6–12 Mar 2016
Costa da Caparica, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Lattice QCD study of excited hadron resonances

8 Mar 2016, 08:30
Costa da Caparica, Portugal

Costa da Caparica, Portugal

Ever Caparica - Beach & Conference Hotel Av. General Humberto Delgado, 47 2829-506 Costa da Caparica Portugal


Colin Morningstar (Carnegie Mellon University)


The spectrum of excited hadron resonances in QCD is studied using Monte Carlo path integration techniques formulated on a large $32^3\times 256$ anisotropic space-time lattice. A large number of probe interpolating operators are used, and calculation of temporal correlations is accomplished using a stochastic method of treating the low-lying modes of quark propagation that exploits Laplacian Heaviside quark-field smearing. Progress in using an effective Hamiltonian to interpret the finite-volume energies and determine the masses and widths of the resonances is described.


Colin Morningstar (Carnegie Mellon University)

Presentation materials