Feb 1 – 2, 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

Following the two very successful editions of the PLC & Interlock Workshop (kindly hosted at ESS in 2013 and ITER in 2014) many colleagues have expressed  the wish to continue this very fruitful collaboration in the domain of PLC/COTS based Interlock and Protection Systems.

The LHC and its injector complex will be at that time in the period of their yearly shut-down (and start of re-commissioning). We therefore intend to profit from this fact and interleave the presentations of this Workshop edition with a series of on-site visits and hands-on workshops on protection related PLC systems operational in our accelerator chain to allow for a maximum of exchange between the various teams.


Previous workshops:

2014 Workshop at ITER, St Paul-lez-Durance-France

2013 Workshop at ESS, Lund, Sweden

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