Thomas Cohen
(University of Maryland)
07/03/2016, 08:30
The sign problem in QCD is important since it inhibits our ability to use numerical lattice gauge theory methods to describe many significant problems including QCD matter at nonzero baryon chemical potential. In this talk, the sign problem is explored for QCD with a theta term--a more straightforward problem than the case of the chemical potential. Various subtle effects arise in the...
Orlando Oliveira
07/03/2016, 09:00
We report an ongoing lattice calculation of the Landau gauge quark propagator and quark-gluon vertex form factors using two flavours of dynamical O(a) improved Wilson fermions.
Shuntaro Sakai
(Kyoto University)
07/03/2016, 09:30
In this talk, we present the result of our investigation of the $\eta\rightarrow3\pi$ ($\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ and $3\pi^0$) decay width in the nuclear medium and the possible relevance of the chiral restoration using linear sigma model.
In the decay process of the $\eta$ meson into three pions, the S-wave interaction of the pions which is called sigma mode gives a significant contribution.
Stephane Peigne
07/03/2016, 11:00
I will review the main features of medium-induced coherent gluon radiation associated with the hard forward scattering of a parton crossing a nuclear medium, as well as its effects on hadron production in proton-nucleus collisions
Radoslaw Ryblewski
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
07/03/2016, 11:35
Detailed study of thermalization of the momentum spectra of partons produced via decays of the color flux tubes due to the Schwinger tunneling mechanism is presented. The collisions between particles are included in the relaxation time approximation specified by different values of the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio. At first we show that, to a good approximation, the...
Markus Huber
(University of Graz)
07/03/2016, 12:05
Functional equations like the functional renormalization group, Dyson-Schwinger equations or n-PI methods are useful tools which provide insight into the non-perturbative regime of quantum field theories. The basic objects are Green functions which can be calculated non-perturbatively. However, while the underlying equations are exact, approximations have to be introduced for the actual...
Michal Praszalowicz
(Jagiellonian University)
07/03/2016, 16:30
I this talk we shall discuss different pieces of experimental evidence of geometrical scaling in hadronic collisions. We shall also speculate on possible fluctuations of the saturation scale and their impact on rapidity spectra.
Eugenio Megias
(Max Planck Institut fur Physik, Munich)
07/03/2016, 17:30
We show how quark and glueball properties can be determined from the Hadron Resonance Gas model below the de-confinement phase transition [1,2,3,4]. This makes use of Quark-Hadron duality necessitating a tower of excited states and poses the interesting problem of identification of degrees of freedom at increasing temperatures [5]. In particular, we compute the equation of state of...
Anna Zuzana Dubnickova
(Comenius University)
07/03/2016, 18:30
It is demonstrated, if data on the EM form factors of the nonet of pseudoscalar mesons $\pi^+$, $\pi^0$, $\pi^-$, $K^+$, $K^0$, $\bar K^0$, $K^-$, $\eta$, $\eta'$ are described by the $Unitary \& Analytic$ model, then with more precision the muon $g-2$ anomaly and QED running fine structure constant at the squared mass of the Z-boson $\alpha(M^2_Z)$ are evaluated The most important sources...
Brigitte Hiller
(Coimbra U.)
07/03/2016, 19:00
Isospin breaking effects in the low lying spin 0 meson sector are studied within a chiral three flavor multiquark Lagrangian with explicit symmetry breaking interactions taken to NLO in the large Nc counting.
Vladimir Sauli
(Nuclear Institute Rez near Prague)
07/03/2016, 19:30
New methods for solution of inhomogeneous as well as homogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equation for mesons will be discussed. Within covariant formalism of Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations, the calculation of production pion form factor will be presented and compared with recent BABAR experiment.
Colin Morningstar
(Carnegie Mellon University)
08/03/2016, 08:30
The spectrum of excited hadron resonances in QCD is studied using Monte Carlo path integration techniques formulated on a large $32^3\times 256$ anisotropic space-time lattice. A large number of probe interpolating operators are used, and calculation of temporal correlations is accomplished using a stochastic method of treating the low-lying modes of quark propagation that exploits Laplacian...
Savvas Zafeiropoulos
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
08/03/2016, 09:00
We compare lattice data obtained from a dynamical simulation with Twisted Mass fermions to the analytical predictions of Twisted Mass Wilson $ch$-PT and extract an estimate for the chiral condensate and the LEC $W_8$.
Priyashree Roy
(on behalf of the CLAS collaboration)
08/03/2016, 09:30
One of the primary approaches for understanding quark-gluon structure
in baryons is to interpret the baryon spectrum in terms of the effective
degrees of freedom. A significant amount of information about the
light baryon spectrum comes from photoproduction experiments. Of particular
interest are recent results on the photoproduction of vector mesons ($\omega$, $\rho$ and $\phi$) and...
Xabier Cid Vidal
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
08/03/2016, 10:30
LHCb, while purpose built for b-physics, also functions as a general purpose forward detector, covering the pseudo-rapidity range 2.0 to 5.0.
A wide variety of forward QCD measurements have been performed, including jet production measurements, soft inclusive particle distributions and correlations, and central exclusive production. A selection of these results will be presented, highlighting...
Tin Sulejmanpasic
(North Carolina State University)
08/03/2016, 11:00
I will discuss some lattice simulation of the O(3) non-linear sigma model model via dual-variables method. I will demonstrate that dual variables allow for a very physical Quantum Mechanical intepretation, and a very precise and reliable information about scattering data of the particle appearing in the infrared.
Benjamin Jäger
(Swansea University)
08/03/2016, 11:35
Studying baryons across the deconfinement transition allows us to test symmetries in the hadronic and the deconfined phase. Looking at baryonic correlation functions and their spectral decompositions, we find evidence that parity and chiral symmetry are restored in the Quark Gluon Plasma. We present a systematic study of the nucleon and the delta resonance, and elaborate on the lattice...
Nuno Cardoso
08/03/2016, 12:05
In this work, we show the flux tubes of the quark-antiquark and quark-quark at finite temperature.
The chromomagnetic and chromoelectric fields are calculated above and below the phase transition.
Arkaitz Rodas Bilbao
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
08/03/2016, 17:00
A precise determination of pion-kaon scattering amplitudes is very relevant for our understanding of both light meson physics as well
as input for analysis of other hadronic decays. In this talk we first present our analysis of the fulfillment of Forward Dispersion Relations by the existing data up to 1.7 GeV ., which is not very satisfactoy, particularly at high energies. Second by using...
Milena Soltysiak
(Jan Kochanowski University)
08/03/2016, 17:30
We study the broad light scalar kaonic resonance k0*(800) as a dynamically generated state. Namely, we show that this resonance emerges when investigating the heavier quark-antiquark scalar state k0*(1430) dressed by quantum fluctuations with one kaon and one pion circulating in the loops. We analyse the spectral function in the whole kaonic sector up to 1.8 GeV and determine the position of...
Dmytro Melnychuk
(National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL))
08/03/2016, 18:30
The analysis of the full LHC Run I data set of proton-proton collision events collected with the LHCb detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb-1, is yielding several improved results on exotic hadron candidates, such as $X(3872)$ and $Z(4430)^+$, as well as the first observation of two new states compatible with the pentaquark hypothesis. Run II data allow LHCb to further...
Marija Vranic
(GoLP / IPFN, Instituto Superior Tecnico)
08/03/2016, 19:30
We have witnessed fundamental breakthroughs in many areas of science due to fast development of laser technology. One such breakthrough was introducing advanced accelerator concepts: taking advantage of very high acceleration gradients ( ~ TeV / m ) that can be created in laser-plasma interactions and using them to accelerate particles over very short distances compared to conventional...
Alexander Sorin
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna)
09/03/2016, 08:30
The Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) project is now under active realization at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna). The main goal of the project is an experimental study of hot and dense strongly interacting matter in heavy ion (up to Au) collisions at centre-of-mass energies up to 11 GeV per nucleon. Two modes of the operation are foreseen, collider mode and...
Diana Nicmorus
(Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research)
09/03/2016, 09:00
The new international accelerator facility FAIR under construction in Darmstadt aims at studying matter at atomic, nuclear, and hadronic levels. I will discuss recent developments and several aspects of the current status of the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research. I will present the focus of the experimental programmes - hadron physics, nuclear structure and compressed nuclear matter...
Andre Mischke
(Universiteit Utrecht)
09/03/2016, 10:30
Strongly interacting matter at high densities and temperatures can be created in high-energy collisions of heavy atomic nuclei. Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) provide particular good probes to study this so-called Quark-Gluon Plasma state and its evolution since they are predominately produced in initial hard partonic scattering processes in the early stages of the collision and thus
Wojciech Florkowski
(Institute of nuclear Physics, Krakow)
09/03/2016, 11:05
We study kinetic properties of a plasma consisting of gluons whose infrared dynamics is
improved by the Gribov-Zwanziger quantization. This approach includes essential
features of color confinement which set the plasma apart from conventional quasiparticle systems in several aspects. Our study focusses on a boost-invariant expansion for in and out of equilibrium configurations, which at...
Liliana Apolinario
(Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT))
09/03/2016, 11:35
In this talk, I will review the latest breakthroughs on the description of jet quenching phenomena, name given to the collection of modifications that a hard probe undergoes when travelling through a hot and dense medium, such as the quark-gluon plasma. Among the several probes, jets - collection of collimated particles - are one of the most promising tools. They provide us (i) with a unique...
Biagio Lucini
(Swansea University)
09/03/2016, 16:30
In Lattice Gauge Theories, Monte Carlo calculations often rely on the
concept of importance sampling, whereby configurations are generated
according to their Boltzmann probability distribution. While this
approach is very efficient at computing vacuum expectation values of
observables and quantities that can be derived from the latter (e.g.
masses of particles), it leads to spectacular...
Kurt Langfeld
(Plymouth University)
09/03/2016, 17:00
For more than three decades, finite density quantum field theories have evaded first principle Monte-Carlo simulations due to the notorious sign-problem. The recent years have seen some remarkable progress towards the understanding of cold and dense quantum matter. The density-of-states approach aims to calculate the probability distribution of the imaginary part of the action. The...
Alexander Andrianov
(Saint Petersburg State University)
09/03/2016, 17:30
QCD with chiral(axial) chemical potential will be reconstructed with the help of effective low energy Lagrangians and different models of NJL type. Their thermodynamic properties will be confronted to lattice predictions. Possible signatures of chiral imbalance will be guessed.
Ryo Yoshiike
(Kyoto university)
09/03/2016, 18:30
We study the magnetic properties of the inhomogeneous chiral phase, considering the “dual chiral density wave (DCDW)”, where both scalar and pseudoscalar condensates are spatially modulated. The response of quark matter to a tiny external magnetic field is investigated to show the spontaneous magnetization in the DCDW phase. In an external magnetic field, the energy spectrum of quarks becomes...
Eulogio Oset
(University of Valencia)
10/03/2016, 08:30
I shall report on different reactions where hidden charm states, of molecular type or other, can be seen. In particular I will describe theoretically the $\Lambda_b \to J/\psi K^- p $ and $\Lambda_b \to J/\psi \pi^- p $ reactions, where experimentally some peaks have been observed and associated to two pentaquark states by the LHCb collaboration. Then I will present studies of related...
Petr Bydzovsky
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Acad. Sci. of the Czech Republic, Rez)
10/03/2016, 09:00
An isobar model for photoproduction of kaons on the proton was recently constructed [1]
utilizing new experimental data from CLAS, LEPS and GRAAL collaborations. Higher-spin
nucleon (3/2 and 5/2) and hyperon (3/2) resonances were included using the consistent
formalism by Pascalutsa and found to play an important role in data description.
The set of chosen nucleon resonances agrees...
Marco Cardoso
(Instituto Superior Técnico)
10/03/2016, 09:30
We study light baryons using a simple relativistic but non covariant Coulomb Gauge QCD inspired model. A variational basis is employed to compute the energies and wavefunctions of the baryon states, for different values of angular momentum and parity. Results are obtained for both the Nucleon and the Delta sectors. A special look is given to the high angular momentum states going up to J =...
Nectarios Benekos
(National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))
10/03/2016, 10:30
Weak scale supersymmetry is one of the best motivated and studied extensions of the Standard Model and it is explored, together with other new physics scenarios, exploiting the recent increase in the center of mass energy of the proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. This talk summarizes the searches performed with the ATLAS detector in the first run-2 data using 3.2 fb^(-1) at 13 TeV.
William Axel Leight
(Carleton University (CA))
10/03/2016, 11:00
The ATLAS collaboration has searched for the Standard Model Higgs Boson
in the first run-2 data using 3.2 fb^(-1) at 13 TeV. Results are
presented in terms of central value and limits on the fiducial and total
Several "Beyond Standard Model" theories predict the existence of
additional heavy Higgs particles or di-Higgs resonances. Searches are
conducted using the...
Antoni Szczurek
(Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/03/2016, 11:35
We calculate cross sections for diphoton production
in (semi)exclusive $PbPb$ collisions, relevant for the LHC.
The calculation is based on equivalent photon approximation in
the impact parameter space.
The cross sections for elementary $\gamma \gamma \to \gamma \gamma$
subprocess are calculated including two different mechanisms.
We take into account box diagrams
with leptons and...
Andrej Liptaj
(Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK))
10/03/2016, 12:05
Rare weak decays of heavy mesons, nowadays experimentally measured, allow for sensitive testing of the validity of the Standard Model. To achieve a reliable theoretical predictions, one needs, besides an appropriate description of the weak transition, to properly describe the hadronic effects. The covariant quark model with infrared confinement represents a suitable framework for such purpose....
Eef van Beveren
(Dept. Fisica, Univ. Coimbra)
10/03/2016, 16:30
Besides general features of two-boson mass distributions, experimental results are are discussed. Furthermore, E(38 MeV) and Z(57.5 GeV) are highlighted.
Zsolt Szép
(MTA-ELTE Statistical and Biological Physics Research Group)
10/03/2016, 17:00
In the framework of an SU(3) (axial)vector meson extended linear sigma model with additional constituent quarks and Polyakov loops, we investigate the effects of (axial)vector mesons on the chiral phase transition. The parameters of the Lagrangian are set at zero temperature and we use a hybrid approach where in the effective potential the constituent quarks are treated at one-loop level and...
Sergey Afonin
(Saint Petersburg State University)
10/03/2016, 18:00
The holographic approach inspired by the gauge/gravity correspondence from string theory has been actively applied to the hadron spectroscopy in the last ten years.
One of directions in this field is to start from the real QCD and guess a tentative
dual higher dimensional weakly coupled field model following the principles of gauge/gravity correspondence - the so-called bottom-up approach....
Björn Wagenbach
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
10/03/2016, 18:30
An ab initio understanding of the thermalization of QGP is a formidable task that one would like to comprehend starting from QCD without model assumptions. We study the early stage dynamics of a relativistic heavy ion collision in the framework of real time classical simulations of QCD with the Color Glass Condensate as initial conditions. Our study aims to generalize a previous one by...
Pawel Moskal
(Jagiellonian University)
11/03/2016, 08:30
The negatively charged pions and kaons can be trapped in the Coulomb potential of atomic nucleus forming so called mesonic atoms. Observations of such atoms allows for studies of strong interaction of pions and kaons with atomic nuclei on the basis of shifts and widths of the energy levels. It is also conceivable that a neutral meson could be bound to a nucleus. In this case the binding is...
Vahabeddin Nazari
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
11/03/2016, 09:00
In a unitary multi-channel approach, precise determination of $\pi \pi$ scattering amplitudes for $D$ and $F$ waves has been presented. These scattering amplitudes are in the $I^{G}J^{PC}$ = $0^{+}2^{++}$ sector on the processes of $\pi\pi$ $\rightarrow$ $\pi\pi$, $4\pi$, $K \bar K$ and $\eta\eta$, likewise in the $I^{G}J^{PC}$ = $1^{+}3^{--}$ sector on the processes of $\pi\pi$...
Santiago Cortes
(Universidad de los Andes)
11/03/2016, 09:30
We study how the thermal properties of the f0(500) pole behave in a regime
where temperature is below its critical chiral transition value. We attain this
by considering an O(N +1)/O(N) invariant Non-Linear Sigma Model (NLSM)
for a large number of N massless pions as an approach for the dynamics of
Low Energy QCD, and after introducing a thermal bath via the imaginary
time formalism. At T...
Olaf Kaczmarek
(University of Bielefeld)
11/03/2016, 10:30
We discuss recent progress in lattice QCD studies on various aspects involving
strange and heavy quarks. Appropriate combinations of conserved net strange and
net charm fluctuations and their correlations with other conserved charges
provide evidence that in the hadronic phase so far
unobserved hadrons contribute to the thermodynamics and need to be included in
hadron resonance gas...
Andrei Alexandru
(The George Washington University)
11/03/2016, 11:00
A possible solution of the notorious sign problem for systems with non-zero chemical potential is to deform the integration region in the complex plane to a Lefschetz thimble. We introduce an easy to implement Monte Carlo algorithm to sample the dominant thimble, based on a contraction map on a thimble. We point out that manifolds other than Lefschetz thimble could be useful for numerical...
Felipe Attanasio
(Swansea University)
11/03/2016, 11:35
Complex Langevin simulations provide an alternative to sample path integrals with complex weights and therefore are suited to determine the phase diagram of QCD from first principles. We use our proposed method of Dynamic Stabilisation (DS) to ensure improved convergence to the right limit and present new systematic tests of this technique. We also show results on QCD in the limit of heavy...
Alberto Ramos Martinez
11/03/2016, 12:05
Relating the value of the strong coupling at the electroweak
scale with the experimental value of hadronic quantities is a
theoretical challenge that requires a non-perturbative formulation of
the strong interactions. Lattice QCD provides an adequate theoretical
framework to attack this problem. Our collaboration has developed a
systematic strategy to connect non-perturbatively the low...
Stanislav Dubnicka
(Institute of Physics)
11/03/2016, 16:30
In an investigation of the decays and oscillations of neutral $K$-mesons two types of neutral particles have been introduced. The $K_1^0$, $K_2^0$ with well defined CP-parity and $K_S^0$, $K_L^0$ respecting the experimental fact of CP violation in weak decays of neutral $K$ -mesons, whereby only particles $K_S^0$, $K_L^0$ are explicitly presented in Rev.Part.Physics. Despite of this fact one...
Arthur Dromard
(Goethe University)
11/03/2016, 17:00
The topological susceptibility is a very important quantity in QCD,
which can be computed using lattice methods. However, at fine lattice
spacing, or when using high quality chirally symmetric quarks, typical
simulation algorithms tend to become stuck in a single topological
sector. In such cases the computation of the topological susceptibility
is not anymore straightforward. Here we...
Sofia Leitão
(CFTP, IST Lisbon)
11/03/2016, 17:30
We present a study of the heavy-light pseudoscalar and vector meson masses, using a covariant formalism based on the Covariant Spectator Theory (CST). Derived directly in Minkowski space, our approach approximates the Bethe-Salpeter equation, effectively taking into account the contributions of both ladder and crossed ladder diagrams in the kernel.
Our goal was to provide—without already...
Elmar P. Biernat
(Centro de Física Teórica de Partículas (CFTP), Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal)
11/03/2016, 18:30
We introduce a covariant approach in Minkowski space for the description of quarks and mesons that exhibits both chiral-symmetry breaking and confinement. Our interaction kernel in momentum
space is the sum of a $\delta$-function potential and a covariant generalization of
the linear confining interaction. We assume a Lorentz vector structure for the $\delta$-
function and a mixed...
George Rupp
(CeFEMA/IST, Univ. of Lisbon)
11/03/2016, 19:00
Recent lattice results indicate that including meson-meson interpolating fields in unquenched
calculations of the light-meson spectrum may give rise to huge relative mass shifts as compared to similar computations with only quark-antiquark degrees of freedom. I this talk I shall focus
on the rho meson and its radial excitations, in the context of a unitarised quark model with...
Guruprasad Kadam
(Physical Research Laboratory)
We study the effect of temperature (T) and baryon density (μ) dependent hadron masses on the
thermodynamics of hadronic matter. We use linear scaling rule in terms of constituent quark masses
for all hadrons except for light mesons. T and μ dependent constituent quark masses and the light
mesons masses are computed using 2+1 flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. We compute...