Monday Morning
- Francesco Giacosa (Kielce University)
Thomas Cohen
(University of Maryland)
07/03/2016, 08:30
The sign problem in QCD is important since it inhibits our ability to use numerical lattice gauge theory methods to describe many significant problems including QCD matter at nonzero baryon chemical potential. In this talk, the sign problem is explored for QCD with a theta term--a more straightforward problem than the case of the chemical potential. Various subtle effects arise in the...
Orlando Oliveira
07/03/2016, 09:00
We report an ongoing lattice calculation of the Landau gauge quark propagator and quark-gluon vertex form factors using two flavours of dynamical O(a) improved Wilson fermions.
Shuntaro Sakai
(Kyoto University)
07/03/2016, 09:30
In this talk, we present the result of our investigation of the $\eta\rightarrow3\pi$ ($\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ and $3\pi^0$) decay width in the nuclear medium and the possible relevance of the chiral restoration using linear sigma model.
In the decay process of the $\eta$ meson into three pions, the S-wave interaction of the pions which is called sigma mode gives a significant contribution.
Stephane Peigne
07/03/2016, 11:00
I will review the main features of medium-induced coherent gluon radiation associated with the hard forward scattering of a parton crossing a nuclear medium, as well as its effects on hadron production in proton-nucleus collisions
Radoslaw Ryblewski
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
07/03/2016, 11:35
Detailed study of thermalization of the momentum spectra of partons produced via decays of the color flux tubes due to the Schwinger tunneling mechanism is presented. The collisions between particles are included in the relaxation time approximation specified by different values of the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio. At first we show that, to a good approximation, the...
Markus Huber
(University of Graz)
07/03/2016, 12:05
Functional equations like the functional renormalization group, Dyson-Schwinger equations or n-PI methods are useful tools which provide insight into the non-perturbative regime of quantum field theories. The basic objects are Green functions which can be calculated non-perturbatively. However, while the underlying equations are exact, approximations have to be introduced for the actual...