Avian flu studies using grid technology (in session "Related technologies on computing grid, and electronics")
Bc studies at LHCb (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory III")
BEPCII status (in session "Open Ceremony")
Charm physics at BES and impact of CM elemen (in session "BES physics-Tau, Charm physics, experiment and theory I")
Cosmic Rays @ 21CMA (in session "Astroparticle and cosmology")
Dark energy: multiprobe analysis and consistency checks (in session "Astroparticle and cosmology")
Developments on International Linear Collider Calorimetry (in session "ILC scientific program, Accelerator and detector R&D, associated theory")
e+e- --> pi+ pi- at BaBar and muon g-2 (in session "BES physics-Tau, Charm physics, experiment and theory II")
Electroweak Chiral Lagangian for TC2 models (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory II")
FCPPL ATLAS projects: 2008, 2009 and future (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory II")
Finding & Studying Supersymmetric Higgs bosons & sparticles at the LHC (in session "BES physics-Tau, Charm physics, experiment and theory II")
Group photograph (in session "Open Ceremony")
High rate digital hadronic calorimeter (in session "ILC scientific program, Accelerator and detector R&D, associated theory")
ILC accelerator R&D in China (in session "BES physics-Tau, Charm physics, experiment and theory II")
Impact of higher-order calculations on kinematical observables in 2gamma processes (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory III")
Introduction to the Workshop (in session "Open Ceremony")
LHC Grid Computing (in session "Related technologies on computing grid, and electronics")
LHC Status (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory I")
LHC@Home: volunteer computing for high energy physics (in session "Related technologies on computing grid, and electronics")
Microelectronics for particle physics (in session "Related technologies on computing grid, and electronics")
New analysis of tau spectral functions and muon g-2 (in session "BES physics-Tau, Charm physics, experiment and theory II")
Opening address (in session "Open Ceremony")
Overview of BES Physics (in session "BES physics-Tau, Charm physics, experiment and theory I")
Overview of Higgsless Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and LHC Signatures (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory I")
Photon and jet physics in ALICE (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory I")
Physics progress in the ATLAS IN2P3-CPPM/ACC project (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory II")
POLAR : A space borne wide field X-ray polarimeter for GRB's study (in session "Astroparticle and cosmology")
Positron source for linear colliders (in session "ILC scientific program, Accelerator and detector R&D, associated theory")
Possible origins of positron excesses at PAMELA and ATIC (in session "Astroparticle and cosmology")
Preparing for QED ME/PS matching (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory III")
Production and QA testing of STAR-TOF MRPC (in session "ILC scientific program, Accelerator and detector R&D, associated theory")
Production of J/psi at LHCb (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory III")
Progress on single top study at ATLAS (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory II")
Progress on top physics studies at ATLAS (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory II")
Progress on ttH/WH studies at ATLAS (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory II")
Puzzles in Charmonium decays (in session "BES physics-Tau, Charm physics, experiment and theory II")
R&D toward sLHC with a focus on silicon detector R&D (in session "ILC scientific program, Accelerator and detector R&D, associated theory")
Radio signal of dark matter (in session "Astroparticle and cosmology")
Review of heavy ion theories (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory I")
Smart sensors (in session "Related technologies on computing grid, and electronics")
Study of QCD matter with the ALICE detector (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory I")
Summary (in session "Closing")
Summary of CMS IN2P3-IPNL/IHEP project (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory III")
Summary of LHCb IN2P3-LAL/THU project (in session "Experiments at LHC and related theory III")
The Hadronic Molecular Interpretation of some Exotic Hadrons (in session "BES physics-Tau, Charm physics, experiment and theory I")
The Soft Wall Holographic Model of QCD under the Test of the Scalar Channel (in session "BES physics-Tau, Charm physics, experiment and theory I")
To search for dark matter through line emission (in session "Astroparticle and cosmology")
TPC's for High Energy Physics (in session "ILC scientific program, Accelerator and detector R&D, associated theory")
U boson at the Linear Colliders after Pamela/Atic/DAMA (in session "ILC scientific program, Accelerator and detector R&D, associated theory")
Include materials from selected contributions