports
Scientific Linux 5
Configuration Management with Puppet
New Spam Filter
Mattias Wadenstein
25/05/2009, 14:00
Site reports
Recent development and news from the NDGF sphere.
Manfred Alef
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
25/05/2009, 15:30
Site reports
Current status of GridKa, e.g.
- new hardware
- problem discussion
Peter Gronbech
(Nuclear Physics Laboratory)
26/05/2009, 08:30
Site reports
SouthGrid and Oxford Status report
Ombretta Pinazza
26/05/2009, 10:30
Security and Networking
The INFN computing board has recently appointed a working group to investigate the status of the IT services provided in the different laboratories and divisions, with particular aim at security.
It's a legal requirement in Italy that public organizations provide monitoring and auditing procedures to protect users and personnel data.
For the e-mail service, the Security and Mailing working...
Riccardo Veraldi
26/05/2009, 11:00
Security and Networking
It's possible to build a security appliance to set up
a custom WiFi authentication solution based both on 802.1x and Captive Portal.
I developed a solution inside INFN which allows users during Workshops or seminars
to authenticate a WiFi session using 802.1x or Captive portal authentication.
The system is a portable device, it is a small Soekris device with 4 network ports.
It implements...
Jan Iven
26/05/2009, 11:30
Security and Networking
An update on recent computer security issues and vulnerabilities affecting Windows, Linux and Mac platforms. This talk is based on contributions and input from a range of colleagues both within and outside CERN. It covers clients, servers and control systems.
26/05/2009, 13:00
Overview and state of the current and future Nordic Research and Education Networking, from Nordunet.
Ryszard Erazm Jurga
26/05/2009, 13:30
Security and Networking
The CINBAD (CERN Investigation of Network Behaviour and Anomaly Detection) project was launched in 2007 in collaboration with ProCurve Networking by HP. The project mission is to understand the behaviour of large computer networks (10,000 or more nodes) in the context of high performance computing and large campus installations such as CERN, whose network counts today roughly 70,000 Gigabit...
Alf Wachsmann
26/05/2009, 14:00
I will present the architectural design of the online and offline computing system for SLAC's LCLS X-ray laser
facility. I will briefly show the DAQ system to illustrate the data flow from the various experiments to the system's boundary. Presenting the offline data management system will be the main focus of the talk.
Helge Meinhard
26/05/2009, 14:30
Misc Talks
Reports on benchmarks (both performance and power) of Nehalem and Shanghai processors
26/05/2009, 16:00
Tour for groups A and B of the HPC2N facilities.
Group registration on papers at the registration desk.
Those not in groups A or B have this slot free.
Götz Waschk
26/05/2009, 16:30
Misc Talks
HEP-SPEC06 is the standard measurement for computing power in the LCG
community. The computing requirements of groups like Lattice QCD at
DESY need specialized benchmarks to evaluate new hardware. The
theoretical particle physics group uses the form benchmark, which
solves symbolical equations. The DD-HMC and the Chroma benchmarks
include kernels of high-performance parallel Lattice...
Jonas Lindemann
(Lund University)
26/05/2009, 17:00
Security and Networking
To strengthen the security at Lunarc, SMS based OTP system has been implemented for SSH logins. The system is currently used in production and can be used by both Linux, Windows and Mac OS X based clients. The solution is based on a commercial available java-based OTP server.
Andrei Maslennikov
27/05/2009, 08:00
Hartmut Reuter
(Rechenzentrum Garching)
27/05/2009, 08:30
AFS/OSD was presented two years ago on the HEPIX Spring 2007 in Hamburg. At this time the results of the R&D project sponsored by CERN and ENEA were presented which showed that performance of AFS/OSD scales linearly with the number of OSDs used. For RZG, however, the goal was to replace MR-AFS which for the last 12 years had offered HSM-features to AFS. Therefore the concept of "archival OSDs"...
Artem Trunov
27/05/2009, 09:20
Andras Horvath
27/05/2009, 09:40
We report on the ongoing evaluation of the iSCSI technology regarding stability, manageability on the large scale and performance.
Tim Polland
(Texas Memory Systems / Takan)
27/05/2009, 10:30
Arne Wiebalck
27/05/2009, 11:00
CERN is evaluating the cluster file system Lustre as a potential
consolidated storage solution for project space, home directories,
analysis space and HSM. Rather than on performance or on scalability,
the main focus of the evaluation will be on operational questions.
This talk will cover the various aspects to be looked at during the
survey and report on the initial thoughts and...
Alf Wachsmann
27/05/2009, 11:30
SLAC's HPSS hardware and software is reaching its end of support by 2010. We hae purchased two Sun SL8500
robots to replace our 6 Powderhorns and we are in the process of migrating from HPSS version 5.1 to version
6.2. In the same project, we are changing our HPSS architecture to now include disk caches.
I will outline the entire project, the new hardware and software architecture, and the...
Stefan Bujack
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
27/05/2009, 13:15
Different virtualization techniques are in use at the DESY data centers,
with Xen servers being the dominant hypervisor. Besides its open source
implementations, DESY, location Hamburg, has set up a pool of DELL
servers with NetApp storage and Xen Enterprise software to provide a
highly available, scalable, and versatile environment for manging data
center services on various Windows...
Federico Calzolari
(Scuola Normale Superiore - INFN Pisa)
27/05/2009, 13:40
A high availability service is one of the main problems for a data center. Till now high availability was achieved by host per host redundancy, a highly expensive method in terms of hardware and human costs. A new approach to the problem can be offered by virtualization.
Using virtualization, it is possible to achieve a redundancy system for all the services running on a data center. This new...
Riccardo Veraldi
27/05/2009, 14:05
Virtualization allow multiple virtual machines to run on a
bare bone single hardware.
There are many benefits in using Virtualization, fast disaster recovery,
OS and software testing, maximization of hardware resources, server consolidation.
INFN is using open source virtualization in different contexts mainly with Xen,
but KVM is an interesting emerging technology ready for production...
Andreas Unterkircher
27/05/2009, 14:30
Virtual machines can have many different deployment scenarios and therefore may require generation of multiple VM images. We report on work that has been done in a collaboration between CERN's Grid Deployment group and openlab to address several issues with image generation. Libsfimage is a standalone application which generates VM images with a rich selection of Linux distribution. OSFarm...
Michal Kwiatek
27/05/2009, 15:30
One of the important benefits of virtualisation is the increased flexibility of hardware provisioning. Internet Services group provides the hardware and OS layers for services operated by different CERN organizational units. Within this framework, a user can ask for a new virtual server from a web browser and have it ready within 15 minutes. The latest release of the virtual infrastructure is...
Carlos Aguado Sanchez
27/05/2009, 16:00
The CERNVM project addresses two aspects of software distribution, namely platform compatibility and general usability. It proposes a new approach based on extensive use of virtualization and distribution of contents over the network. Thus, two main components are envisioned in this new paradigm: the CERNVM virtual machine and the CERNVM File System (CVMFS). The former, based on rPath Linux,...
Ewan Roche
27/05/2009, 16:30
The integration of virtualisation technologies and the Quattor system management toolkit raises a number of challenges. We present the approaches taken so far with their limitations and successes and discuss current projects for development.
Jan Iven
27/05/2009, 17:00
Virtualization technology is generating a strong interest from the HEP community. The talk will look at some of the security issues around this - both newly-added concerns as well as potential benefits for using virtualization.
Ian Gable
(University of Victoria)
28/05/2009, 08:30
We employ the HEP-SPEC06 benchmark, developed by the HEPiX CPU benchmarking working group, to evaluate CPU performance of a number of virtual machines configurations for the highly CPU loaded HEP worker node. Benchmarks are performed on 8 different models of AMD and Intel CPU spanning 2003 to 2008 generation architectures. We demonstrate that multi-core worker node can run n VMs where n is...
Owen Synge
28/05/2009, 09:00
Cloud computing provides commodity Virtualized computers on demand, Grid computing has underlying batch queues which may be integrated with the Virtualization technology can give the same predictable run time environment we know of from the Cloud Computing world.
Two groups have achieved Virtulized worker nodes using two different batch queues. Details of the two implementations using...
David Kelsey
28/05/2009, 09:30
This talk will cover the various security implications of the use of Cloud resources attached to the HEP Grids. There are several issues related to trust, policy and operational security in addition to the more general security issues of virtualisation.
Michel Jouvin
28/05/2009, 10:30
Cloud technologies have matured quickly over the last couple of years and now provide an interesting platform on which to host grid services. The dynamic nature of these resources could ease life-cycle management for system administrators and could provide customized resources for users. However, questions remain about how these resources can meet the grid's security and operational...
Javier Fontan
28/05/2009, 11:00
OpenNebula is an open source virtual infrastructure engine that enables the dynamic placement of VMs on a pool of physical resources. It provides a powerful and agile CLI and API for monitoring and controlling large scale VM deployments, including networking and image management, and a flexible and generic framework to define new policies for capacity provision. Additionally, OpenNebula...
Martin Bly
28/05/2009, 13:30
Data centres
An update on progress towards occupation of the new computer building at RAL, with notes on the building completion, new installations of hardware, and migration of the RAL Tier1 to the new building.
Troy Dawson
28/05/2009, 15:30
Operating Systems & Applications
Progress of Scientific Linux over the past 6 months. What we are currently working on. What we see in the future for Scientific Linux.
Also we will have a Plenary discussion to get feedback to and input for the Scientific Linux developers from the HEPiX community. This may influence upcoming decisions e.g. on distribution lifecycles, and packages added to the distribution.
Klaus Steinberger
(LMU München)
28/05/2009, 16:00
Operating Systems & Applications
At the LMU München, Faculty of Physics we currently deploy a storage and server cluster, which should serve home directorys and other services to the whole faculty. The cluster member servers run from shared storage using Open Sharedroot as a single system image.
Mattias Ellert
(Uppsala Universitet & NDGF)
28/05/2009, 16:30
Operating Systems & Applications
High energy physics experiments today utilise computing grids to access computing resources in order to fulfil their needs for processing power and storage of their ever increasing datasets. However, grid middleware so far has not been part of the mainstream Linux distributions used by resource providers and users. The installation and maintenance of the grid middleware therefore imposes...
Pär Andersson
(NSC, Linköpings universitet)
28/05/2009, 17:00
Operating Systems & Applications
We have been using SLURM on new clusters since 2007. I will give an
introduction to SLURM and our experiences with it. Features in the
upcoming 1.4 release will be discussed, and also how SLURM can be used
with grid software.
29/05/2009, 08:30
Tour of the HPC2N facilities, groups E and F.
Group registration on papers at the registration desk.
Those not in groups E or F have this slot free.
Iwona Sakrejda
29/05/2009, 09:00
Misc Talks
Efficiency of data intensive applications heavily depends on the performance of storage. A comparison of different solutions ranging from GPFS filesystems with varying configuration
through serving files from dedicated sets of hosts and storage sharing resources with
computing will be shown. Measurements are being done with a mix of applications characteristic
for HENP. Total...
Troy Dawson
29/05/2009, 09:30
Security and Networking
Fermilab is a high energy physics research lab that maintains a highly dynamic
network which typically supports around 15,000 active nodes. Due to the open
nature of the scientific research conducted at FNAL, the portion of the network
used to support open scientific research requires high bandwidth connectivity to
numerous collaborating institutions around the world, and must...