Analyses searching for diboson resonances are very powerful tools to
investigate many beyond the Standard Model (BSM) scenarios such as extension of
the Higgs sector, Heavy Vector triplets (W’ and Z’) or excited states of
Gravitons. These searches exploit the many decay channels of the two bosons
allowing to select topologies with varied signal to background ratios and
statistics. Among these searches the search for WW/WZ in the semileptonic final
state finds a compromise between the high signal statistics allowed by the high
branching ratio of the hadronic decay of the gauge boson while profiting of the
good trigger and analysis signature of the lepton, decay product of the second
gauge boson. The WW/WZ search for TeV scale resonances in the lνqq channel will
be detailed, explaining the current boson-tagging techniques and the signal
categorization used to improve sensitivity. The limit presently set in the
various scenarios using 2015-2016 dataset will be reported.
Experimental Collaboration | ATLAS |