EPS-HEP 2017

Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy

Palazzo del Cinema and Palazzo del Casinò, Lido di Venezia, Italy
Mauro Mezzetto (INFN), Paolo Checchia (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)), Umberto Dosselli (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP) is one of the major international conferences that reviews the field every second year since 1971 organized by the High Energy and Particle Physics Division of the European Physical Society. The latest conferences in this series were held in Vienna, Stockholm, Grenoble, Krakow, Manchester, Lisbon and Aachen. In 2017 the EPS-HEP will take place in Venice, Italy on 5-12 July. The conference is organized by Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Padua University.
Registration for participants
    • 4:00 PM 7:00 PM
      Registration and Welcome drink 3h Entrance Hall (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Entrance Hall

      Palazzo del Casinò

    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Astroparticle physics Room Martinelli (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Martinelli

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 9:00 AM
        Latest results of the LHCf experiment at LHC 18m

        In 2016 the LHCf experiment has fulfilled its original goal of measuring the spectra of the neutral particles produced in the very forward direction at LHC at the highest energy ever available. The main purpose of these measurements is indeed to provide the Cosmic Ray and High Energy Physics communities with a missing unique set of information for the improvement of the hadronic interaction models used to simulate air showers development produced in the interaction of primary High Energy Cosmic Rays (HECR) with the Earth atmosphere. The last data sets collected by the LHCf experiment have been obtained during p+p collisions, at an energy of 13 TeV in the CM frame, and p+Pb collision, at an energy of the colliding nucleon pair of 5.2 TeV and 8.1 TeV in the CM frame. A review of the main results of LHCf and of the recent and on-going activities will be presented.

        Speaker: Alessia Tricomi (Universita e INFN, Catania (IT))
      • 9:18 AM
        LHCb inputs to astroparticle physics 18m

        The LHCb experiment has the unique possibility, among the LHC experiments, to be operated in fixed target mode, using its internal gas target SMOG. The excellent detector capabilities for vertexing, tracking and particle identification allow to measure exclusive particle production for collisions of protons on different nuclei at an energy scale of sqrt(sNN) ~ 100 GeV, providing valuable inputs to the modelling of cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere and in the cosmos.
        In particular, by operating SMOG with helium, LHCb performed the first measurement of antiproton production in proton-helium collisions.
        The results improve the accuracy of the prediction for secondary antiproton production in cosmic rays at the energy scale accessible to space-borne detectors.

        Speaker: Marianna Fontana (Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))
      • 9:36 AM
        On the Matter Content of Astrophysical Jets 18m

        High-energy space missions allow keeping watch over blazars, which are jet emitting astrophysical sources that can flare. They provide deep insights into the engine powered by supermassive black holes. However, having a blazar caught in a very bright flaring state is not easy requiring long surveys. The observation of such flaring events represents a goldmine for theoretical studies.

        Such a flaring event was captured by the INTEGRAL mission in June 2015 while performing its today’s deepest extragalactic survey when it caught the prominent blazar 3C 279 in its brightest flare ever recorded at gamma-ray energies. The flare was simultaneously recorded by the Fermi-LAT mission, by the Swift mission, by the INTEGRAL mission and by observations ranging from UV, through optical to the near-IR bands. The derived snapshot of this broad spectral energy distribution of the flare has been modeled in the context of a one-zone radiation transfer leptonic and lepto-hadronic models constraining the matter content. I will discuss results and challenges faced by trying to reconcile these observations and theory. I will also show very recent results from TeV observations by Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes of the flare of 3C 279 and how they relate to our predictions.

        Speakers: Eugenio Bottacini (University of Padova), Eugenio Bottacini
      • 9:54 AM
        The PROSA PDF fit and prompt neutrino fluxes 18m

        Prompt neutrino fluxes are background for searches of astrophysical neutrinos at Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescopes. We present predictions for these fluxes, obtained by state-of-the-art QCD methods, and we discuss their uncertainties, in particular those related to our approximate knowledge of Parton Distribution Functions. We make use of the PROSA fit, the first fit appeared in literature including LHCb data on heavy-meson hadroproduction, specifically designed for low-x physics.
        We present the present status of the fit and prospects for future developments.
        We compare our predictions with experimental data from the IceCube collaboration.

        Speakers: Dr Maria Vittoria Garzelli, Achim Geiser (DESY), Oleksandr Zenaiev, S. Moch (UHH)
      • 10:12 AM
        Understanding cosmic ray small-scale anisotropies 30m

        The arrival directions of Galactic cosmic rays are highly isotropic. This is expected from the presence of turbulent magnetic fields in our Galactic environment that repeatedly scatter charged cosmic rays during propagation. However, various cosmic ray observatories have identified weak anisotropies of various angular sizes and with relative intensities of up to a level of 1 part in 1,000. Whereas large-scale anisotropies are generally predicted by standard diffusion models, the appearance of small-scale anisotropies down to an angular size of $10^\circ$ is surprising. In this review, I summarise the current experimental situation and address some of the remaining questions in interpreting the observed large-scale anisotropies. I review some of the various suggestions for explaining the small-scale anisotropies, focussing on the promising idea that they are a direct reflection of the particular realisation of the turbulent magnetic field in our Galactic neighbourhood.

        Speaker: Philipp Mertsch
      • 10:42 AM
        The DAMPE experiment: a probe for high energy cosmic-ray. 18m

        The DAMPE (DArk Matter Particle Explorer) satellite was launched on
        December 17, 2015 and it is taking data from more than 18 months.
        It is designed to probe the highest energy cosmic-ray accelerators and to study
        the nature of dark matter thanks to its excellent tracking and
        calorimetric performances in the measurements of electrons, gamma rays, protons and nuclei.
        A report on the mission goals and status will be given.
        The on-orbit detector performance will be also shown.

        Speaker: Dr Gargano Fabio (INFN-Bari)
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:30 AM
        Time dependence of the helium flux measured by PAMELA 18m

        The last solar cycle has presented a peculiarly long quiet phase with consequent minimum modulation conditions for cosmic rays. The proton and electron spectra were measured from July 2006 to December 2009 by PAMELA experiment, providing fundamental information about the transport and modulation of cosmic rays inside the heliosphere. These studies allow to obtain a more complete description of the cosmic radiation. In this picture the time dependence of the helium spectrum become very important to constrain parameters of the actual solar modulation model.
        In this talk the helium spectrum measured from July 2006 to June 2014 by PAMELA experiment over six-month time intervals is presented.

        Speaker: Beatrice Panico (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
      • 11:48 AM
        Characteristic Energy Dependence of Primary and Secondary Cosmic Rays measured with the AMS Detector on the Space Station 18m

        Precision study of cosmic nuclei provides detail knowledge on the origin and propagation of cosmic rays. In the past, results of different experiments often had large uncertainty and are different of each other. AMS was designed to measure and identify cosmic ray nuclei with seven independent detectors, thus it is able to provide precision studies of nuclei simultaneously to multi-TeV energies. In 6 years on the Space Station, AMS has collected 100 billion both primary and secondary cosmic rays. Primary cosmic rays, such as p, He, C and O, are believed to be mainly produced and accelerated in supernova remnants, while secondary cosmic rays, such as Li, Be and B are thought to be produced by collisions of heavier nuclei with interstellar matter. The unique and distinct rigidity dependence of primary and secondary cosmic ray fluxes with charges Z=1 to Z=8 in the GV to TV rigidity range will be presented. The characteristics of the disagreement of the AMS results with the predictions of the GALPROP model will also be presented for each nuclei.

        Speakers: Valerio Formato, Valerio Formato, Valerio Formato (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
      • 12:06 PM
        Precision Measurement of 3He-to-4He ratio in Cosmic Rays with the AMS Detector on the Space Station 18m

        The knowledge of the energy dependence of the $^{3}$He-to-$^{4}$He flux ratio ($^{3}$He/$^{4}$He) is one of the most important sources for studying and testing cosmic ray propagation models.

        Similar to the B/C measurement, where B is assumed to originate from interactions of primary Carbon and Oxygen in Cosmic Rays, in the $^{3}$He/$^{4}$He measurement $^{3}$He is assumed to be produced by interactions of $^{4}$He and heavier nuclei with the interstellar matter.

        The $^{3}$He/$^{4}$He ratio is a powerful tool for determining the amount of interstellar material traversed by cosmic rays and, and since $^{4}$He has smaller cross section compared to C and O, this provides testing of the propagation models over larger travelled distances.

        The AMS results are unique and distinct from all the previous data and they are presented here for the first time. The AMS $^{3}$He/$^{4}$He flux ratio is based on 9 million $^{3}$He events and 56 million $^{4}$He events and it extends from 0.7 GeV/n to 10 GeV/n in a region where previous measurements have large errors and are not consistent with each other. This prevents accurate comparison with models. We will present comparison of our results with theoretical models.

        Speaker: Prof. Paolo Zuccon (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
      • 12:24 PM
        Latest results of the Pierre Auger Observatory 18m

        The Pierre Auger Observatory, located in Argentina, has been detecting ultra-high energy cosmic rays for more than ten years. The combination of a large surface detector array and fluorescence telescopes provides a substantial improvement in energy calibration and extensive air shower measurements, resulting in data of unprecedented quality in the energy range from 0.1 EeV up to 100 EeV. A review of main results from the Pierre Auger Observatory is presented with a particular focus on the energy spectrum measurements , mass composition studies and the arrival directions analyses.

        Speaker: Mrs Isabelle Lhenry-Yvon (IPN Orsay, CNRS IN2P3)
      • 12:42 PM
        The ANITA and HiCal experiments in Antarctica. 13m

        The balloon-borne ANITA experiment is designed to detect the radio-frequency Cherenkov radiation resulting from collisions of either ultra-high energy (UHE) neutrinos colliding with ice molecules, or cosmic rays interacting with air molecules in the atmosphere. Thus far, four flights over the last decade have yielded world's-best sensitivity in the E>1 EeV regime. The HiCal experiment, consisting of a transmitter hung off a smaller balloon, was designed to provide an in-air calibration of ANITA, and has also allowed calibration of the Antarctic ice- surface. We discuss recent science results from ANITA and HiCal, which produced pinger signals observed at distances of almost 1000 km from ANITA, as well as complementary studies of radio frequency ice properties, which have been derived from studies of data from similar neutrino-detection experiments (RICE, ARA, and ARIANNA) within the last several months, and how these most recent results impact estimates of cosmic ray (both charged and neutral) sensitivity.

        Speaker: Steven Prohira (University of Kansas)
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Detectors and data handling Room Amici (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Amici

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 9:00 AM
        The CMS trigger in Run 2 15m

        During its second run of operation (Run 2) which started in 2015, the LHC will deliver a peak instantaneous luminosity that may reach $2 \cdot 10^{34} cm^{-2}s^{-1}$ with an average pile-up of about 55, far larger than the design value. Under these conditions, the online event selection is a very challenging task. In CMS, it is realized by a two-level trigger system: the Level-1 (L1) Trigger, implemented in custom-designed electronics, and the High Level Trigger (HLT), a streamlined version of the offline reconstruction software running on a computer farm.
        In order to face this challenge, the L1 trigger has been through a major upgrade compared to Run 1, whereby all electronic boards of the system have been replaced, allowing more sophisticated algorithms to be run online. Its last stage, the global trigger, is now able to perform complex selections and to compute high-level quantities, like invariant masses. Likewise, the algorithms that run in the HLT go through big improvements; in particular, new approaches for the online track reconstruction lead to a drastic reduction of the computing time, and to much improved performances. This presentation will describe the performance of the upgraded trigger system in Run 2.

        Speaker: Mia Tosi (CERN)
      • 9:15 AM
        Construction and commissioning of the Phase I upgrade of the CMS pixel detector 15m

        The Phase I upgrade of the CMS pixel detector, installed by the CMS collaboration during the recent extended end-of-year technical stop, is built out of four barrel layers (BPIX) and three forward disks in each endcap (FPIX). It comprises a total of 124M pixel channels, in 1,856 modules and it is designed to withstand instantaneous luminosities of up to 2 x 10^34 cm-2 s-1 with increased detector acceptance and additional redundancy for the tracking, while at the same time reducing the material budget.
        These goals are achieved using a new readout chip and modified powering and readout schemes, one additional tracking layer both in the barrel and in the disks, and new detector supports including a CO2 based evaporative cooling system.
        Different parts of the detector have been assembled over the last year and later brought to CERN for installation inside the CMS tracker. At various stages during the assembly tests have been performed to ensure that the readout and power electronics, and the cooling system meet the design specifications. After tests of the individual components, system tests have been performed before the installation inside CMS.
        This contribution will review the design and technological choices of the Phase I detector, with a focus on the challenges and difficulties encountered, and present results from system tests and from the final commissioning of the detector in-situ using the central CMS DAQ system.

        Speaker: Rachel Bartek (Catholic Unversity of America)
      • 9:30 AM
        Performance and track-based alignment of the upgraded CMS pixel detector 15m

        The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a multi-purpose detector constructed in order to study high-energy particle collisions in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The all-silicon design of the tracking system of the CMS experiment provided excellent resolution for charged tracks and an efficient tagging of jets during Run1 and Run2 of LHC.
        As CMS upgraded and installed the pixel detector during the shutdown in the beginning of 2017, the position and orientation of tracker needed to be determined with a precision of several micrometers. The alignment also needs to be quickly recalculated each time the state of the CMS magnet is changed between 0T and 3.8T.
        We present latest results of the CMS tracker performance in the 2017 run, with a special focus on alignment and resolution performance using several million reconstructed tracks from collisions and cosmic rays data.

        Speaker: Valeria Botta (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 9:45 AM
        Operational Experience and Performance with the ATLAS Pixel detector with emphasis on radiation damage 15m

        The tracking performance of the ATLAS detector relies critically on its 4-layer Pixel Detector, that has undergone significant hardware and software upgrades to meet the challenges imposed by the higher collision energy, pileup and luminosity that are being delivered by the Large Hadron Collider, with record breaking instantaneous luminosities of 1.3 x 10^34 cm-2 s-1 recently surpassed.
        The key status and performance metrics of the ATLAS Pixel Detector are summarised, and the operational experience and requirements to ensure optimum data quality and data taking efficiency are described, with special emphasis to radiation damage experience.

        Speaker: Pierfrancesco Butti (CERN)
      • 10:00 AM
        The ATLAS Trigger in Run-2 - Design, Menu and Performance 15m

        The ATLAS trigger has been used very successfully for online event selection during the first part of the second LHC run (Run-2) in 2015/16 at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The trigger system is composed of a hardware Level-1 trigger and a software-based high-level trigger. Events are selected based on physics signatures such as presence of energetic leptons, photons, jets or large missing energy. The trigger system exploits topological information, as well as multi-variate methods to carry out the necessary physics filtering. In total, the ATLAS online selection consists of thousands of different individual triggers. Taken together constitute the trigger menu, which reflects the physics goals of the collaboration while taking into account available data taking resources.

        The trigger selection capabilities of ATLAS during Run-2 have been significantly improved compared to Run-1, in order to cope with the higher event rates and number of interactions per bunch crossing (pileup) which are the result of the almost doubling of the center-of-mass collision energy and the increase in the instantaneous luminosity of the LHC. At Level-1 the undertaken improvements resulted in more pileup-robust selection efficiencies and event rates and in a reduction of fake candidate particles, including the novel use of topological information. The re-design of the high-level trigger allows deployment of more sophisticated reconstruction techniques online, resulting in trigger selection performance nearly matching that of offline reconstruction.

        This presentation gives a comprehensive review the ATLAS trigger system and menu in Run 2, covering validation and perational aspects, trigger bandwidth constraints, and the latest performance evaluations. Using a few examples the presentation shows the impressive improvements that were made in preparation for the expected highest ever luminosities and pileup in the 2017/18 LHC run.

        Speaker: Tamara Vazquez Schroeder (McGill University (CA))
      • 10:15 AM
        Performance and recent developments of the real-time track reconstruction and alignment of the LHCb detector. 15m

        The LHCb detector is a single-arm forward spectrometer, which has been designed for the efficient reconstruction decays of c- and b-hadrons. During the 2013-2015 long shut-down LHCb has introduced a novel real-time detector alignment and calibration strategy for LHC Run II. Data collected at the start of the fill are processed in a few minutes and used to update the alignment, while the calibration constants are evaluated for each run. This procedure permits to obtain the same quality of the processed events in the trigger system as in the offline reconstruction. In addition, the larger timing budget available allows to process the events using the best performing reconstruction in the trigger, which fully includes the particle identification selection criteria. This approach greatly increases the efficiency, in particular for the selection of charm and strange hadron decays. In this talk the basics of the approach are discussed, followed by presentation of the recent developments implemented for the 2017 run of data taking. The topic is discussed in terms of operational performance and reconstruction quality.

        Speaker: Agnieszka Dziurda (CERN)
      • 10:30 AM
        KLOE-2 Inner Tracker: the First Cylindrical GEM Detector 15m

        KLOE-2 at the e$^+$e$^-$ DA$\Phi$NE collider, is the main experiment of the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) and is the first high-energy experiment using the GEM technology with a cylindrical geometry, a novel idea developed at LNF exploiting the kapton properties. The experiment is the continuation of KLOE, upgraded with state-of-the-art technology to improve its discovery potential, with a new physics program mainly focused on the study of Ks, $\eta$ and $\eta^{'}$ decays as well as on kaon interferometry, test of discrete symmetries, and search for physics beyond the Standard Model. Four concentric cylindrical triple-GEM detectors compose the Inner Tracker which has been inserted around the interaction region and before the inner wall of the pre-existing KLOE Drift Chamber, at distances from 130 mm to 205 mm, to improve the resolution on decay vertices close to the interaction point (IP) reconstructed from low-momentum charged secondaries. State-of-the-art solutions have been expressly developed or tuned for this project: single-mask GEM etching, multi-layer XV patterned readout circuit, PEEK spacer grid, GASTONE front-end board, a custom 64-channel ASIC with digital output, and the Global Interface Board for data collection, with a configurable FPGA architecture and Gigabit Ethernet. Alignment and calibration of a cylindrical GEM detector was never done before and represents one of the challenging activities of the experiment. The first set of alignment and calibration parameters obtained with cosmic-ray muons has been used with Bhabha scattering events to validate the integrated tracking using both Inner Tracker and Drift Chamber information, exploiting the Kalman filter technique. Data taking campaign started in November 2014, reached 3.5 fb$^{-1}$ integrated luminosity and is presently ongoing with the aim of collecting more than 5 fb$^{-1}$ by March 2018.
        The Inner Tracker detector operation, calibration and performance will be presented.

        Speaker: Erika De Lucia (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
      • 10:45 AM
        The SoLid short baseline neutrino detector 15m

        The SoLid short baseline reactor neutrino experiment consists of a highly segmented plastic scintillator detector with a fiducial mass of 2 ton. Its main purpose is to prove or rule out the existence of sterile neutrinos corresponding to $\delta_{M^2}$ values of order 1eV$^2$. The covered baseline ranges between 6 and 9 meters and is in-line with the compact core of the 60MW BR2 reactor of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre. The experiment will come online in the summer of 2017 and will reconstruct over 50.000 neutrino events per year, based on the inverse beta decay process.
        In this talk we will review the detector technology and several improvements made to the original design, based on the physics and operational performance of a 320kg full size prototype module that took data at the same site in 2015.
        When available, we will also present a preview of the commissioning data of the final design detector system, that should come online around the time of this conference.

        Speaker: Mr Valentin Pestel (LPC Caen)
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:30 AM
        The NA62 Calorimeter Level 0 Trigger Operation and Performances 15m

        The NA62 experiment at CERN SPS aims to measure the Branching Ratio of the very rare kaon decay K+ -> pi+ nu nubar collecting ~100 events with a 10% background to make a stringent test of the Standard Model in two years of data taking.

        The Calorimeter Level 0 Trigger is used to suppress one of the main backgrounds, the K+ -> pi+ pi0 decay, and to select events with a pi+ in the final state.

        The Calorimeter Level 0 Trigger identifies clusters in electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters. It prepares time-ordered lists of reconstructed clusters together with the arrival time, position, and energy measurements of each cluster. It also provides trigger decisions based on complex energy and cluster multiplicity combinations.

        The main parameters of the trigger processor are the high design hit rate (30 MHz) and the required single cluster time resolution (1.5 ns).

        The calorimeter trigger processor is a parallel system composed of 37 boards, 111 mezzanines and 221 high-performance programmable devices housed in three 9U crates.

        The Calorimeter Level 0 Trigger also provides a coarse-grained readout of the calorimeters that might be used in software trigger levels.

        The NA62 experiment is currently taking data and the calorimetric trigger is used to suppress the background coming from the K+ -> pi+ pi0 decay and to trigger on many other medium-rare and exotic decays.

        The design, operation and performances of the Calorimeter Level 0 Trigger are presented.

        Speaker: Andrea Salamon (INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
      • 11:45 AM
        The CERN Neutrino Platform 15m

        The long-baseline neutrino programme has been classified as one of the four highest-priority scientific objectives in 2013 by the European Strategy for Particle Physics. The Neutrino Platform is the CERN venture to foster and support the next generation of accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiments. 

        Part of the present CERN Medium-Term Plan, the Neutrino Platform provide facilities to develop and prototype the next generation of neutrino detectors and contribute to unify the European neutrino community towards the US and Japanese projects.
        A significative effort is made on R&D for LAr TPC technologies: two big LAr TPC prototypes for the DUNE far detector are under construction at CERN. Those detectors will be exposed in 2018 to an entirely new and NP-dedicated beam-line from the SPS which will provide electron, muon and hadron beams with energies in the range of sub-GeV to a few GeV. 
        Other projects are also presently under development: one can cite the refurbishing and shipping to the US of the ICARUS detector and the construction BabyMIND a magnetised muon spectrometer to be located on the T2K beam line. 

        In this talk the status of the CERN Neutrino Platform activities will be presented as well as an overview of the future projects currently under discussion.

        Speaker: Stefania Bordoni (CERN)
      • 12:00 PM
        Technological Prototypes and Result Highlights of Highly Granular Calorimeters 15m

        Following successful demonstrations of the potential of highly granular calorimeters by the CALICE collaboration, the emphasis of current R&D has shifted to the next generation of prototypes. Optimized for Particle Flow Algorithms (PFA) which will achieve unprecedented jet energy resolution at future colliders, this new generation of CALICE calorimeters also addresses full system requirements such as compactness and low power consumption. These activities cover further developments of the technological prototype of the RPC-based SDHCAL already tested in beams, the construction of a full technological prototype of the SiPM / scintillator - based Analog HCAL following recent tests of smaller systems, and a second-generation SiW ECAL. Within these projects, large detector areas, automatic assembly and testing procedures and self-supporting mechanical structures are being developed. The detectors use a new generation of low noise, power-pulsed electronics with independent channels and zero suppression protocol as well as precise cell-by-cell time stamping. The prototypes will be instrumented with a common DAQ system to enable combined beam tests of several prototypes and have already successfully been operated with a newly developed monitoring and control system. This presentation will discuss the latest technological developments of these new calorimeter prototypes, and highlight areas of fruitful synergies with planned and ongoing upgrades of LHC experiments.

        Speakers: Gerald Grenier (Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL)), Gerald Grenier (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
      • 12:15 PM
        Performance of the Pixel Luminosity Telescope for Luminosity Measurement at CMS during Run2 15m

        The Pixel Luminosity Telescope (PLT) is a dedicated system for luminosity measurement at the CMS experiment using silicon pixel sensors arranged into "telescopes", each consisting of three planes. It was installed during LS1 at the beginning of 2015 and has been providing online and offline luminosity measurements throughout Run 2. The online bunch-by-bunch luminosity measurement employs the "fast-or" capability of the pixel readout chip (PSI46) to identify events where a hit is registered in all three sensors in a telescope corresponding primarily to tracks originating from the interaction point. In addition, the full pixel information is read out at a lower rate, allowing for the calculation of corrections to the online luminosity from effects such as the miscounting of tracks not originating from the interaction point and detector efficiency. In this talk, we will present results from 2016 running and preliminary 2017 results, including commissioning and operational history, luminosity calibration using Van der Meer scans, and corrections to the online luminosity, as well as offline performance and monitoring.

        Speaker: Paul Lujan (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
      • 12:30 PM
        ATLAS Forward Proton detectors: first experience with data 15m

        The aim of the ATLAS Forward Proton (AFP) detector system is the measurement of protons scattered diffractively or
        electromagnetically at very small angles. The first arm of the system was installed last year and AFP took data in several commissioning and physics runs. The installation of the second arm is ongoing and will be completed in time for the 2017 data taking period. This will allow measurements of processes with two forward protons: central diffraction, exclusive production, and two-photon processes. During the presentation, the early results and experience from the first year of data taking will be presented together with the status of the second-arm installation, first experience with this year data taking using two-arm set-up, and plans for the future.

        Speaker: James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA))
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Dark matter Room Mosaici-1 (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Mosaici-1

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 9:00 AM
        WIMP Direct Detection Experiments 30m

        Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are one of the best motivated elementary particle candidates for dark matter. WIMPs could be detected via their scattering off matter, in so-called direct detection experiments. During the past decade, the sensitivity of such experiments has improved by three to four orders of magnitude, but solid evidence for their existence is yet to come. In this talk, I will review the recent progress in direct dark matter detection experiments and discuss future prospects.

        Speaker: Jianglai Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
      • 9:30 AM
        First Results from the XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment 15m

        XENON1T is a dual-phase time-projection chamber, designed to detect dark matter particle interactions within a 2-ton liquid-xenon target with unprecedented sensitivity. The detector, located at the Laboratori Nazionale del Gran Sasso, has been fully operational since May 2016, including regular calibrations, background studies, and a continuously improving xenon purity. The ongoing acquisition of science data began in November 2016. A summary of the status, detector performance, and new results from the first science run of the XENON1T experiment will be presented.

        Speaker: Dr Michelle Galloway (Universität Zürich)
      • 9:45 AM
        Darkside Status and Prospects 15m

        DarkSide uses dual-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers to search for WIMP dark matter. The current experiment, DarkSide-50, has a 50-kg-active-mass TPC surrounded by a borated-liquid-scintillator neutron detector and a water Cherenkov detector. DarkSide-50 has been running continuously since 2013, initially with atmospheric argon and then, starting in mid-2015, with argon from underground. The underground argon (UAr) is measured to contain lower Ar-39, the largest source of background, than atmospheric argon by a factor of >1000. After initial analyses of 50 live-days of atmospheric argon and 70 live-days of UAr, we have now collected 500 live-days of additional WIMP search data with UAr. This is being analyzed in a blind analysis. The proposed next stage of the DarkSide program is DarkSide-20k, a 20-tonne fiducial mass TPC designed to have background well below that from coherent scattering of solar and atmospheric neutrinos.

        Speaker: Jeff Martoff
      • 10:00 AM
        Search for Low Mass Dark Matter Particles with the CRESST Experiment 15m

        It has been suggested by several astronomical observations that dark matter contributes 27 % to the overall energy density of our universe but no particle candidates have been observed yet. The CRESST experiment aims to directly detect dark matter particle elastically scattering off nuclei. The CRESST-II detector modules are based on CaWO4 crystals which are operated at mK temperatures. The nuclear recoil energy thresholds for the CRESST-II detectors Lise and TUM40 are 0.3 keV and 0.6 keV, respectively. Such low energy thresholds make CRESST ideally suited for the detection of low-mass dark matter particles. Further increase in sensitivity is expected with CRESST-III detectors aiming at a threshold of 0.1 keV. In this talk, we will present our results on the search for the dark matter obtained with the detector modules Lise and TUM40 of CRESST-II. An analysis conducted on the search for dark photons as dark matter candidates will be presented. We will discuss the status of CRESST-III Phase 1 which started taking data last year. In addition to the low threshold, radio purity of the crystals is another important factor for the detection of dark matter particles. To acquire a detailed understanding of the backgrounds measured by the detectors, a Geant4 simulation of the electromagnetic backgrounds was carried out for the TUM40 detector module. The simulation includes backgrounds coming both from inside the crystal and from outside. The information taken from the background simulation will be vital for the second phase of the CRESST-III experiment.

        Speaker: Cenk Turkoglu (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
      • 10:15 AM
        New results from LUX 15m

        Two phase xenon time projection chambers have a number of attractive characteristics for their use in rare event searches. This is the case for the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment, resulting in interesting new results. TPCs have been traditionally used in dark matter searches for nuclear recoils, and LUX reported the most sensitive limits to date for spin-independent and spin-dependent WIMP-neutron interactions for masses above 4 GeV/c2. Nevertheless, the low radioactivity background for electronic recoils of these devices makes them also highly attractive as a technology for use in searches that result in electron recoils. For example, LUX can probe for both axions coming from the Sun and axion-like particles (ALPs) moving within our Galaxy, arising from coupling to electrons via the so-called axio-electric effect. Although theoretically well motivated, axions have yet to be detected experimentally. We present the first results of the axion and ALP search with the LUX experiment. LUX data have also been used to set an upper limit on the half life of the two-neutrino double electron capture from the K-shell of 124Xe. We present the analysis and some preliminary results for this search.

        Speakers: Dr Alexandre Lindote (LIP), Alexandre Lindote (LIP)
      • 10:30 AM
        The LZ Dark Matter experiment 15m

        The LUX-Zeplin (LZ) experiment is the most advanced next-generation direct detection experiment under construction to search for dark matter in the Universe. It contains a dual-phase liquid xenon time projection chamber with a total active mass of 7 tons. LZ is implementing various low background techniques to significantly reduce radioactive background and reach an unprecedented level of sensitivity to spin-independent WIMPs. For a WIMP mass of 40 GeV, a sensitivity of 2.3 × 10-48 cm2 is expected in 1,000 days of operation. LZ will be located at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota, at the same location as the recently completed LUX experiment. In this presentation, an overview of the experimental techniques and science reach will be presented.

        Speaker: Prof. Wolfgang Lorenzon (University of Michigan)
      • 10:45 AM
        Generalizing Minimal Dark Matter: Millicharge or Decay 15m

        The Minimal Dark Matter (DM) framework classifies viable DM candidates that are obtained by simply augmenting the Standard Model of particle interactions with a new multiplet, without adding new ad hoc symmetries to make the DM stable. The model has no free parameters and is therefore extremely predictive; moreover, recent studies singled out a Majorana SU(2) quintuplet as the only viable candidate. The model can be constrained by both direct and indirect DM searches, with present time gamma-ray line searches in the galactic center being particularly sensitive. It is therefore timely to critically review this paradigm and point out possible generalizations. We propose and explore two distinct directions. One is to abandon the assumption of DM electric neutrality in favor of absolutely stable, millicharged DM candidates. We explicitly study a few examples, and find that a Dirac SU(2) triplet is the candidate least constrained by indirect searches. Another possibility is to lower the cutoff of the model, which was originally fixed at the Planck scale, to allow for decays of the DM quintuplet. We analyze the decay spectrum of this candidate in detail and show that gamma-ray data constrain the cutoff to lie above the GUT scale.

        Speaker: Eugenio Del Nobile
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:30 AM
        WIMP theory review 30m

        The complementarity of direct, indirect and collider searches for dark matter has improved our understanding concerning the properties of the dark matter particle. We will review the basic concepts that these methods rely upon and highlight what are the most important information they provide when it comes down to interpret the results in terms of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). Later, we go over some of the latest results and developments emphasizing the implications to dark matter theory in a broad sense.

        Speaker: Dr FARINALDO queiroz (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics - Heidelberg)
      • 12:00 PM
        Axion as a non-WIMP dark matter candidate 30m

        The axion arises as a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson from the spontaneous breaking of a hypothetical global Peccei-Quinn symmetry introduced to provide a solution to the strong CP problem of quantum chromodynamics. Due to the weakness of the coupling with ordinary matters, the axion is regarded as a viable candidate of dark matter of the universe. However, the estimation of the axion dark matter abundance is not so straightforward if we follow the evolution of the axion field in the context of inflationary cosmology. As a result, the prediction for the mass of axion dark matter depends strongly on the early history of the universe according to the detailed construction of underlying particle physics models. In this contribution, after a quick overview of non-WIMP dark matter candidates, we review recent developments of the theoretical estimation of the axion dark matter abundance and discuss their implications for present and future experimental tests.

        Speaker: Kenichi Saikawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
      • 12:30 PM
        Saving the Higgs Portal for Singlet Scalar Dark Matter. 15m

        The Higgs-portal model with a singlet scalar Dark Matter particle is one of the simplest extensions to the Standard Model that can reproduce the relic density. But unfortunately this model is strongly constrained by direct and indirect DM detection, as well as by collider physics. Most of the parameter space is already ruled-out and the rest will be explored in the next future. We show that a simple extension of the DM sector with a second scalar singlet enables a substantial opening of the allowed window in the parameter space.

        Speaker: Javier Quilis (IFT)
      • 12:45 PM
        Naturalness and Dark Matter in the BLSSM 15m

        We study the naturalness properties of the B − L Supersymmetric Standard Model (BLSSM) and compare them to those of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) at both low (i.e., Large Hadron Collider) energies and high (i.e., unification) scales. By adopting standard measures of naturalness, we assess that, in presence of full unification of the additional gauge couplings and scalar/fermionic masses of the BLSSM, such a scenario reveals a somewhat higher degree of Fine-Tuning (FT) than the MSSM, when the latter is computed at the unification scale and all available theoretical and experimental constraints, but the Dark Matter (DM) ones, are taken into account. Yet, such a difference, driven primarily by the collider limits requiring a high mass for the gauge boson associated to the breaking of the additional U(1)$_{B−L}$ gauge group of the BLSSM in addition to the SU(3)$_{C}$ × SU(2)$_L$ × U(1)$_Y$ of the MSSM, should be regarded as a modest price to pay for the former in relation to the latter, if one notices that the non-minimal scenario offers a significant volume of parameter space where numerous DM solutions of different compositions can be found to the relic density constraints, unlike the case of the minimal structure, wherein only one type of solution is accessible over an ever diminishing parameter space. In fact, this different level of tension within the two SUSY models in complying with current data is well revealed when the FT measure is recomputed in terms of the low energy spectra of the two models, over their allowed regions of parameter space now in presence of all DM bounds, as it is shown that the tendency is now opposite, the BLSSM appearing more natural than the MSSM.

        Speaker: Simon King (University of Southampton)
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Flavour and symmetries Room Mosaici-2 (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Mosaici-2

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 9:00 AM
        Theory overview on FCNC B-decays 30m

        LHCb experiment at CERN has recently reported a set of measurements on lepton flavour universality in b to s transitions showing a departure from the Standard Model predictions. I will review the main ideas recently put forward to make sense out of these intriguing hints. Focusing on the new physics explanation, I will discuss the correlated signals expected in other low- and high- energy observables, that could help clarify the mysterious signal.

        Speaker: Admir Greljo (University of Zurich)
      • 9:30 AM
        LHC results on FCNC beauty decays 30m

        Rare b-hadron decays, which proceed via flavour changing neutral current (FCNC) transitions, provide a powerful test of the Standard Model of particle physics. I will present a short review of recent results on rare FCNC transitions from the LHC experiments, and will discuss some interesting tensions that have started to appear between experimental measurements and the Standard Model predictions. I will also highlight areas where theoretical progress is needed to keep pace with increasing experimental precision.

        Speaker: Thomas Blake (University of Warwick)
      • 10:00 AM
        Recent measurements of radiative and electroweak Penguin Decays at Belle 30m

        Radiative and electroweak penguin B decays proceed through one loop diagrams at the lowest order. Since new particles beyond the Standard Model can enter in the loop, these processes are very sensitive to new physics. We will report on the recent results on inclusive and exclusive modes of radiative and electroweak penguin B meson decays, including $B \to X_s \gamma$, $K^* l^+ l^-$ and $h \nu \bar{\nu}$, based on the full data set of Belle containing 772 million $B\bar{B}$ pairs.

        Speaker: Simon Wehle (DESY)
      • 10:30 AM
        Rare B decays at LHCb 15m

        Rare decays are flavour changing neutral current processes that allow sensitive searches for phenomena beyond the Standard Model (SM).
        In the SM, rare decays are loop-suppressed and new particles in SM extensions can give significant contributions.
        The very rare decay Bs->mumu is in addition helicity suppressed and constitutes a powerful probe for new (pseudo) scalar particles.
        Of particular interest are furthermore tests of lepton universality in rare b->sll decays.
        The LHCb experiment is designed for the study of b-hadron decays and ideally suited for the analysis of rare decays due to its high trigger efficiency, as well as excellent tracking and particle identification performance.
        Recent results from the LHCb experiment in the area of rare decays are presented, including tests of lepton universality and searches for lepton flavour violation.

        Speaker: Albert Puig Navarro (Universität Zürich (CH))
      • 10:45 AM
        A Systematic Study of Discriminators between New Physics and Standard Model in $b \to s$ transitions 15m

        Measurements of $b \to s$ transitions in semi-leptonic, leptonic and radiative decays of the the $B$ meson has come of age with several collider and flavour-factory experiments focusing on these over the past years. While the inclusive and leptonic channels have been computed to relatively high precision, the exclusive decays are fraught with uncertainties stemming from both non-factorizable and factorizable parts of the matrix element. Since all these modes test overlapping components of a common short distance structure and are hence correlated, the uncertainties in the matrix element make it difficult to rightfully claim the presence or absence of new physics contributions through a global analysis of these observables. Following our previous work (arXiv:1512:07157), we expand our analysis to include all measured decay modes and try to establish discriminators between possible contributions from new physics and those from the matrix elements which have a richer helicity structure and should follow a signature kinematic distribution.

        Speaker: Mauro Valli (INFN Rome)
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break 15m
      • 11:15 AM
        New physics searches with EW penguins and radiative B decays at LHCb 15m

        Rare b->s(gamma,ll) decays are flavour changing neutral current processes that are forbidden at the lowest perturbative order in the Standard Model (SM).
        As a consequence, new particles in SM extensions can significantly affect the branching fractions of these decays and give rise to new sources of CP-violation.
        The LHCb experiment is ideally suited for the analysis of rare decays due to the large cross-section for bbbar production at the LHC, as well as its high trigger efficiency and excellent tracking and particle identification capabilities.
        Recent results from the LHCb experiment in the area of semileptonic and radiative b->s transitions are presented and their interpretation is discussed.

        Speaker: Carla Marin Benito (University of Barcelona (ES))
      • 11:30 AM
        Lepton Flavor (Universality) Violation in B Meson Decays 15m

        Lepton Flavor (Universality) Violation in B Meson Decays

        Even though the LHC searches so far did not unveil the new physics particles, the B-physics experiments at LHCb, BaBar and Belle hint towards deviations from Lepton Flavor Universality in both the tree-level and loop-induced B meson semileptonic decays. I will briefly review the models that can address these puzzles, propose one new model and discuss the main predictions that can be tested at LHCb and/or Belle-II. Particular emphasis will be given to Lepton Flavor Violation in B meson decays, which offer a very clean alternative to test the proposed New Physics scenarios.

        Speaker: Mr Olcyr Sumensari (LPT Orsay)
      • 11:45 AM
        Results on Bs,d ->mumu decays and measurement of P5' and P1 parameters in B0->K* mu mu decay 15m

        Phenomena beyond the standard model (SM) can manifest themself indirectly, by affecting the production and decay of SM particles. The decay B0->K* mu mu is a flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) process particularly sensitive, since it is heavily suppressed in the SM. Recent results from LHCb collaboration show a tension with respect SM prediction of more than 3 sigmas. We will present results of an angular analysis done by the CMS experiment at the LHC, using p-p data collected at sqrt(s)=8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of L=20 fb^-1. The analysis is focused to measure the angular parameter P5', as well as P1, as a function of the di-muons invariant mass.

        Speaker: Stefano Lacaprara (INFN sezione di Padova)
      • 12:00 PM
        Rare FCNF radiative leptonic decays $B\to \gamma l^+ l^-$ 15m

        We report our recent results on rare radiative leptonic decays $B\to \gamma l^+ l^-$ ($l=\mu,e$) in the Standard Model. All necessary $B\to \gamma$ transition form factors induced by the flavour-changing axial, vector, tensor, and pseudo-tensor $b\to s,d$ transitions are calculated within the relativistic dispersion approach based on the constituent quark picture. Making use of the updated predictions for the form factors, we provide branching ratios and various differential asymmetries in these decays.

        Speaker: Dmitri Melikhov (HEPHY)
      • 12:15 PM
        Recent searches for beyond-SM effects in $B$-meson decays at BaBar 15m

        In the recent past, several hints of inconsistencies between experimental results and theory predictions in the framework of the Standard Model (SM) have been obtained from measurement of $B$-meson decays, though no beyond-SM (BSM) effects have been observed yet.
        We report here about a few recent searches for BSM effects in B-meson decays performed with the full BaBar data sample, collected at the energy of the $\Upsilon$(4S) resonance, which corresponds to 471 million $B\bar{B}$ pairs.
        Among these, measurements of semileptonic decays involving the tau lepton that evidenced a significant discrepancy with the SM predictions, and of the rare flavour changing neutral current processes $B \to K^{(*)} l^+l^-$ where $l = e, \mu, \tau$. The latter, highly suppressed in the SM, occur at lowest order via 1-loop diagrams, and contributions from virtual particles in the loop allow one to probe large mass scales at relatively low energies. In particular, the decays $B \to K^* e^+e^-$ and $B \to K^* \mu^+\mu^-$ (both charged and neutral modes) are studied using an angular analysis to extract the quantities $A_{FB}$ and $F_L$, and the quantity $P_2$, which is subject to smaller theoretical uncertainties and is more sensitive to non-SM contributions. We also present a search for the not yet observed $B^+ \to K^+ \tau^+ \tau^-$ decay.

        Speaker: Gerald Eigen (University of Bergen (NO))
      • 12:30 PM
        Studies of missing energy decays of B meson at Belle II 15m

        The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider is a major upgrade of the KEK ``B factory'' facility in Tsukuba, Japan. The machine is designed for an instantaneous luminosity of 8x10^35 cm^-2s^-1, and the experiment is expected to accumulate a data sample of about 50 ab^-1 in five years of running. With this amount of data, decays sensitive to physics beyond the Standard Model can be studied with unprecedented precision. One promising set of modes are physics processes with missing energy such as B^+ to tau^+ nu, B to D^() tau nu, and B to K^() nu nu-bar decays.

        The B--> K^() nu nu-bar decay provides one of the cleanest experimental probes of the flavour-changing neutral current process b-->s nu nu-bar, which is sensitive to physics beyond the Standard Model. However, the missing energies of the two neutrinos in the final state makes the measurement challenging and requires full reconstruction of the spectator B meson in e^+ e^---> Upsilon(4S)--> BBbar events. Observation of the B--> K^() nu nu-bar decay will become possible with the large data set to be collected by the upgraded Belle II experiment running at the Super-KEKB accelerator in Japan. A challenge of this analysis will be understanding and suppressing backgrounds. This talk discusses such backgrounds and the expected sensitivity of Belle II for this rare decay.

        Speaker: Elisa Manoni (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
      • 12:45 PM
        New physics searches with heavy flavour observables at ATLAS 15m

        New and recent results from the ATLAS programme of studies in EW physics with open beauty are presented. FCNC processes are sensitive to NP contributions, in particular through additional electroweak loop amplitudes. The angular analysis of the decay of Bd -> K* mu mu for a number of angular coefficients are measured as a function of the invariant mass squared of the di-muon system for data collected at 8 TeV. Comparison is made to theoretical predictions, including for the observable P’5, for which there has been recent tension between theory and experiment.

        Speaker: Umberto De Sanctis (INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Higgs and new physics: Higgs Sala Perla (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Sala Perla

      Palazzo del Casinò

      Convener: Ivica Puljak (Technical University of Split FESB)
      • 9:00 AM
        Measurement of the Higgs boson couplings and properties in the diphoton, ZZ and WW decay channels using the ATLAS detector 15m

        The latest results on the measurement of the Higgs boson couplings and properties in the diphoton, ZZ and WW decay channels with the ATLAS detector are presented, using approximately 36 fb-1 of pp collision data collected at 13 TeV.

        Speaker: Ruchi Gupta (Southern Methodist University (US))
      • 9:15 AM
        Measurement of properties of Higgs boson decaying to pairs of W and Z bosons at 13 TeV with the CMS experiment 15m

        The studies on the properties of Higgs boson in H->ZZ->4l (l = e, μ) and H->WW->eνμν decay channels based on the data collected with the CMS experiment in Run2 are presented. The reported results include studies of the Higgs boson production modes using H->ZZ and H->WW decay channels, as well as measurements of the Higgs boson mass, signal strength, fiducial differential cross sections for its production in pp collisions, and anomalous HZZ couplings in H->ZZ decay channel.

        Speaker: Muhammad Bilal Kiani (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
      • 9:30 AM
        The Latest CMS results on Higgs boson decaying to two photons with 13 TeV data 15m

        The latest results of the measurement of the Higgs boson decaying into two photons with the full 2016 data will be presented. The analysis is performed using the dataset recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC from pp collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 1/fb.

        Speaker: Michael Planer (University of Notre Dame (US))
      • 9:45 AM
        Measurement of the SM Higgs boson mass in the diphoton and 4l decay channels using the ATLAS detector 15m

        One of the fundamental properties of the Higgs boson, it's mass, is measured by way of studying the invariant mass of the 4l and diphoton decay channels with about 36fb-1 of data collected by the ATLAS experiments. Since in this channel the final state can be reconstructed as invariant mass peak with a good experimental resolution this measurement can be done in a model independent way and used as an input to compare other measurement properties with the SM predictions.

        Speaker: Karolos Potamianos (DESY)
      • 10:00 AM
        Inclusive search for boosted Higgs bosons using H → bb decays with the CMS experiment 15m

        We present an inclusive search for a Higgs boson with high transverse momentum decaying to a bottom-antibottom quark pair in pp collisions using the 2016 data sample corresponding to 35.9fb−1collected by the CMS experiment at LHC. High pT Higgs bosons candidates are reconstructed in a single jet with opening angle corresponding to R = 0.8 (AK8 jet). Jet substructure and dedicated b-tagging techniques are then used to identify boosted Higgs boson to bb.

        Speaker: Caterina Vernieri (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
      • 10:15 AM
        Probing light-quarks Yukawa couplings & new physics in Higgs + jet(b-jet) studies 15m

        We suggest that the exclusive Higgs + light (or b) jet production at the LHC,
        $pp \to h+j(j_b)$, is a rather sensitive probe
        of the light-quarks Yukawa couplings and of new physics (NP) in the
        Higgs-gluon $hgg$ and quark-gluon $qqg$ interactions.
        We study the Higgs $p_T$ distribution in $pp \to h+j(j_b)$, employing non-differential observables
        to probe the different types of NP relevant for this process, which we parameterize
        either as scaled SM couplings (the kappa-framework) and/or
        through new higher dimensional effective operators (the SMEFT framework).
        We find that the exclusive $h+j(j_b)$ production
        at the 13 TeV LHC is sensitive to various NP scenarios,
        with typical scales ranging from a few to O(10) TeV, depending
        on the flavor, chirality and Lorentz structure of the underlying physics.

        Speaker: Dr Shaouly Bar-Shalom (Technion, Israel)
      • 10:30 AM
        Results for SM Higgs decaying to bottom quarks or tau pairs 15m

        The latest results from CMS on the study of SM Higgs decaying to tau pair and search for SM Higgs decaying to bottom quarks will be discussed. These results are based on the analysis of p-p collisions at 13 TeV, collected from CMS in the year 2016.

        Speaker: Michele De Gruttola (CERN)
      • 10:45 AM
        Measurement of fermionic couplings of the SM Higgs boson using the bb, tautau and mumu decay channels with the ATLAS detector 15m

        The latest results on the measurement of the cross sections and couplings of the Higgs boson in the fermionic decay channels to bb, tautau and mumu with the ATLAS detector are presented, using approximately 36 fb-1 of pp collision data collected at 13 TeV.

        Speaker: Song-Ming Wang (Academia Sinica (TW))
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:30 AM
        Determination of the Higgs boson properties with the ATLAS detector. 15m

        The results obtained from the different decay channels are combined to study the properties of the Higgs boson production and decay, and test the SM theoretical precision with increased accuracy, using about 36 fb-1 of p-p collisions data collected at 13 TeV.

        Speaker: Tamara Vazquez Schroeder (McGill University (CA))
      • 11:45 AM
        Search for rare and exotic Higgs boson decays at CMS 30m

        Recent results on CMS searches for exotic decays of the Higgs boson H(125) will be presented in this talk including searches for invisible and quasi invisible decays, lepton flavour violating ($e\mu$, $e\tau$, $\mu\tau$) decays, and decays to light scalars. The current status of searches for rare decays of standard model Higgs boson will also be summarized.

        Speaker: Nabarun Dev (University of Notre Dame (US))
      • 12:15 PM
        Search for non-standard, rare or invisible decays of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector. 15m

        Some theories predict Lepton Flavour Violating decays of the Higgs boson, while other predict enhanced decay rates in rare modes like Z-photon, J/Psi-photon and Phi-photon or into invisible particles. Such decays are searched for using about 36 fb-1 of p-p collisions at 13 TeV.

        Speaker: Paul Thompson (University of Birmingham (GB))
      • 12:30 PM
        Search of a high mass neutral Higgs boson in fermion final states with the ATLAS detector. 15m

        Several theories, like the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, predict a high mass neutral Higgs boson with a significant decay rate into the bb, mu-mu or tau-tau final states. The search for a scalar resonance in fermion decay channels is presented, using about 36 fb-1 of p-p collisions at 13 TeV.

        Speaker: Gaetano Barone (Brandeis University (US))
      • 12:45 PM
        Latest results on searches for MSSM Higgs Search and Beyond at CMS 15m

        A summary of recent progress of MSSM Higgs searches in CMS experiment. And also including Higgs like resonance searches with other BSM models, for example 2HDM, Gravitons, etc.

        Speaker: Chayanit Asawatangtrakuldee (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Heavy ion physics Room Mangano (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Mangano

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 9:00 AM
        Quarkonia in heavy ion collisions 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        Quarkonium has been regarded as one of the golden probes to identify the phase transition from confined hadronic matter to the deconfined quark-gluon plasma (QGP) in heavy-ion collisions. Recent theoretical developments in the study of the J/ψ and ϒ families at the energies of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are reviewed. In particular, the possible implications related to the production and propagation of quarkonia in proton-nucleus collisions are discussed. A special emphasis is put on the excited states such as the ψ′, Υ(2S) and Υ(3S).

        Speakers: Prof. Elena Ferreiro (University of Santiago de Compostela), Elena Gonzalez Ferreiro (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES)), Elena Gonzalez Ferreiro (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
      • 9:15 AM
        Suppression of heavy quarkonia in pA and AA collisions 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        In this talk we present our results on production of heavy quarkonia in $pA$ and $AA$ collisions in the color dipole approach. We analyze dynamics of quarkonium inside nuclear matter, and assess nuclear suppression due to shadowing and absorption, as well as consider novel multinucleon production mechanism. The contribution of this new mechanism explains why the measured nuclear effects remain essentially unchanged within the energy range from RHIC to the LHC.

        We demonstrate that the suggested approach can simultaneously explain a relatively small nuclear suppression of $J/\psi$ and $\Upsilon$ production, as well as a strong suppression of $\psi(2S)$ observed at RHIC and LHC in proton-ion collisions.

        Speaker: Marat Siddikov (Universidad Santa Maria)
      • 9:30 AM
        Quarkonium production in nucleus-nucleus collisions with ALICE at the LHC 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        ALICE is the LHC experiment dedicated to the study of high energy heavy-ion collisions, where the formation of a hot and dense strongly-interacting medium, a Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), is expected. Considerable theoretical and experimental efforts have been invested in the last 30 years to study the properties of the QGP. One of the signals of QGP formation is the suppression of quarkonia, bound states of quark-antiquark pairs, due to color Debye screening. Measurements from Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV and $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV revealed a suppression of quarkonium yields in central collisions, compared to binary-scaled pp collisions. However, the magnitude of the suppression is smaller than what was observed at lower energies at the SPS and RHIC, indicating that charmonium (re)generation via the (re)combination of charm and anti-charm quarks plays an important role at LHC energies. The measurement of elliptic flow of J/$\psi$ further constrains the interplay between charmonium suppression and (re)generation mechanisms in Pb-Pb collisions. Bottomonia measurements in heavy-ion collisions shows a stong suppression effect with very little or no (re)generation of bottomonia from the medium or phase boundary.

        Differential measurements of the nuclear modification factor of J/$\psi$, $\psi$(2S) and $\Upsilon$ will be presented as a function of centrality, transverse momentum and rapidity for Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV. Measurements of the $\psi$(2S) over J/$\psi$ ratio as a function of centrality and transverse momentum will also be shown. The results on the J/$\psi$ $\langle p_{\rm T}\rangle$ and $\langle p_{\rm T}^2\rangle$ as a function of centrality will be presented. We will also report the latest results on J/$\psi$ elliptic flow in \mbox{Pb-Pb} collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02$ TeV. A comparison of the ALICE results with model predictions and with other experimental measurements will be presented.

        Speaker: Indranil Das (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))
      • 9:45 AM
        Measurement of quarkonia production in heavy-ion collisions with the ATLAS detector 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        The suppression of heavy quarkonia states in heavy-ion collisions is a phenomenon understood as a consequence of QGP formation in the hot, dense system formed in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC. In addition to hot matter effects in heavy-ion collisions , cold nuclear effects may also affect quarkonia production . Therefore, a full assessment requires detailed studies on the effects present in both A-A and p+A collisions. Based on p+Pb data collected in 2013 and pp and Pb+Pb data collected in 2015 at the LHC, the ATLAS experiment has studied prompt and non-prompt J/psi and psi(2S) productions as well as Upsilon production via the di-muon decay final states. The results are of the various measurements are discussed.

        Speaker: Jakub Andrzej Kremer (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
      • 10:00 AM
        Charmonium production in pPb and PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV with CMS 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        Charmonium states, such as the J/$\psi$ and $\psi$(2S) mesons, are excellent probes of the deconfined state of matter, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). The understanding of charmonia production in PbPb collisions requires the inclusion of many phenomena, such as dissociation in the QGP and statistical recombination, on top of cold nuclear matter effects (modifications of nPDFs, initial-state energy loss, nuclear break-up). Measurements of charmonia production in pPb collisions are crucial in order to disentangle the QGP-related effects from cold nuclear matter effects. In this talk, final results on the relative J/$\psi$ and $\psi$(2S) modification, based on the pp and PbPb data collected at \mbox{$\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$} $= 5.02$ TeV by CMS in 2015, will be reported. In addition, new prompt and nonprompt J/$\psi$ results in PbPb collisions at the same center-of-mass energy, including the nuclear modification factor $R_{AA}$, will be presented over a wide kinematic and centrality range ($3<$ \ensuremath{p_{\mathrm T}} $< 50$ GeV/$c$, $|y|<2.4$, and fine event-centrality intervals). The results are compared to those obtained at \mbox{$\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$} $= 2.76$ TeV over a similar kinematic range. Also new prompt $\psi$(2S) $R_{AA}$ results at \mbox{$\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$} $= 5.02$ TeV will be presented. Final prompt and nonprompt J/$\psi$ results in pPb collisions at 5.02 TeV will also be discussed, using the 2015 pp data taken at the same energy. At last, final results will be reported regarding prompt $\psi$(2S) meson production in pPb collisions at \mbox{$\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$} $= 5.02$ TeV, as a function of transverse momentum and rapidity and down to \ensuremath{p_{\mathrm T}} $= 4$ GeV/$c$.

        Speaker: Andre Govinda Stahl Leiton (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 10:15 AM
        Quarkonium measurements in pPb and PbPb collisions at LHCb 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        The LHCb experiment has the unique property to study heavy-ion interactions in the forward region (2 < η < 5), in a kinematic region complementary to the general purpose detectors. The detector has excellent capabilities for reconstructing quarkonia down to zero pT. Notably, it can separate the prompt and displaced components. In pPb collisions, both forward and backward rapidities are covered thanks to the possibility of beam reversal. Results include measurements of the nuclear modification factors and forward-backward ratios for charmonium states. These quantities are sensitive probes to study cold nuclear matter effects on quarkonium production. In 2015, LHCb also participated successfully for the first time in the Pb-Pb data-taking. The status of the forward prompt J/ψ nuclear modification factor measurement for up to semi-central lead-lead collisions will be shown.

        Speaker: Francesco Bossu (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
      • 10:30 AM
        Charmonium production in p-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        Charmonium states play an important role as probes of the phase transition between hadronic and deconfined matter. In high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions, where the formation of a plasma of quarks and gluons is expected, the charmonium production yields are modified by mechanisms as color screening and/or (re)combination of $\rm{c}$ and $\bar{\rm{c}}$ quarks. However, charmonium production is influenced also by cold nuclear matter effects as nuclear shadowing, gluon saturation, energy loss or the $\rm{c}\bar{\rm{c}}$ break-up in the medium. These mechanisms are studied in p-A collisions and their assessment is fundamental to evaluate the size of hot matter effects on charmonia.

        ALICE measures charmonium states, in p-Pb collisions, down to zero transverse momentum at backward (-4.46$ < y_{\rm{cms}} < $-2.96) and forward (2.03$ < y_{\rm{cms}} < $3.53) rapidities in the dimuon decay channel and at mid-rapidity (-1.37$ < y_{\rm{cms}} < $0.43) in the dielectron one.

        J/$\psi$ and $\psi$(2S) Run-1 results obtained in p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$= 5.02 TeV will be discussed. The J/$\psi$ nuclear modification factor ($R_{\rm{pA}}$), measured as a function of transverse momentum, rapidity and centrality, shows a sizeable kinematic dependence and its behaviour is in fair agreement with theoretical models including nuclear shadowing and energy loss. On the contrary, additional mechanisms related to final state interactions, are needed to describe the stronger suppression observed in the production of the loosely bound $\psi$(2S) state.

        Preliminary Run-2 results on the J/$\psi$ and $\psi$(2S) production in p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$= 8.16 TeV, at forward and backward rapidities, will be presented, together with new mid-rapidity J/$\psi$ results at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$= 5.02 TeV. The charmonium $R_{\rm{pA}}$ will be compared to Run-1 results and to theoretical calculations.

        Speaker: Biswarup Paul (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
      • 10:45 AM
        Open heavy flavour measurements in pPb collisions at LHCb 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        Open heavy flavour hadron production is studied in pPb collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}= 5 and 8 TeV with the LHCb experiment. The detector has excellent capabilities for particle identification and for the reconstruction of charm and beauty hadrons down to zero pT. Both forward and backward rapidities are covered thanks to the possibility of beam reversal. Results include measurements of the nuclear modification factors and forward-backward ratios for open heavy flavour hadrons. These measurements can provide important constraints to models for heavy quark production in heavy-ion collisions as well as the baseline for understanding quarkonium productions.

        Speaker: Patrick Robbe (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:30 AM
        Measurements of the Upsilon meson production in Au+Au collisions at the STAR experiment 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        In ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, creation of a novel state of matter—the quark-gluon plasma (QGP)—is expected. Studying the properties of this medium of deconfined quarks and gluons has been a focus of high energy nuclear physics and poses a significant experimental challenge. Among various probes, quarkonium production is a crucial one since their production is expected to be suppressed in the QGP due to the dissociation caused by the color screening effect, which is viewed as a direct evidence of the QGP formation. The dissociation process is dependent on the quarkonium binding energy and thus occurs for different states at different temperatures. By measuring the “sequential melting” of different quarkonium states in the medium, constraints on the QGP temperature can be inferred.

        In this talk, we will present recent measurements on the $\Upsilon$ production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}=200$ GeV via both the di-muon and di-electron channels by the STAR experiment at RHIC. At RHIC energies, other effects affecting the quarkonium production—such as the inelastic interactions with final-state hadrons and coalescence of deconfined heavy quarks—are deemed much less significant for the $\Upsilon$ mesons than for the charmonia, which makes the bottomonium family a cleaner probe. The nuclear modification factors for both the ground and excited $\Upsilon$ states are reported as a function of collision centrality and transverse momentum, and compared with similar measurements at the LHC as well as theoretical calculations. Furthermore, the $\Upsilon$ productions in p+p and p+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}=200$ GeV are measured via the di-electron channel, which provide a refined p+p reference and quantification of the cold nuclear matter effect.

        Speaker: Oliver Matonoha (CTU Prague)
      • 11:45 AM
        Heavy Flavor and Charmonia Production in the PHENIX experiment at RHIC 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        Particles carrying heavy flavor are important probes of the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) since they are produced in hard scattering during the earliest stages of nuclear collisions. In recent years, the PHENIX detector has collected data on p+p, p+Al, p+Au, He$^3$+Au, Cu+Au and Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=200GeV with the addition of silicon vertex detectors (VTX and FVTX). Analyses using the VTX for central rapidity (|y|<0.3) studies, and the FVTX for forward rapidities (1.2<|y|<2.2) have produced results on charm and bottom open heavy flavor production, as well as $\psi$’ to J/$\psi$ ratios. In this talk we will present recent results from PHENIX on open heavy flavor and charmonia in a variety of systems to extract information on cold nuclear matter and QGP properties at RHIC.

        Speaker: Marzia Rosati (Iowa State University)
      • 12:00 PM
        Physics with fixed target collisions in LHCb 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        The LHCb experiment, thanks to its System for Measuring Overlap with Gas (SMOG), has the unique capability to operate in a fixed target mode with the LHC beams.
        Reactions of incident LHC proton beams on noble gas targets have been recorded by the LHCb experiment at a center-of-mass energy of 110 GeV and within the center-of-mass rapidity range -2.3 < y* < 0.2. Results on anti-proton production as well as open and hidden heavy flavour hadrons production will be presented. These measurements can provide crucial constrain on particle production models of key interest for cosmic ray physics as well as for cold nuclear matter effects.

        Speaker: Lucio Anderlini (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
      • 12:15 PM
        Low mass dielectron measurements in pp, p-Pb, and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        Low mass dielectron measurements in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions
        bring an important information on the properties of the hot and dense QCD medium and whole space-time evolution of the medium created in heavy-ion collisions.
        Dielectrons in the mass range below 1 GeV/$c^2$, are from ordinary Dalitz and resonance decays of pseudoscalar and vector mesons. Dielectron invariant mass from short-lived vector mesons is sensitive to medium modifications of the spectral functions that are related to the chiral symmetry restoration at high temperatures. Dielectrons in the intermediate mass region from 1 to 3 GeV/$c^2$
        originate mainly from the correlated electron pairs from semi-leptonic decays
        of charm and beauty quarks, which carry the information on the heavy-quark energy loss. Thermal radiations from the medium contribute to the dielectron yields in a broad mass range and provide information on the thermodynamical properties of the medium.

        Low mass dielectrons have been measured with the ALICE detector at the LHC in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV and p-Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV to study and disentangle effects due to the cold nuclear matter. In Pb-Pb collisions, the low mass dielectron mass spectra are measured for different pair $p_{\rm T}$ ranges.

        In this talk, we will present a review of LHC Run-1 results from pp, p-Pb, and Pb-Pb collisions and we will discuss the production of virtual photons and heavy quarks. Furthermore, we will discuss the latest results of the analysis of Run-2 pp collisions at 13 TeV and report on the development of our analysis employing multivariable analysis techniques.

        Speaker: Raphaelle Bailhache (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
      • 12:30 PM
        The electromagnetic response of resonance matter and other strange observations 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        The matter formed in central heavy-ion collisions at a few GeV per nucleon is commonly understood as resonance matter, a gas of nucleons and excited baryonic states with a substantial contribution from mesonic, mostly pionic excitations. Yet, in the initial phase of the reaction the system is compressed to beyond nuclear ground state density and hence substantial modifications of the hadron properties are expected to occur.
        The HADES experiment explores strongly interacting baryon-rich matter at moderate temperatures using rare and penetrating probes. It operates in the beam-energy range of 1-2A GeV where comparatively long-lived states of compressed matter are created.
        In this talk we present key results on in-medium properties of hadrons obtained by the High Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer. The spectral distribution of virtual photon emitted from the collision zone of A+A collisions indicates strong medium effects beyond those resulting from a pure superposition of frequent but individual NN collisions. This observable, as well as the measured hadron abundances in the final state show features of a thermalized fireball. Baryon-driven medium effects influence significantly the rho meson in-medium spectral function and are considered essential in describing the low-mass dilepton spectra. While the measured abundance of all reconstructed particles are well described assuming thermalization, the double strange cascade Ξ(1321) production in A+A and p+A collisions shows however a sizeable enhancement above predictions of statistical hadronisation and transport model calculations. A deeper understanding of the microscopic properties of resonance matter requires systematic investigations of baryonic decays and these are studied in HADES making use of pion beams. This experimental program will be continued in the coming years with an upgraded HADES detector.

        Speaker: Tetyana Galatyuk (TU Darmstadt / GSI)
      • 12:45 PM
        SMASH: A new transport approach for FAIR energies 15m Room Mangano

        Room Mangano

        Palazzo del Casinò

        The microscopic description of heavy-ion reactions at low beam energies is
        achieved within hadronic transport approaches. In this talk a new approach
        SMASH (Simulating Many Accelerated Strongly-interacting Hadrons) is
        introduced, verified, and applied to study particle production at $E_{Kin}$ =
        0.4 - 2 A GeV in Au+Au collisions. First SMASH results for strangeness production are presented. Finally, an extension of SMASH with forced canonical thermalization in the high-density regions is demonstrated. This extension effectively accounts for many-particle collisions.

        Speaker: Mr Dmytro Oliinychenko (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Neutrino physics Room Casinò (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Casinò

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 9:00 AM
        Open problems in Neutrino Physics 30m

        Present status of the major problems in neutrino physics is outlined. New approaches to their solutions, recent advances and developments will be reviewed. Landscape of the problems covers complete reconstruction of the neutrino mass and mixing spectrum, tests of nature of neutrino masses, searches for new physics beyond the SnuM, identification of the mechanism of neutrino mass and mixing generation, establishing possible connections between neutrino properties and other phenomena, elaboration of some still missing phenomenology, in particular, physics of collective oscillations in supernovae. Although most of these problems are well known, some new aspects emerge.

        Speakers: Alexei Smirnov (Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics), Alexei Smirnov (ICTP)
      • 9:30 AM
        The latest T2K neutrino oscillation results 15m

        T2K is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment taking data since
        2010. A neutrino beam is produced at the J-PARC accelerator in Japan and is
        sampled at a Near Detector complex 280 m from the
        neutrino production point and at the far detector, Super-Kamiokande.
        Beams predominantly composed of muon neutrinos or muon anti-neutrinos have been
        produced by changing the currents in the magnetic focusing horns.
        The additional neutrino-mode data collected with T2K in 2017 have doubled the statistics relative to previous analysis releases.
        This presentation will show the most recent T2K oscillation results
        obtained from a combined analysis of the entire available data set in the
        muon neutrino and muon anti-neutrino disappearance channels, and in the electron neutrino and electron anti-neutrino appearance channels. Using these data, we measure four
        oscillations parameters: $\sin{\theta_{23}}$, $\sin{\theta_{13}}$, $|\Delta m^2_{32}|$ and $\delta_{CP}$, as well as the mass ordering.

        Speaker: Dr Leila Haegel (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
      • 9:45 AM
        Latest oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 15m

        The NuMI Off-axis νe Appearance (NOvA) experiment is a two-detector, long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment which addresses some of the main open questions in the neutrino sector through precision measurements of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations. NOvA uses the upgraded NuMI neutrino beam at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and a highly active, finely segmented 14-kton far detector at Ash River, Minnesota. This highly granular design provides an outstanding event identification capacity, which allows for precision measurements of the oscillation parameters in both the appearance and disappearance of neutrinos and antineutrinos. In particular, NOvA will produce leading constraints on $\theta_{13}$, $\theta_{23}$, $|\Delta m^{2}_{\text{atm}}|$, the neutrino mass hierarchy and the CP-violation phase. In this talk, I will report on the latest oscillation results from NOvA, including muon neutrino disappearance, electron neutrino appearance as well as searches for sterile neutrinos using the neutral current spectrum.

        Speaker: Dr Bruno Zamorano (University of Sussex)
      • 10:00 AM
        More results from the OPERA experiment. 15m

        The OPERA experiment reached its main goal by proving the appearance of $\nu_\tau$ in the CNGS $\nu_\mu$ beam. A total sample of 5 candidates fulfilling the analysis defined in the proposal was detected with a S/B ratio of about ten allowing to reject the null hypothesis at 5.1 $\sigma$. The search has been extended to $\nu_\tau$-like interactions failing the kinematical analysis defined in the experiment proposal to obtain a statistically enhanced, lower purity, signal sample. One such interesting neutrino interaction with a double vertex topology is reported with a high probability of being a $\nu_\tau$ interaction with charm production. Based on the enlarged data sample the estimation of $\Delta$m$^2_{23}$ in appearance mode is presented. The search for $\nu_e$ interactions has been extended over the full data set with a more than twofold increase in statistics with respect to published data. The analysis of the $\nu_\mu\rightarrow\nu_e$ channel is updated and the implications of the electron neutrino sample in the framework of the 3+1 sterile model is discussed. An analysis of $\nu_\mu\rightarrow\nu_\tau$ interactions in the framework of the sterile neutrino model has also been performed. Finally, the results of the analysis of the annual modulation of the cosmic muon rate is discussed.

        Speaker: Chiara Sirignano (University of Padova & INFN Padova)
      • 10:15 AM
        Evolution of the Reactor Antineutrino Flux and Spectrum at Daya Bay 15m

        The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment consists of eight antineutrino detectors placed at different baselines from six 2.9 $\mathrm{GW_{th}}$ nuclear reactors. In this talk, I will present the evolution of the reactor antinetrino flux and spectrum with a 2.2 million inverse beta decay (IBD) sample collected from the Daya Bay’s near detectors over multiple fuel cycles in 1230 days. In addition to the disagreement of the observed flux and spectrum with reactor model predictions, a 3.1$\sigma$ discrepancy in the antineutrino flux variation with respect to the reactor fuel composition is observed. This discrepancy indicates a 7.8% overestimation of the predicted antineutrino flux from $^{235}\mathrm{U}$, suggesting that this fission isotope could be the primary contributor to the reactor antineutrino anomaly.

        Speaker: Dr Ka Vang Tsang (SLAC)
      • 10:30 AM
        New results from RENO 15m

        The Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation (RENO) started data-taking from August, 2011 and has sucdessfully measured the smallest neutrino mixing angle θ_13 in 2012 using 220 days of data by observing the disappearance of reactor antineutrinos. Antineutrinos from the six reactors at Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant in Korea are detected and compared by the two identical detectors located in the near and far distances from the reactor array center. In 2016, RENO has published an updated value of θ_13 and its first measurement of dm^2_ee based on energy dependent disappearance probability using 500 days of data. As of today, RENO has accumulated roughly 2000 days of data. In this talk, we present precise measurement of θ_13 and dm^2_ee using more data and improved systematic uncertainties. In addition, the recent results on the absolute reactor antneutrino flux, the 5 MeV excess of reactor neutrino spectrum, and the search for sterile neutrinos will be reported.

        Speaker: Dr Hyunkwan Seo (Seoul National University)
      • 10:45 AM
        Duble Chooz latest results 15m

        Nuclear reactor neutrinos were used on the first neutrino detection back in 1956. Since then our knowledge on neutrino physics haven't stopped broadening, and reactor neutrinos are still an important source of investigation. The Double Chooz (DC) is an experiment on neutrino oscillation based at Chooz nuclear power plant in France. Back in 2011 the DC collaboration reported an indication of non-zero theta_13, the last unmeasured angle of the neutrino PMNS mixing matrix, for the first time using reactor neutrinos. This was confirmed and measured by independent experiments in the following year. The DC collaboration has improved its analysis over the last years, in order to reduce the uncertainty on theta_13 measurement. The use of a second detector, the Near Detector (ND), operating ~400 meters from the reactors, improves the sensitivity by its nearly iso-flux location, in comparison to the Far Detector (FD), around the oscillation maximum ~1000 meters. Further improvement is achieved by making both detectors identical, in order to highly suppress the detection induced systematics. DC is taking data with both detectors since January of 2015, and boosted the event statistics by a novel approach on the Inverse Beta Decay (IBD) selection, considering neutrons captures on Gadolinium and Hydrogen simultaneously, that increases the fiducial volume by more than three times. The precision and accuracy of theta_13 have a leading impact on the current explorations of the neutrino CP violation phase and atmospheric mass ordering, when combining all neutrino oscillation measurements in a global analysis. Thus the redundancy of multiple theta_13 experiments is critical, ensuring the findings robustness. In this talk the latest analysis and results towards theta_13 measurement by DC will be showed. The efforts of the DC collaboration beyond theta_13, will also be addressed.

        Speaker: Ines Gil Botella (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:30 AM
        Results from Borexino on solar and geo-neutrinos 15m

        The Borexino experiment is running at the “Laboratorio del Gran Sasso” in Italy since 2007. Its technical distinctive feature is the unprecedented ultralow background of the inner scintillating core, which is the basis of the outstanding achievements accumulated by the experiment.
        In this talk, after recalling the main features of the detector, the impressive solar data gathered so far by Borexino will be summarized. Altogether, such measurements put Borexino in the unique situation of being the only detector able to perform solar neutrino spectroscopy over the entire solar spectrum; the counterpart of this peculiar status in the oscillation interpretation of the data is the capability of Borexino alone to perform the full validation across the solar energy range of the MSW-LMA paradigm.
        The recently released measurement of the time modulation of the detected neutrino signal induced by the Earth’s orbit eccentricity will be also reported.
        The talk will be concluded with an account of the Borexino accomplishments in the geo-neutrino field, marked by the detection of the geo-neutrino signal with a significance as high as 5.9 sigma.

        Speaker: Rossi Nicola (LNGS)
      • 11:45 AM
        Neutrino physics and nuclear astrophysics: the LUNA MV project at Gran Sasso 15m

        Nuclear astrophysics is an extremely rich field, correlated with many other research fields like observational neutrino physics, stellar modeling and cosmology.
        As example, the precise knowledge of reactions producing neutrinos is mandatory to use neutrinos as probes of the stellar interior but at stellar energies the cross sections are usually extremely low, down to the femto-barn level.
        The LUNA (Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics) collaboration has exploited the low-background environment of the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory to perform direct measurements at the stellar energies. Among the most relevant LUNA contribution to the neutrino physics we remind: the exclusion of a resonance in the cross section of 3He+3He at solar energies that ruled out a nuclear explanation to the solar neutrino problem and the direct measurement down to 70 keV of the bottleneck reaction of the CNO cycle, 14N+p, that pointed out a cross section lower by a factor two than expected and halved the predictions of the solar CNO neutrino fluxes.
        Presently, a new LUNA MV facility based on a 3.5 MV accelerator will be installed in the Hall B at the beginning of 2018: the aim is to study the key processes of helium and carbon burning such as the 12C+α reaction that shapes the outcomes of both Ia and core-collapse supernovae.
        Contemporary a new effort will be devoted to improve the knowledge of solar reactions: the 14N+p reaction will be the first step of the new experimental program with the aim to extend the measurement over a wider energy range.
        The error budget on 13N and 15O neutrino fluxes is dominated by the uncertainty (~10%) in the 14N+p cross section: an accurate measurement at LUNA MV will importantly contribute to constrain the chemical composition of the Sun.
        The present talk is aimed to summarize all the LUNA results relevant to neutrino astrophysics and to present the scientific program related to the years 2018-2022.

        Speaker: Dr Sandra Zavatarelli (INFN - Sezione di Genova)
      • 12:00 PM
        Present status of neutrino cross section 15m

        The present status of neutrino cross section physics is reviewed fo-
        cusing on the recent theoretical developments in quasielastic scattering,
        multi-nucleon contributions to the inclusive scattering and pion produc-
        tion on nucleons and nuclei. A good understanding of these processes is
        crucial to meet the precision needs of neutrino oscillation experiments.
        Some of the challenges that arise in the consistent description of Mini-
        BooNE and MINERvA recent data are discussed.

        Speaker: Luis Alvarez-Ruso
      • 12:15 PM
        Survey of neutrino-nucleus cross-section measurements from MINERvA 15m

        Precision measurements of neutrino oscillation probabilities require an improved understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions. MINERvA is a neutrino scattering experiment at Fermilab that utilizes the intense neutrino beam from the NuMI beam-line and a finely segmented scintillator based tracking detector to measure neutrino cross sections on various nuclear targets. MINERvA has published results using its low-energy data sets and is presently taking NOvA-era medium energy data. These results cover both exclusive and inclusive channels for muon and electron neutrino and anti-neutrino interactions. A summary of recent results from MINERvA will be presented.

        Speakers: Arie Bodek, Arie Bodek (University of Rochester (US))
      • 12:30 PM
        New measurements of neutrino-nucleus interactions in T2K 15m

        The T2K long-baseline neutrino experiment has new neutrino cross-section measurements. In addition to being interesting in their own right, measuring neutrino cross sections is vital as they correspond to a major systematic uncertainty for neutrino oscillation analyses. In particular, the new results focus on exploiting the water targets
        in the T2K off-axis near detector, ND280, updating our charged-current measurements with a wider phase space, addressing in more detail the neutrino interaction vertex, and other new measurements. This talk will give an overview of the T2K neutrino cross-section measurements, focusing on the latest results.

        Speaker: Dr Alex Finch (Lancaster University,UK)
      • 12:45 PM
        Latest Results From MicroBooNE 15m

        MicroBooNE is a liquid-argon-based neutrino experiment, which is collecting data in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam. MicroBooNE will directly probe the source of the anomalous excess of electron-like events in MiniBooNE, while also measuring low-energy neutrino cross sections and providing important R&D for future detectors. It is the first of three liquid argon TPC detectors planned for the Fermilab Short Baseline Neutrino program. This talk will give the status of MicroBooNE and present recent results on the detector technology, on event reconstruction techniques, and from neutrino beam data.

        Speaker: Dr Martin Auger (LHEP BERN)
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      QCD and hadronic physics Room Welles (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Welles

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 9:00 AM
        New results on the multiplicity and centre-of-mass energy dependence of identified particle production in pp collisions with ALICE 15m

        The study of identified particle production as a function of the proton-proton (pp) collision energy and multiplicity is a key tool for understanding similarities and differences between small and large interacting systems. We report on new measurements of the production of unidentified charged hadrons as well as of pions, kaons, protons, K$^{0}_{\rm S}$, $\Lambda$, $\Xi$, $\Omega$, K$^{*0}$ and $\phi$ measured in pp collisions for $\sqrt{s}$ ranging from 0.9 to 13 TeV. The multiplicity dependence of identified particle spectra and yields is presented for $\sqrt{s}$ = 5, 7 and 13 TeV and compared to results obtained in proton-lead (p-Pb) and lead-lead (Pb-Pb) collisions. The results unveil intriguing similarities among systems and energies. While spectral shapes at high transverse momenta ($p_{\rm T} \geq 10$ GeV/$c$) do not evidence a significant dependence on event multiplicity, a strong evolution at low and intermediate $p_{\rm T}$ is observed. The production rates of strange hadrons are found to increase more than those of non-strange particles, showing an enhancement pattern with multiplicity which does not depend on the collision energy. Even if the multiplicity dependence of spectral shapes can be qualitatively described by commonly-used Monte Carlo event generators, the evolution of integrated yield ratios is poorly described by these models.

        Speaker: Gyula Bencedi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
      • 9:15 AM
        Measurement of high-mass dilepton and diphoton production with the CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer 15m

        The measurements of dilepton and diphoton production in photon-photon fusion with the CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer (CT-PPS) are presented. For the first time, exclusive dilepton production at high masses have been observed in the CMS detector while one or two outgoing protons are measured in CT-PPS using around 10~${\rm fb}^{-1}$ of data accumulated in 2016 during high-luminosity LHC operation. These first results show a good understanding, calibration and alignment of the new CT-PPS detectors installed in 2016. Preliminary results and expectations concerning the search for high-mass exclusive diphoton production are discussed.

        Speaker: Ksenia Shchelina (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
      • 9:30 AM
        Measurement of Inelastic cross-section and Central Exclusive Production with the LHCb detector 15m

        The forward acceptance of LHCb, 2.0 < y < 5.0, provides a complementary reach to the general purpose detectors on LHC. LHCb measurements of the inelastic cross-section and related results will be presented, as well as a comparison to Run 1 results.
        The cross-section for central exclusive production of J/psi and Psi(2S) mesons at 13 TeV is measured using the LHCb detector. Proton dissociative backgrounds are significant reduced compared to previous measurements through the use of forward shower counters, recently installed for Run 2. Plans for future measurements are also presented to exploit the new Run2 dataset.

        Speaker: Michael Schmelling (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))
      • 9:45 AM
        Low energy observables and exclusive production with the ATLAS Detector 15m

        Low energy phenomena have been studied in detail at the LHC, providing important input for improving models of non-perturbative QCD effects. The ATLAS collaboration has performed several new measurements in this sector:

        We present charged-particle distributions sensitive to the underlying event, measured by the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The results are corrected for detector effects and compared to predictions from various Monte Carlo generators.

        In addition, we present studies on the correlated hadron production, as they are an important source for information on the early stages of hadron formation. In particular, an analysis of the momentum difference between charged hadrons in high–energy proton–proton collisions is performed in order to study coherent particle production. The results are compared to the predictions of a helical QCD string fragmenting model.

        In the absence of forward proton tagging, exclusive processes can be distinguished in the central part of the ATLAS detector exploiting the absence of charged particles reconstructed in the inner tracking detector. We present a first measurement of the exclusive two-photon production of muon pairs in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The results show significant deviations from the pure QED prediction, which can be explained by proton-proton rescattering effects.

        Speaker: Tim Martin (University of Warwick (GB))
      • 10:00 AM
        Recent diffractive and exclusive results from CMS 15m

        We present recent results of diffractive and exclusive measurements with the CMS experiment.

        Speaker: Aleksandr Bylinkin (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology State University (RU)
      • 10:15 AM
        Studies of the diffractive photoproduction of isolated photons at HERA 15m

        The photoproduction of isolated photons has been measured using diffractive events recorded by the ZEUS detector at HERA. Cross sections are evaluated in the photon transverse-energy and pseudorapidity ranges 5 < $E_T^\gamma$ < 15 GeV and
        −0.7 < $\eta^\gamma$ < 0.9, inclusively and also with a jet with transverse-energy and pseudorapidity in the ranges 4 < $E_T^{jet}$ < 35 GeV and −1.5 < $\eta^{jet}$ < 1.8, using a total integrated electron-proton luminosity of 456 pb$^{−1}$. A number of kinematic variables were studied and compared to predictions from the Rapgap Monte Carlo model. An excess of data is observed above the Rapgap predictions for $z_{pom}^{meas}$ > 0.9 where $z_{pom}^{meas}$ is the fraction of the longitudinal momentum of the colourless “Pomeron” exchange that is transferred to the photon-jet final state, giving evidence for direct-Pomeron interactions.

        Speaker: Aharon Levy (Tel Aviv University (IL))
      • 10:30 AM
        Quarkonium production in pp collisions with ALICE at the LHC 15m

        Quarkonia are mesons formed of either a charm and anti-charm quark pair ($\rm{J}/\psi$, $\psi(2S)$), or a beauty and anti-beauty quark pair ($\Upsilon$(1S), (2S) and (3S)). In high-energy hadronic collisions such as those delivered by the LHC between 2010 and 2016, quarkonium production results from the hard scattering of two gluons in a process which occurs very early in the collision followed by the hadronization of the heavy quark pair in a bound state. In pp collisions, quarkonium measurements help characterize production mechanisms. These same measurements also provide a reference baseline for p-A and A-A measurements which in turn quantify cold and hot nuclear properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). While charmonia are produced rather abundantly in such collisions, interpreting the measurement of their inclusive production is complicated by the presence of a sizable non-prompt contribution from the decay of b-hadrons. Bottomonia on the other hand have much smaller production cross sections but no non-prompt contribution. Moreover, their heavier mass makes them more suitable for perturbative QCD calculations.

        In this presentation we will report on forward rapidity ($2.5 < y < 4$) $\rm{J}/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ production measured in pp collisions at center of mass energies $\sqrt{s}=5.02$ and $13$~TeV, using data collected at the LHC in 2015. Together with similar measurements performed at $\sqrt{s}=2.76$, $7$ and $8$ TeV, these results constitute a stringent test for models of charmonium production. In particular, they will be compared to NRQCD and FONLL calculations, which describe prompt and non-prompt charmonium production respectively. Results on forward-rapidity $\Upsilon$ production in pp collisions will also be discussed.
        The availability at the LHC of the largest collision energy in pp collisions allows a significant advance in the measurement of J/ψ production as function of event multiplicity. The interesting relative increase of the J/ψ production rate in high multiplicity pp collisions observed with data at the LHC at s√=7 TeV and at RHIC at s√=200 GeV is studied now at unprecedented multiplicities for pp collisions. This will impose tight constrains on model calculations and improve the understanding on the origin of this enhancement. The newest measurement performed at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at s√ = 13 TeV in the dielectron decay channel, facilitated by triggering on high-multiplicity events, allows the comparison to J/ψ production in p-Pb collisions at similar multiplicities.
        We will compare our newest measurements on the J/ψ yields as a function of event multiplicity in pp collisions at s√ = 13 and 5.02 TeV to those obtained in p-Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 5.02 TeV at mid- and forward rapidity and at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 8.16 TeV at forward rapidity.
        The results will also be discussed in comparison to predictions from available theoretical models and to data at lower energies.

        Speaker: Jana Crkovska (Institut de Physique Nucleaire Orsay (FR))
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:30 AM
        Jet production in pp and p-Pb collisions with the ALICE experiment at LHC 15m

        Produced in a hard scattering an energetic parton will lead to a parton shower which will be fragmenting into a hadronic spray of particles called jet. The mass of the jet is sensitive to the initial virtuality of the parton at the origin of the shower. The jet fragmentation functions and their moments, describe the momentum distribution of hadrons inside a reconstructed jet. Their measurement is important for understanding the mechanisms of parton fragmentation. Well defined jet shapes observables, preserving collinear and infrared safety, like the first radial moment or the jet constituent momentum dispersion provide complementary information on the fragmentation process and can be compared to perturbative QCD (pQCD) calculations. This comparison can also be made with measurements of the differential jet production cross sec tion and of jet properties in proton-proton (pp) collisions. Proton-Lead collisions allow to probe cold nuclear matter effects and both systems are also used as a reference to measurements of the properties of the medium created in Heavy Ion Collisions.

        The central barrel of the ALICE detector at the LHC has unique tracking capabilities enabling to measure charged particles down to transverse momenta as low as 150 MeV/c and provides particle identification (PID). Combining information from the ALICE Time Projection Chamber and from the Electromagnetic Calorimeters EMCAL/DCAL allows to precisely measure the jet energy.

        An overview of recent results on jet physics in pp and p-Pb collisions from the ALICE experiment at the LHC will be presented. The results will be compared to pQCD calculations at leading and next-to-leading order.

        Speaker: Alexandre Shabetai (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 11:45 AM
        D-meson and charmed-baryon measurements in pp and p--Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC 15m

        Measurements of charmed-hadron production in pp collisions are important to test predictions from perturbative QCD and provide an essential baseline for the studies in A--A collisions. Measurements in p--A collisions also allow studies of possible modifications of the charmed-hadron yields due to cold nuclear matter effects. The study of charm production as a function of the multiplicity of charged particles can give insight into multi-parton interactions and into the interplay between hard and soft processes. The charmed baryon-to-meson ratio is sensitive to hadronisation mechanisms in pp and p--A collisions and it will offer a unique probe of the role of coalescence and predicted presence of diquark states in A--A collisions.

        ALICE measures hadrons containing charm quarks in wide momentum and rapidity ranges in pp and p--A collisions. We will present the recent results for D0, D+, D∗+ and D+s mesons reconstructed via their hadronic decays at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at s√ = 5.02, 7, 8 and 13 TeV and in p--Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√=5.02 TeV, collected with the ALICE detector during the LHC Run-1 and Run-2. In particular, we will show the production cross section, nuclear modification factor, multiplicity-dependent studies and the charm production measurement down to pT = 0.
        We will report the first measurement of the pT-differential cross section of the Λ+c baryon in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV, and in p--Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√=5.02 TeV through the full reconstruction of two of its hadronic decay channels and the partial reconstruction of one of its semileptonic decay channels. We will also show the pT-differential cross section times branching ratio of the Ξ0c baryon measured in the decay channel Ξ0c→e+Ξ−νe in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV. The results will be compared with theoretical model predictions.

        Speaker: Annalisa De Caro (Universita e INFN, Salerno (IT))
      • 12:00 PM
        Results on production and decay of B hadrons and onia and X(5568) state search in CMS 15m

        We present precise measurements of decay properties of hadrons containing a b quark performed on the data collected by the CMS experiment at LHC. The lifetime is among the fundamental properties of particles and in heavy hadrons it is one of the important observables that allows to test the theoretical tools describing their physics. Some of the reported measurements are at the precision level of the world average for these properties.
        We report measurements of the differential cross sections and polarizations of B hadrons and quarkonium states. These are important tools to investigate heavy-quark production mechanisms in QCD. The dependences on transverse momentum, rapidity, and particle multiplicity are investigated. Comparisons with theory expectations and among different collision energies are provided.
        The evidence for an unexpected narrow Bs pi structure claimed by the D0 Collaboration and named X(5568) has triggered its search in other hadron collider experiments including CMS. Its interest resides in its possible interpretation as an hadronic state composed of four different quark flavours (udsb). The CMS search is performed using an integrated luminosity of 19.7fb^-1 of pp collisions at sqrt(s)=8TeV and provides the current most stringent Upper Limits on the ratio of the production rates of X(5568) and Bs multiplied by the unknown branching fraction of the Bs pi decay, given in two different kinematic regions defined on the basis of the transverse momentum of the Bs. The obtained CMS upper Limits contradict the D0 measurement and are in agreement with the results by the LHCb Collaboration.

        Speaker: Sergey Polikarpov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (RU))
      • 12:15 PM
        Hidden and open heavy flavour production at LHCb 15m

        Heavy flavour production measurements in proton-proton collisions are important tests of QCD.
        We report on updated production cross-section measurement of quarkonia, open-charm, and open-beauty states. Other aspects related to the quarkonium production mechanisms, such as the associative production of quarkonium and jets, will be discussed.

        Speaker: Andrii Usachov (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
      • 12:30 PM
        Spectroscopy with heavy flavours at LHCb 15m

        We report on the first observation of excited hadronic states in both the charm and beauty sector with special emphasis on the observation of five excited Omega_c states.
        Similar techniques are used to analyse LHCb data for short-lived intermediate bound-states formed during the multi-body decay of b-hadrons.

        Speaker: Patrick Spradlin (University of Glasgow (GB))
      • 12:45 PM
        Heavy flavour and Quarkonium production in pp collisions at ATLAS 15m

        The latest results from ATLAS on heavy flavour and quarkonium production, including exotic states, are presented. This talk includes the measurement of B-hadron pair production, presented as a function of a variety kinematic variables between the two B-hadrons, providing important inputs to modelling of production via gluon splitting. Additional Insight into QCD models of quarkonium production and double parton scattering is also presented, through the production cross-section measurement of di-Jpsi and effective cross-section from double parton scattering.

        Speaker: James William Walder (Lancaster University (GB))
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Top and electroweak Room Volpi (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Volpi

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 9:00 AM
        Inclusive and differential W and Z boson cross sections with the CMS detector 15m

        Measurements of single W and Z boson inclusive and differential production cross sections and their ratios with the CMS detector are presented. The results are compared to predictions from different Monte Carlo generators. A comparison of the results to predictions using different pardon distribution functions (PDF) tests the performance of PDFs.

        Speaker: Kajari Mazumdar (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN))
      • 9:15 AM
        High Precision Measurement of the differential vector boson cross-sections with the ATLAS detector 15m

        Measurements of the Drell-Yan production of W and Z/gamma bosons at the LHC provide a benchmark of our understanding of perturbative QCD and probe the proton structure in a unique way. The ATLAS collaboration has performed new high precision measurements at center-of-mass energies of 7. The measurements are performed for W+, W- and Z/gamma bosons integrated and as a function of the boson or lepton rapidity and the Z/gamma* mass. Unprecedented precision is reached and strong constraints on Parton Distribution functions, in particular the strange density are found.

        Z cross sections are also measured at center-of-mass energies of 8 eV and 13TeV, and cross-section ratios to the top-quark pair production have been derived. This ratio measurement leads to a cancellation of systematic effects and allows for a high precision comparison to the theory predictions.

        The cross section of single W events has also been measured precisely at center-of-mass energies of 8TeV and 13TeV and the W charge asymmetry has been determined.

        Speaker: Aaron James Armbruster (CERN)
      • 9:30 AM
        W boson polarization in vector boson scattering at the LHC 15m

        Measuring the scattering of longitudinally-polarized vector bosons will represent a fundamental test of
        Electroweak Symmetry Breaking.

        In addition to the challenges provided by low rates and large backgrounds,
        there are conceptual issues which remain unresolved for the definition of a suitable signal.
        Since vector bosons are unstable and can only be observed through their decay products,
        the polarization states interfere among themselves.
        Moreover, already at tree level, there are diagrams which cannot be interpreted as production
        times decay of EW bosons but are necessary for gauge invariance.

        We discuss two possible ways to define a cross section for polarized $W$'s. In both cases all non resonant
        diagram are dropped.
        In the first one, the mass of the $\ell\nu$ pair is required to be close to $M_W$.
        In the second one, an On--Shell Projection is performed.
        The two methods give comparable outcomes.
        We show that generating events with a specified $W$ polarization and exact decription of its decay leads to a
        coherent definition of the polarization fractions.
        In most cases, the sum of polarized distributions reproduces accurately the exact results.
        In the absence of cuts this procedure reproduces the results of a
        standard projection on Legendre polynomials. While the latter cannot be employed in the presence of selection
        cuts on the charged leptons, a comparison of the data with singly polarized templates allows the extraction
        of the polarization fractions in a realistic environment.

        We have compared the decay distribution of the charged leptons, after acceptance cuts,
        in the SM, its Singlet extension and a Higgsless model.
        The normalized shapes are sufficiently similar to allow an almost model
        independent definition of the signal and measurement of the polarized components.

        The possibility of generating VBS events with a single $W$ polarization has been
        introduced into PHANTOM.

        Speaker: Ezio Maina (Department of Physics - University of Torino)
      • 9:45 AM
        Differential measurements of the Drell-Yan cross-sections at 8 TeV withthe ATLAS detector 15m

        Precision measurements of the Drell-Yan production of W and Z bosons at the LHC provide a benchmark of our understanding of perturbative QCD and electroweak processes and probe the proton structure in a unique way.

        The ATLAS collaboration has performed a new precise triple differential cross-section measurement as a function of M(ll), dilepton rapidity and cosθ∗ defined in the Collins-Soper frame. This measurement provides sensitivity to the PDFs and the Z forward-backward asymmetry, AFB, which is derived and will be presented. This builds the foundation for a possible future extraction of the weak-mixing angle.

        Speaker: Alexander Glazov (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 10:00 AM
        Measurements of the effective weak mixing angle in dimuon events at D0 15m

        We present the measurements of forward-backward charge asymmetry $A_{FB} $ in
        $p\bar{p}\rightarrow Z/\gamma^{*} \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^- $ events using $9.7 \ $fb$^{-1}$ of $ p\bar p$ data collected at $\sqrt s=1.96\ $TeV by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. $A_{FB}$ is measured as a function of the invariant mass of the dimuon system to extract the effective weak mixing angle $\sin^2\theta^{lep}_{eff}$. In the context of the standard model, using the on-shell renormalization scheme where $\sin^2\theta_W = 1 - M_W^2/M_Z^2$, measurements of $\sin^2\theta^{lep}_{eff}$ yield indirect extractions of the W mass.

        Speaker: Siqi Yang (The University of Iowa (US))
      • 10:15 AM
        Measurements and combination of the weak mixing angle at Tevatron and extraction of the W mass 15m

        We present four measurements of forward-backward charge asymmetry $A_{FB} $ in
        $p\bar{p}\rightarrow Z/\gamma^{*} \rightarrow e^+ e^-/\mu^+\mu^- + X$ events using $\sim 10\ $fb$^{-1}$ of $ p\bar p$ data collected at $\sqrt s=1.96\ $TeV by the D0 and CDF detectors at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. $A_{FB}$ is measured as a function of the invariant mass of the dilepton system to extract the effective weak mixing angle $\sin^2\theta^{lep}_{eff}$. We discuss the combination of these measurements and present the indirect extraction of the W mass in the context of the standard model.

        Speakers: Breese Quinn (University of Mississippi), Breese Quinn (University of Mississippi), Breese Quinn (University of Mississippi)
      • 10:30 AM
        Electroweak precision measurements with the CMS detector 15m

        We report on the status of the precision measurements of electroweak parameters with W and Z bosons with the CMS detector. The effective electroweak mixing angle sin^{2}_{\theta} is extracted by measuring the forward-backward asymmetry in dilepton events near the Z boson mass region. Experimental and theoretical challenges needed for a high-precision W boson mass measurement are reported using a sample of Z->mumu events.

        Speaker: Arie Bodek (University of Rochester (US))
      • 10:45 AM
        Measurement of the W boson mass with the ATLAS detector 15m

        A precise measurement of the mass of the W boson represents an important milestone to test the overall consistency of the Standard Model. Since the discovery of a Higgs Boson, the the W boson mass is predicted to 7 MeV precision, while the world average of all measurements is 15 MeV, making the improved measurement an important goal.

        The ATLAS experiment at the LHC represents an ideal laboratory for such a precise measurement. Large samples of many millions of leptonic decays of W and Z bosons were collected with efficient single lepton triggers in the 7 TeV data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6/fb. With these samples the detector and physics modelling has been studied in great detail to enable a systematic uncertainty on the measurement that approaches the statistical power of the data of 7 MeV per decay channel as far as possible.

        Speaker: Stefano Camarda (CERN)
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:30 AM
        The global electroweak fit: present status, constraints on new physics, and prospects at future colliders 15m

        We review the status of the global electroweak fit in the Standard Model (SM), including the latest theoretical and experimental updates. We discuss in detail the consistency of the SM with current experimental data, and derive constraints on general new physics scenarios. These are compared and combined with the bounds obtained using Higgs boson observables measured at the LHC. Finally, we present the projection of the fit with the improvements expected at future e+ e- colliders. All the results have been obtained using the HEPfit code.

        Speaker: Luca Silvestrini (INFN Rome)
      • 11:45 AM
        Update of the Global Electroweak Fit by Gfitter 15m

        We present the status of the global fit to electroweak precision data. The fit includes the latest available hadron collider measurements of the top-quark and the W-boson masses, as well as newest higher-order theoretical calculations. A large set of numerical and graphical results as well as Standard Model compatibility tests are presented. The global electroweak fit is also used to constrain models of new physics. Among these the Two-Higgs-Doublet model (2HDM) is studied in detail. The constraints on the various 2HDM types from the electroweak precision data are augmented by combining them with the latest Higgs boson coupling measurements and measurements of flavour physics observables.

        Speakers: Roman Kogler (Hamburg University (DE)), Thomas Peiffer (Hamburg University (DE))
      • 12:00 PM
        Implications of strict gauge invariance for particle spectra and precision observables 15m

        The discovery of the Higgs physics together with the excellent performance of the LHC allow to make precision tests of Brout-Englert-Higgs Physics.

        At this level, it becomes important to fully understand the theory behind this physics. As was already pointed out more than 35 years ago, there is a paradox in the standard model: The elementary fields should not be the particles we observe, as they are unphysical, since they are gauge-dependent. Nonetheless, it appears that we see them. The resolution of this paradox shows that the standard model is a very special theory, where the description in both languages is (almost) identical.

        However, this can drastically change beyond the standard model, even altering usual predictions of particle spectra. It could also subtly alter precision measurements within the standard model. This yields testable predictions, which can (mostly) be derived with little more effort than in standard phenomenology.

        After sketching the underlying theory ideas, these predictions for experimental signatures will be presented.

        Speaker: Axel Torsten Maas (University of Graz)
      • 12:15 PM
        Scheming in the SMEFT 15m

        We discuss the constraints on the Standard Model Effective Field Theory inferred from global fits to electroweak data. In particular, we focus on two unconstrained combinations of Wilson coefficients that are present when the analysis is restricted to measurements of $\bar\psi\psi\rightarrow \bar\psi\psi$ scatterings. We show how these unconstrained directions arise due to a reparameterization invariance that characterizes $\bar\psi\psi\rightarrow \bar\psi\psi$ processes but is not respected in $\bar\psi\psi\rightarrow \bar\psi\psi\bar\psi\psi$ scatterings. Finally, we demonstrate that this invariance is independent of the choice of the input parameters, comparing the results obtained in the {$\hat{\alpha}_{\rm em}$, $\hat{m}_Z$, $\hat{G}_F$} input scheme with those of a {$\hat{m}_W$, $\hat{m}_Z$, $\hat{G}_F$} scheme, which we develop here. The talk is based on hep-ph/1701.06424.

        Speaker: Ilaria Brivio (University of Copenhagen)
      • 12:30 PM
        Combined QCD and electroweak analysis of HERA data 15m

        A simultaneous fit of parton distribution functions (PDFs) and electroweak
        parameters to HERA data on deep inelastic scattering is presented. The input
        data are the neutral current and charged current inclusive cross sections
        which were previously used in the QCD analysis leading to the HERAPDF2.0
        PDFs. In addition, the polarisation of the electron beam was taken into
        account for the ZEUS data recorded between 2004 and 2007. Results on the
        vector and axial-vector couplings of the Z boson to u- and d-type quarks,
        on the value of the electroweak mixing angle and the mass of the W boson
        are presented. The values obtained for the electroweak parameters are in
        agreement with Standard Model predictions. The resulting sets of PDFs,
        ZEUS-EW, are in agreement with HERAPDF2.0 and give a good description of
        ZEUS data with polarisation taken into account.

        Speaker: Claire Gwenlan (University of Oxford (GB))
      • 12:45 PM
        Fit of electroweak parameters in polarized deep-inelastic scattering using data from the H1 experiment 15m

        Using inclusive DIS cross sections measured with the H1 experiment at HERA, electroweak parameters of the Standard Model are probed. The cross sections were determined using longitudinally polarized lepton beams, which enhances the sensitivity to the vector couplings of the light quarks. The quark couplings and the electroweak mixing angle are probed through the $\gamma/Z$ interference. This gives access to electroweak parameters in $t$-channel exchange at virtualities up to 10000 GeV$^2$.

        Speaker: Zhiqing Philippe Zhang (LAL, Orsay (FR))
    • 1:00 PM 2:30 PM
      Lunch break 1h 30m
    • 2:30 PM 6:28 PM
      Astroparticle physics Room Martinelli (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Martinelli

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 2:30 PM
        Astroparticle Physics at the DUNE experiment 18m

        The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) experiment, a 40-kton underground liquid argon time-projection-chamber detector, will have unique sensitivity to the electron flavor component of a core-collapse supernova neutrino burst. We present expected capabilities of DUNE for measurements of neutrinos in the few-tens-of-MeV range relevant for supernova detection, and the corresponding sensitivities to neutrino physics and supernova astrophysics. Recent progress and some outstanding issues will be highlighted.

        Speaker: Ines Gil Botella (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)
      • 2:48 PM
        The very high energy gamma-ray (and neutrino) Galactic Center diffuse emission 18m

        We present a novel interpretation of the gamma-ray diffuse emission in the Galactic Center (GC) and the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) regions.
        This is based on a scenario assuming a harder scaling of the diffusion coefficient with rigidity in the inner Galaxy so to reproduce the radial dependence of the cosmic-ray (CR) spectral index recently inferred from Fermi-LAT.
        We compare our model with H.E.S.S. and (for the fist time in this context) with PASS8 Fermi-LAT data which allows to cover the entire energy range from few GeV up to ~ 50 TeV and to infer the primary CR radial distribution above 100 GeV.
        We find that the bulk of the Galactic ridge emission can be naturally explained by the interaction of the diffuse, steady-state Galactic CR sea interacting with the gas present in the CMZ. As a consequence, the evidence of a GC Pevatron is significantly weakened.
        We will also discuss the implications of our results for high energy neutrino astronomy.

        Based on arXiv:1702.01124 (submitted to PRL) and 1504.00227 (published in ApJ L)

        Speaker: Dario Grasso (INFN)
      • 3:06 PM
        M31 gamma ray emission - a closer look at different explanations 18m

        A new measurement of a spatially extended gamma-ray signal from the center of M31
        was published recently, reporting that the emission broadly resembles the so-called
        Galactic center excess of the Milky Way (Ackermann et al. 2017, arXiv:1702.08602).
        In this talk we discuss the possibilities that the signal originates from a
        population of millisecond pulsars, or alternatively the annihilation of dark matter
        particles. As an astrophysical interpretation in terms of millisecond pulsars
        appears viable, we derive upper limits on the annihilation cross section in the
        $b\bar{b}$/$\tau^-\tau^+-$channel of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) in a mass range
        from 1 GeV to 10 TeV, taking into consideration different spatial dark matter
        density profiles and including the effect of substructure and adiabatic contraction.

        Speaker: Christopher Eckner (University of Nova Gorica)
      • 3:24 PM
        Astroparticle physics with ARGO-YBJ 18m

        The ARGO-YBJ experiment was installed in the Tibet region of China, 4300 meters above sea level. It run continuously from November 2007 until February 2013, with the goal of observing astronomical gamma-ray sources in the energy range between a few hundred GeV and about 100 TeV, and primary cosmic rays in the energy range between about 1 TeV and a few PeV. The unique feature of the ARGO-YBJ detector was its full-coverage layout of Resistive Plate Chambers on an area of (78 x 74) m^2, with a guard ring around and a full area of 11000 m^2. The most important results obtained by ARGO-YBJ will be presented, with specific focus on the observation and monitoring of galactic and extragalactic gamma-ray sources and primary light-nuclei spectrum and knee.

        Speakers: Paolo Camarri (University of Roma "Tor Vergata"), Paolo Camarri (INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
      • 3:42 PM
        Supernova remnants in the very--high--energy sky: prospects for CTA 18m

        The Cherenkov Telescope Array is expected to lead to the detection of many new supernova remnants in the TeV and multiTeV range. In addition to the individual study of each, the study of these objects as a population can help constraining the parameters describing the acceleration of particles and increase our understanding of the mechanisms involved. Using Monte Carlo methods, the population of Galactic SNRs emitting TeV gamma rays can be simulated. The simulated population can be confronted with future observations to provide a novel test for the SNR hypothesis.

        Speaker: Pierre Cristofari (Columbia University)
      • 4:00 PM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 4:30 PM
        Intepreting extragalactic backgrounds via angular cross-correlations 28m

        We will discuss methods and results concerning the angular cross-correlation between sky-maps of the extragalactic background radiation in different wavelength bands.
        The main goal of the study is to extract information on the clustering, redshift distribution and type of the unresolved non-thermal sources, especially at gamma-ray (and radio) frequencies.
        We will show how this technique can be used to search for "new" populations of sources, including the one possibly provided by annihilation or decay of particle dark matter.

        Speaker: Dr Marco Regis (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
      • 4:58 PM
        Search for tau neutrinos at PeV energies and beyond with the MAGIC telescopes 18m

        The MAGIC telescopes, located at the Roque de los Muchachos
        Observatory (2200 a.s.l.) in the Canary Island of La Palma,
        are placed on the top of a mountain, from where a window of visibility of about $5^{\circ}$ in zenith and $80^{\circ}$ in azimuth is open in the direction of the surrounding ocean. This permits to search for a signature of particle showers induced by earth-skimming cosmic tau neutrinos in the PeV to EeV energy range arising from the ocean. We have studied the response of MAGIC to such events, employing Monte Carlo simulations of upward-going tau neutrino showers. The analysis of the shower images shows that air showers induced by tau neutrinos can be discriminated from the hadronic background coming from a similar direction. We have calculated the point source acceptance and the expected event rates, assuming an incoming tau neutrino flux consistent with IceCube measurements, and for a sample of generic neutrino fluxes
        from photo-hadronic interactions in AGNs and GRBs. The analysis of about 30 hours of data taken toward the sea leads to a point source sensitivity for tau neutrinos at the level of the down-going point source analysis of the Pierre Auger Observatory, but the diffuse limit is less constraining with respect to the IceCube diffuse results for tau neutrinos.

        Speakers: Dr Dariusz Gora (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN), Marina Manganaro (IAC - Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias)
      • 5:16 PM
        Highlights of the ANTARES neutrino telescope results 18m

        ANTARES is the first undersea neutrino telescope and, at present, the largest one in the Northern hemisphere. Its main goal is the search for high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. It consists of an array of photomultipliers tubes housed in so-called optical modules, detecting the Cherenkov light induced along the path of relativistic charged particles originated by neutrino interactions in and around the instrumented volume. ANTARES, has been acquiring data in its final configuration since 2008. The excellent optical properties of the sea water and the location of the telescope allow for the reconstruction of neutrino event direction with very good angular resolution, and for high sensitivity searching for possible sources in the region of the Galactic plane. The most recent results of ANTARES searches for neutrino point sources, for diffuse neutrino emission from several interesting regions, and for neutrinos from WIMP annihilation in massive objects like the Sun and the Galactic Center will be presented. Particular attention will be given to the multimessenger approach, presenting the wide program of combined searches in collaboration with astronomical observatories, with cosmic ray experiments and, recently, with the LIGO/VIRGO interferometers.

        Speaker: Annarita Margiotta (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
      • 5:34 PM
        A Summary of Recent Updates in the Search for Cosmic Ray Sources using the IceCube Detector 18m

        The IceCube detector has observed the first clear detection of a diffuse astrophysical high energy neutrino flux, however, the sources for these neutrinos have yet to be found. Hadronic interactions around cosmic ray accelerators result in both high energy gamma and neutrino fluxes for neutral and charged pion decays respectively. Observing cosmic ray sources with neutrinos provides unique evidence of the hadronic nature of these sources. Recently there have been many analyses from IceCube using multiple years of data for the detector in order to establish a neutrino source. These searches involve looking for a significant clustering of neutrinos from any direction or a strong correlation with a known source observed by other messengers also expected to emit a neutrino flux. These searches range from stacking searches involving populations of similar sources such as active galactic nuclei, to time-dependent searches targeting individual sources when they are in flaring states.  We present here the most recent updates in the search for sources of extraterrestrial neutrinos using the latest methods and source information.

        Speaker: Tessa Lauren Carver (Universite de Geneve (CH))
      • 5:52 PM
        Constraining the Flavor Structure of Lorentz Violation Hamiltonian with the Measurement of Astrophysical Neutrino Flavor Compositions 18m

        We study Lorentz violation effects to flavor transitions of high energy
        astrophysical neutrinos. It is shown that the appearance of Lorentz violating
        Hamiltonian can drastically change the flavor transition probabilities of
        astrophysical neutrinos. Predictions of Lorentz violation effects to flavor
        compositions of astrophysical neutrinos arriving on Earth are compared with
        IceCube flavor composition measurement which analyzes astrophysical neutrino
        events in the energy range between $25~{\rm TeV}$ and $2.8~{\rm PeV}$. Such a
        comparison indicates that the future IceCube-Gen2 will be able to place
        stringent constraints on Lorentz violating Hamiltonian in the neutrino sector.
        We work out these expected constraints for different flavor structures of
        Lorentz violating Hamiltonian. In some cases these expected constraints can
        improve upon the current constraints obtained from other types of experiments
        by more than two orders of magnitudes.

        Speaker: Prof. Guey-Lin Lin (National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan)
    • 2:30 PM 6:30 PM
      Detectors and data handling Room Amici (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Amici

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 2:30 PM
        Upgrades to the ATLAS trigger system 15m

        In coming years the LHC is expected to undergo upgrades to increase both the energy of proton-proton collisions and the instantaneous luminosity. In order to cope with these more challenging LHC conditions, upgrades of the ATLAS trigger system will be required. This talk will focus on some of the key aspects of these upgrades. Firstly, the upgrade period between 2019-2021 will see an increase in instantaneous luminosity to $3\times10^{34} \rm{cm^{-2}s^{-1}}$. Upgrades to the Level 1 trigger system during this time will include improvements for both the muon and calorimeter triggers. These include the upgrade of the first-level Endcap Muon trigger, the calorimeter trigger electronics and the addition of new calorimeter feature extractor hardware, such as the Global Feature Extractor (gFEX). An overview will be given on the design and development status the aforementioned systems, along with the latest testing and validation results.

        By 2026, the High Luminosity LHC will be able to deliver 14 TeV collisions with an order of magnitude larger instantaneous luminosity, expected to reach7.5 √ó 10^34 cm‚àí2s‚àí1.
        ATLAS is planning a series of upgrades to prepare for this even more challenging environment. This presentation will describe the baseline architecture for this upgrade, while also detailing on-going studies into new system components and their interconnections. The overall challenge here is to meet low latency and high data throughput requirements within the limits given by technological evolution. A discussion on the physics motivations and the expected performance based on simulation studies will be presented, together with the open issues and plans.

        Speaker: Francesca Pastore (Royal Holloway, University of London)
      • 2:45 PM
        Modernising ATLAS Software and Metadata 15m

        ATLAS has embarked on a major program of development in its offline software framework and the indexing of the data. In this paper we outline the motivations for such major changes, based on expected CPU evolution in the next decade, the increasing need to use memory more efficiently, and the increase of data volume expected for the LHC Run 3. The offline software framework, Athena will develop into a new multithreaded version, AthenaMT. We describe the changes that have been implemented to deal with concurrency in terms of data flow within an event, restructuring of framework components for thread safety and how to handle non-event data, such as detector conditions. We also describe how ATLAS moved to the git source control system to allow a continuous integration and code review to maintain software quality. ATLAS produces over 50 PByte of data and simulation every year, these data need to be curated over their lifetime to allow discovery and retrieval, and to maintain their accessibility and analysability over time. We discuss the metadata infrastructure developed by the ATLAS collaboration to characterise these data at the event, dataset and container level, and its expected evolution for Run 3.

        Speaker: Graeme Stewart (University of Glasgow (GB))
      • 3:00 PM
        The upgrade of the forward Muon Spectrometer of the ATLAS Experiment: the New Small Wheel project 15m

        The current innermost stations of the ATLAS endcap muon tracking system (the Small Wheel) will be upgraded in 2019 and 2020 to retain the good precision tracking and trigger capabilities in the high background environment expected with the upcoming luminosity increase of the LHC. The upgraded detector will consist of eight layers each of Resistive Micromegas (MM) and small-strip Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC) together forming the ATLAS New Small Wheels. Large area sTGC's up to 2 m2 in size and totaling an active area each
        of 1200 m2 will be employed for fast and precise triggering. The required spatial resolution of about 100 $\mu$m will allow the Level-1 trigger track segments to be reconstructed with an angular resolution of approximately 1mrad. The precision cathode plane has strips with a 3.2mm pitch for precision readout and the cathode plane on the other side has pads to produce a 3-out-of-4 coincidence to identify passage of a track in an sTGC quadruplet, selecting which strips to read-out. The eight layers of MM detectors are arranged in multilayers of two quadruplets, for a total of about 1200 m2 detection planes. All quadruplets have trapezoidal shapes with surface areas between 2 and 3 m2. The readout elements consist of 300 $\mu$m wide strips with a pitch of ~450 $\mu$m for a total of 2.1 M readout channels. A spatial resolution better than 100 um independent of the track incidence angle is required.
        The total number of trigger and readout channels is about 2.4 millions, and the overall power consumption is expected to be about 75 kW. The electronics design will be implemented in some 8000 front-end boards including the design of four custom front-end ASICs capable to drive trigger and tracking primitives with high speed sterilizers to drive trigger candidates to the backend trigger processor system. The construction procedures of sTGC's and MM's and of the electronic system will be reviewed along with the results obtained on full-size prototypes.

        Speaker: Paolo Iengo (CERN)
      • 3:15 PM
        ALICE forward rapidity upgrades 15m

        The upcoming upgrade of the CERN LHC injectors during 2019-20 will boost the luminosity and the collision rate beyond the design parameters of several of the key ALICE detectors including the forward trigger detectors. The nominal Pb-Pb interaction and readout rate for ALICE after LS2 will reach 50 kHz. To face this challenge the Fast Interaction Trigger (FIT) is being designed and constructed. FIT will be the main forward trigger, luminometer, and collision time detector. It will also determine multiplicity, centrality, and reaction plane of heavy ion collisions.

        The detector will consist of two arrays of Cherenkov radiators with MCP-PMT sensors and of a single scintillator ring. The arrays will surround the beam pipe on the opposite sides of the interaction point: at ~820 mm on the hadron absorber side and at ~3200 mm on the other side, where also the scintillator ring of a diameter of 1489 mm will be located. The resolution of the interaction time extracted from the Cherenkov arrays will be equal or better than 40 ps for low multiplicity events and better than 30 ps at higher multiplicities. The centrality and event plane resolution will be similar to those of the present ALICE apparatus. The first prototype of the Cherenkov module together with the frontend electronics are already installed and in operation at ALICE in parallel with the other forward detectors.

        The presentation will contain a short introduction to FIT, followed by the latest refinements of the FIT geometry together with performance of the prototype, new modifications to the MCP-PMT sensor, electronics scheme with digital trigger and continuous readout, as well as the results of the FIT performance simulations.

        Speaker: Maciej Slupecki (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))
      • 3:30 PM
        Multi-Gigabit Wireless Data Transfer for High Energy Physics Applications 15m

        The future of connectivity is wireless, and the HEP community is not an exception. The demand for high capacity data transfer continues to increase year over year at a significant rate. This is an on-going race where technology and applications developers push into higher and higher bandwidths. For example the tracking detectors require readout systems with several thousand links that has to handle a data transfer of multiple-gigabit/s each. Also, due to the high granularity of these detectors, stringent requirements are also specified on the space, material and power consumption. Wireless techniques have also developed extremely fast the last decade and are now mature for being considered as a promising alternative to cables and optical links that would revolutionize the detector design. In this context has the WADAPT (Wireless Allowing Data and Power Transmission) consortium been formed to identify the specific needs of different projects that might benefit from wireless readout techniques. The millimeter-wave band (mmw) is defined where the wavelength varies from ten millimeters (30 GHz) down to 1 millimeter (300 GHz). In this consortium we will concentrate on data transfer communication in the 60 GHz band (57 GHz - 66 GHz). This license free 9 GHz band is very attractive in order to achieve a high data rate transfer. In addition it provides a small form factor, material reduction, high material penetration loss, narrow beam width and high path loss. These features, and due to the operation in a very well controlled environment with line-of-sight operation, makes the 60 GHz band optimal for short range operation as in a detector environment.
        This talk present current developments of the 60 GHz transceiver chip for HEP applications. Studies of antenna and data transmission will also be shown.
        An International collaboration for an R&D on wireless readout is now sent to CERN, and is now under evaluation.

        Speaker: Mr Hans Kristian Soltveit (University of Heidelberg)
      • 3:45 PM
        CosmoHub and SciPIC: Massive cosmological data analysis, distribution and generation using a Big Data platform 15m

        Galaxy surveys require support from massive datasets in order to achieve precision estimations of cosmological parameters. The CosmoHub platform and SciPIC pipeline have been developed at the Port d'Informació Científica (PIC) to provide this support, achieving nearly interactive performance in the processing of multi-Terabyte datasets. Cosmology projects currently supported include ESA's Euclid space mission, the Dark Energy Survey (DES), the Physics of the Accelerating Universe (PAU) survey and the Marenostrum Institut de Ciències de l'Espai Simulations (MICE). Support for additional projects can be added as needed. CosmoHub (https://cosmohub.pic.es) is a web portal to perform interactive analysis of massive cosmological data. It enables users to interactively explore and distribute data without any SQL knowledge. It is built on top of Apache Hive, part of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem, which facilitates reading, writing, and managing large datasets. More than two billion objects, from public and private data, as well as observed and simulated data, are available. Over 400 users have produced over the last three years about 1500 custom catalogs occupying 2TB in compressed format. All those datasets can be interactively explored using an integrated visualization tool. The current implementation allows an interactive analysis of billion object datasets to complete in less than 25 seconds. The SciPIC scientific pipeline has been developed to efficiently generate mock galaxy catalogs using as input a dark matter halo population. It runs on top of the Hadoop platform using Apache Spark, which is an open-source cluster-computing framework. The pipeline is currently being calibrated to populate the full sky Flagship dark matter halo catalog produced by the University of Zürich, which containins about 44 billion dark matter haloes in a box size of 3.78 Gpc/h. The resulting mock galaxy catalog is directly saved in the CosmoHub platform.

        Speaker: Dr Jorge Carretero (IFAE-PIC)
      • 4:00 PM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 4:30 PM
        Reconstruction and identification of hadronic objects with CMS 15m

        Performance & validation of new developments of reconstruction algorithms of several hadronic objects using data collected by the CMS experiment in 2016 at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV are presented.
        The jet energy and missing transverse momentum scales are measured in MC and data. A likelihood based discriminator is used to distinguish jets originating from quarks and gluons, and multivariate techniques are employed to distinguish pile up jets. Algorithms are used to identify large radius jets reconstructed from the decay products of highly Lorentz boosted W bosons and top quarks, and the efficiency and background rejection rates of these algorithms are measured.
        Recent cutting edge developments of heavy flavor identification algorithms are discussed, which exploit the power of deep neural networks. The expected performance of these algorithms in 2017, when CMS will start to collect data with an upgraded pixel detector, will be also shown. The CMS Collaboration is pushing the heavy flavor identification beyond the traditional identification of b jets. The talk will also discuss the implementation of algorithms specialized to the boosted topologies, and the identification of jets originated from charm quarks.
        Tau leptons decaying via hadronic modes are reconstructed and identified using Hadron plus Strips (HPS) algorithm. The electromagnetic strip reconstruction used by this algorithm is improved to better model signal of pi0 from tau decays by allowing the strip size to dynamically change based on the strip energy. This improves the energy response and removes the tau footprint from isolation area. In addition to this, improvement to discriminators combining isolation and tau life time variables, and anti-electron in multivariate analysis technique are also developed.

        Speaker: Mauro Verzetti (University of Rochester (US))
      • 4:45 PM
        Algorithmic improvements and calibration measurements for flavour tagging at the ATLAS experiment 15m

        The identification of jets containing b-hadrons is key to many physics analyses at the LHC, including measurements
        involving Higgs bosons or top quarks, and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. In this contribution, the
        most recent enhancements in the capability of ATLAS to separate b-jets from jets stemming from lighter quarks, and
        the latest measurements to calibrate the b-tagging efficiency and light/charm mistag rates, will be presented.

        Speaker: Marco Battaglia (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
      • 5:00 PM
        Real-time analysis from the trigger candidates and novel calibration strategy at the LHCb experiment 15m

        The availability of computing resources is a limiting factor in data collection at the LHCb experiment, due to the high production rate of beauty and charm hadrons. For Run 2, LHCb has implemented a novel approach to make optimal use of these resources: The output of the first software trigger stage is buffered to disk and the second stage is executed asynchronously, using 100% of the available trigger farm even between LHC fills. As an integral part of the new strategy, the detector is aligned and calibrated, and the data are fully reconstructed, in real-time, permitting offline-quality signal selections. Without the need to reconstruct offline, it is possible to save only the information needed for analysis directly from the trigger. This concept, called the “LHCb Turbo stream”, maximises the signal rate saved to disk. The analysis of the data collected also required appropriate calibration samples to determine the tracking and PID performance. A novel strategy has been introduced in Run 2, where the selection of calibration samples is implemented as a Turbo stream. A further processing of the data is required in order to provide background subtracted samples for the determination of performance, which is achieved through a centralised production that makes highly efficient use of computing resources. These data are also used in the development of new algorithms to evaluate the detector performance in LHC upgrade scenarios. The aim of this talk is twofold. It will cover the major steps of the implementation, and detail the use of the calibration samples to determine the PID performance and tracking efficiency. It will also present how LHCb dynamically adapts the output rate of the first trigger stage to the LHC efficiency, and how the Turbo paradigm was extended in 2017 to dynamically persist any information required for analysis. This can range from only the signal candidate object to the complete event, with user-selectable granularity.

        Speaker: Giulio Gazzoni (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))
      • 5:15 PM
        The ProtoDUNE-SP Prompt Processing System 15m

        The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) will employ a uniquely large Liquid Argon Time Projection chamber as the main component of its Far Detector. It will include four 10kt modules which will include single and dual-phase Liquid Argon technologies.
        In order to validate its design, an experimental program been initiated which includes a beam test of large-scale DUNE prototypes at CERN in 2018.
        The volume of data to be collected by the protoDUNE single-phase detector will amount to a few petabytes and the sustained rate of data sent to mass storage will be in the range of a few hundred MB per second. In addition to careful design of the Data Acquisition, Online Monitoring and Data Handling systems, the protoDUNE experiment requires substantial Data Quality Monitoring capabilities in order to ascertain the condition of the detector and its various subsystems. To this end, a Prompt Processing system has been designed which is complementary to Online Monitoring and is characterized by lower bandwidth, substantial CPU resources and end-to-end latency on the scale of a few minutes. We present the design of the ProtoDUNE Prompt Processing system, the current status of its development and testing and issues related to its interfaces and deployment.

        Speaker: Maxim Potekhin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
      • 5:30 PM
        The DUNE Far and Near Detector 15m

        We present the plan for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) photon detector system and recent research and development work that has contributed to the design. DUNE will be composed of multiple liquid argon time projection chambers (TPCs). In order to determine the full 3D position of a particle in the detector its initial time must be known accurately. This initial time can be determined using the scintillation light, which is produced simultaneously with the charge signal the TPC collects but travels much faster. The DUNE photon detector system is designed to increase the amount of active area sensitive to light while not reducing the available fiducial volume in the liquid argon.

        Speaker: Nicola McConkey (Sheffield University)
      • 5:45 PM
        Challenges of front-end and triggering electronics for High Granularity Calorimetry 15m

        A High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) is presently being designed by the CMS collaboration to replace the existing end cap detectors. The HGCAL must be able to cope with the very high collision rates, imposing the development of novel filtering and triggering strategies, as well as with the harsh radiation environment of the High Luminosity LHC. In this talk we present an overview of the full electronics architecture and the performance of prototype components and algorithms. The requirements for the front-end electronics are extremely challenging, including high dynamic range (0-10 pC), low noise (~2000e-) and low power consumption (~10mW/channel), as well as the need to select and transmit trigger information with high granularity. Exploiting the intrinsic precision-timing capabilities of silicon sensors also requires careful design of the front-end electronics and the clock distribution. A new generation of highly performant ”SKIROC” Front-End chips in 130 nm CMOS technology, including both ADC and TDC blocks and a Time-over-threshold architecture, is being developed to meet the requirements of the HGCAL. The HGCAL incorporates around six million readout channels and so presents a significant challenge in terms of data manipulation and processing for the trigger; the trigger data volumes will be an order of magnitude above those currently handled by CMS. In addition, the high luminosity will result in an average of 140 interactions per bunch crossing that give a huge background rate in the forward region, and these will need to be efficiently rejected by the trigger algorithms. Furthermore, reconstruction of the particle clusters to be used for particle flow in events with high occupancy is a complex computational problem for the trigger. The status of the front-end and trigger architectures and designs, as well as the concepts for the algorithms needed in order to tackle these major issues, will be presented.

        Speakers: Ivica Puljak (Technical University of Split FESB), Ivica Puljak (University of Split. Fac.of Elect. Eng., Mech. Eng. and Nav.Arc)
      • 6:00 PM
        Machine and deep learning techniques in heavy-ion collisions with ALICE 15m

        Over the last years, machine learning tools have been successfully applied to a wealth of problems in high-energy physics.
        A typical example is the classification of physics objects.
        Supervised machine learning methods allow for significant improvements in classification problems by taking into account observable correlations and by learning the optimum selection from examples, e.g. from Monte Carlo simulations.
        Even more promising is the usage of deep learning techniques. Methods like deep convolutional networks might be able to catch features from low-level parameters which are not exploited by default cut-based methods.

        These ideas could be particularly beneficial for measurements in heavy-ion collisions, because of the very large multiplicities. Indeed, machine learning methods potentially
        perform much better in systems with a large number of degrees of freedom compared to cut-based methods. Moreover, many key heavy-ion observables are most interesting at low transverse momentum where the underlying event is dominant and the signal-to-noise ratio is quite low.

        In this talk, recent developments of machine and deep learning applications in heavy-ion collisions with ALICE will be presented, with focus on a deep learning based b-jet tagging approach and the measurement of low-mass dielectrons. While the b-jet tagger is based on a mixture of shallow fully-connected and deep convolutional networks, the low-mass dielectron measurement uses gradient boosting and shallow neural networks. Both methods are very promising compared to default cut-based methods.

        Speaker: Rudiger Haake (CERN)
      • 6:15 PM
        The new CGEM inner tracker and the custom TIGER ASIC for the BESIII experiment 15m

        A new detector exploiting the technology of Cylindrical Gas Electron Multipliers (CGEM) has been proposed to replace the innermost tracker chamber of BESIII (Beijing Electron Spectrometer) experiment, which is suffering from aging due to the high luminosity of Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII).
        The CGEM Inner Tracker will deploy several new features w.r.t. other state-of-art GEM detectors. The µTPC and analog readout, using charge centroid method, will allow for a 130 µm spatial resolution in a 1 T magnetic field, keeping the number of channels to a manageable number (about ten thousand while the digital readout would require 25000 channels).
        The channels are readout by TIGER (Torino Integrated GEM Electronics for Readout), a custom 64-channel mixed-mode ASIC, providing time and charge measurements with a fully-digital output. The charge measurement is obtained either from the time-over-threshold or the 10-bit digitization of the peak amplitude of the signal. The time of the event is measured by quad-buffered, low-power TDCs, based on analog interpolation techniques. For µTPC readout, a time resolution of better than 5 ns is needed. A maximum event rate of 60 kHz (with a 4× safety factor) is foreseen per channel.
        In this presentation, an overview of TIGER characterization will be covered with a particular focus on measurements to assess the functionality of the silicon and on first tests with the full-scale detector.

        Speaker: S. Marcello (INFN-Torino, University of Torino, Italy)
    • 2:30 PM 6:30 PM
      Dark matter Room Volpi (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Volpi

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 2:30 PM
        Dark matter searches at colliders 30m

        A general overview of the landscape for WIMP and non-WIMP DM at colliders is presented, highlighting new results but also showcasing the directions of the search program of the two general purpose experiments ATLAS and CMS towards the full Run-2 dataset.

        Speakers: Shin-Shan Yu, SHIN-SHAN YU (FERMILAB), Shin-Shan Yu (National Central University (TW))
      • 3:00 PM
        Searches for dark matter in hadronic final states 15m

        Searches in CMS for dark matter in final states with invisible particles recoiling against hadronic final states are presented. Various topologies and kinematic variables are explored, as well as jet substructure as a means of tagging heavy bosons. The focus of the talk is the recent results obtained using data collected in 2016 run of the LHC.

        Speaker: Deborah Pinna
      • 3:15 PM
        Dark Matter searches with the ATLAS Detector 15m

        The presence of a non-baryonic dark matter component in the Universe is inferred from the observation of its gravitational interaction. If dark matter interacts weakly with the Standard Model it would be produced at the LHC, escaping the detector and leaving a large missing transverse momentum as their signature. The ATLAS detector has developed a broad and systematic search program for dark matter production in LHC collisions. The results of these searches on the first 13 TeV data, their interpretation, and the design and possible evolution of the search program will be presented.

        Speaker: Dr Valerio Ippolito (Harvard University (US))
      • 3:30 PM
        Search for long-lived scalar particles in B decays at LHCb 15m

        The presence of dark matter is known from cosmological observations yet it has so far escaped direct detection. As a consequence there has been renewed interet in hidden-sector models that predict new particles that are singlets with respect to the Standard Model (SM) gauge bosons and thus interact very weakly with the Standard Model particles.
        The LHCb experiment allows to search for these dark-sector particles in the GeV mass range using rare B meson decays, thanks to its low trigger thresholds, and excellent tracking and particle identification performance. Recent results from LHCb on searches for dark-sector particles are presented.

        Speaker: Andrea Mauri (Zurich University)
      • 3:45 PM
        Search for dark sector particles at Belle 15m

        The dark photon, $A′$, the dark Higgs boson, $h′$, and the dark baryon, $B'$, are hypothetical constituents featured in a number of recently proposed Dark Sector Models. Dark Sector particles can be produced in the dark Higgs-strahlung and radiative processes, and in neutral $D$-meson decays channels. We will present results for the search of dark sector particles with prompt and displaced vertex decay topologies, when applicable, obtained using $1 {\rm ab}^{-1}$ of data collected by the Belle detector. We also report the results of a search for dark matter in radiative $\Upsilon(1S)$ decays.

        Speaker: Youngjoon Kwon (Yonsei University)
      • 4:00 PM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 4:30 PM
        Dark Sector Physics with Belle II 15m

        The next-generation B-factory experiment Belle II at the upgraded KEKB accelerator, SuperKEKB, will start physics data taking in 2018. It is an asymmetric e+e- collider that will operate with 40x the instantaneous luminosity of KEKB/Belle and aims to collect 50 times more data in total.

        Belle II offers the possibility to search for a large variety of dark sector particles in the GeV mass range complementary to LHC and dedicated low energy experiments. These searches will profit both from the very large dataset that will be acquired by the Belle II experiment, and from specifically designed triggers for the early running of Belle II. This talk will review planned dark sector searches with a focus on the discovery potential of the first data.

        Speaker: Torben Ferber (University Of British Columbia)
      • 4:45 PM
        Single Top and Dark Matter: Two is not always better than one 15m

        To date, only two modes of production at hadron colliders of dark matter through new scalar or pseudoscalar mediators have been considered in the existing literature: pairs of dark matter particles produced through top quark loops with an associated hadronic jet in the event (monojet), and production of dark matter with pairs of heavy flavoured top or bottom quarks.
        We present a third, previously overlooked channel, which consists of dark matter production in association with a single top quark.

        In spite of a generally lower production cross section at LHC when compared to the associated top-pair channel, non-flavour violating single top quark processes are kinematically favored and can greatly increase the sensitivity to these models. We will show that including dark matter production in association with a single top quark through scalar or pseudoscalar mediators significantly improves the current searches. In particular, the exclusion limit with the available data set by the LHC searches for dark matter and heavy flavours can be substantially improved from 30% to up to a factor 2 depending on the mass assumed for the mediator particle.
        We expect that, with a dedicated event selection, the single top and dark matter production mode would demonstrate its full potential, and become the leading channel in Run II and future LHC searches.

        Speaker: Alberto Zucchetta (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
      • 5:00 PM
        Direct detection of neutralino dark matter with DM@NLO 15m

        We present a full NLO QCD calculation of neutralino scattering on protons or neutrons in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. We match the results of the NLO QCD calculation to the scalar and axial-vector operators in the effective field theory approach. These govern the spin-independent and spin-dependent detection rates, respectively. The calculations have been performed for general bino, wino and higgsino decompositions of neutralino dark matter and required a novel tensor reduction method of loop integrals with vanishing relative velocities and Gram determinants. Numerically, the NLO QCD effects are shown to be of at least of similar size and sometimes larger than the currently estimated nuclear uncertainties. We also demonstrate the interplay of the direct detection rate with the relic density when consistently analyzed with the program DM@NLO.

        Speaker: Michael Klasen
      • 5:15 PM
        Dark matter and LHC: complementaries and limitations 15m

        It is well known that dark matter density measurements, indirect and direct detection experiments, importantly complement the LHC in setting strong constraints on new physics scenarios. Yet, dark matter searches are subject to limitations which need to be considered for realistic analyses. For illustration, we explore the parameter space of the phenomenological MSSM and discuss the interplay of the constraints from dark matter searches and the LHC, and analyse the impact of the astrophysical uncertainties in some detail.

        Speaker: Glenn Robbins (Centre de recherche astrophysique de Lyon (FR))
      • 5:30 PM
        Global fits of the scalar singlet model using GAMBIT 15m

        I will present the latest results for global fits to the Higgs portal scalar singlet extended standard model using complementary probes of dark matter.  In doing so I will introduce the new global and modular beyond the standard model inference tool (GAMBIT), which we use to achieve these results in a statistically consistent and modular way.

        Speaker: Mr James McKay (Imperial College London)
      • 5:45 PM
        Search for physics beyond the SM in meson decays with WASA detector. 15m

        The indirect searches for dark matter particles are a very hot topic of today's physics and astrophysics. The energy-mass content of the Universe is one of the biggest riddles of modern science. The Standard Model describes the physics of only a small fraction of the Universe. Although only gravitational interaction of the dark matter with normal matter was observed up to now, a lot of effort is put by the scientific community into searches for some new interaction between dark and usual matter. This new force would be carried by a new boson and the latter could be seen in the decays of mesons. Most of the scientific research for the effects of dark matter focuses on very high energy physics, still the existence of such effects at lower energy scales is not excluded. Through the analysis of the rare decays of light mesons (eta, neutral pion) WASA collaboration searches for a dark matter signal which cannot be described in the frame of the Standard Model. This effect could be explained by a coupling between a dark boson and Standard Model particles (leptons, photons and/or quarks). The WASA detector is perfectly suited to study leptonic decays for it has the capability to detect both neutral and charged particles and particle identification capacity. The analysis of channels such as $\eta\to e^{+}e^{-}\gamma$, $\eta\to e^{+}e^{-}$ or $\pi^{0}\to e^{+}e^{-}\gamma$ will be presented. The data sample with $\eta$ meson production was collected in proton proton collisions at 1.4 GeV kinetic energy.

        Speaker: Damian Pszczel (Uppsala University)
      • 6:00 PM
        KLOE/KLOE-2 results and perspectives on dark force search 15m

        During the last years several Dark Sector Models have been proposed in order to address striking astrophysical observations which fail standard intepretations.
        In the minimal case a new vector particle, the so called dark photon (U or A' boson), is introduced, with small coupling with Standard Model particles. Also, the existence of a dark Higgs boson h' is postulated, in analogy with the Standard Model, to give mass to the dark photon through the Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking mechanism.

        The experiment KLOE, which collected 2.5 fb-1 of integrated luminosity at the Dafne e+e- collider in Frascati, searched for the existence of the dark photon in a quite complete way, investigating three different processes and six different final states:

        • in dalitz decays of the Phi meson Phi-> eta U, with U->e+e- and eta-> pi+pi-pi0 and p0p0p0
        • in e+e- -> U gamma events, with U decaying to electron, muon and pion pairs
        • in the dark Higgsstrahlung process, e+e- -> Uh', U-> mu+mu-, h' invisible.

        Tight limits on the model parameters have been set at 90%CL.

        A new beam crossing scheme, allowing
        for a reduced beam size and increased luminosity, is now operating at DAFNE.
        The upgraded detector, named KLOE-2, has already collected 3.5 fb-1 in these
        new operating conditions.

        Further improvements are expected in terms of sensitivity and discovery potential with KLOE-2, both because of the larger available integrated luminosity and the presence of a new tracking detector in the interaction region, with better momentum and vertex position measurement resolutions.
        A single photon trigger is now in operation and will allow the search of the dark photon through its invisible decays in light dark matter particles.

        Speaker: Giuseppe Mandaglio (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
      • 6:15 PM
        Search for the gauge boson of a secluded sector with the PADME experiment at LNF 15m

        Massive photon-like particles are predicted in many extensions of the Standard Model with a hidden sector where dark matter is secluded. They are vector bosons mediating the interaction between dark matter particles and can be produced in scattering of ordinary particles through a faint mixing to the photon. Most of the present experimental constraints on this “dark photon” (A’) rely on the hypothesis of dominant decays to lepton pairs. The PADME experiment will search for the e+e−→γA’ process in a positron-on-target experiment, assuming a decay of the A’ into invisible particles of the hidden sector. The positron beam of the DAΦNE Beam-Test Facility, at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN, will be used. A fine-grained, high-resolution calorimeter will measure the momentum of the photon in events with no other activity in the detector, thus allowing to measure the A’ mass as the missing mass in the final state.

        In about one year of data taking, a sensitivity on the interaction strength (ε parameter) down to 0.001 is achievable in the mass region M(A’)<23.7 MeV.

        The experiment is currently under construction and it is planned to take data in 2018. The status of PADME and its physics potential will be reviewed.

        Speaker: Paola Gianotti (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
    • 2:30 PM 6:45 PM
      Flavour and symmetries Room Mosaici-2 (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Mosaici-2

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 2:30 PM
        The invariant and helicity amplitudes in the transitions $\Lambda_b\to\Lambda^\ast(\frac12^\pm,\frac32^\pm)+J/\psi$. 15m

        I present results for the invariant and helicity amplitudes in the transitions
        $\Lambda_b~\to~\Lambda^\ast(J^P)~+~J/\psi$ where
        $\Lambda^\ast(J^P)$ are $sud$-resonances with
        $J^P=\frac12^{\pm},\frac32^{\pm}$. The calculations are performed in
        the framework of our covariant confined quark model.
        We find that the values
        of the helicity amplitudes for the $\Lambda^\ast(1520,\,\frac32^-)$
        and $\Lambda^\ast(1890,\,\frac32^+)$
        are suppressed compared with those for the
        ground state $\Lambda(1116,\,\frac12^+)$ and $\Lambda^\ast(1405,\,\frac12^-)$.
        This analysis is important for the identification of
        the charmed pentaquark $P_c^+$ since the cascade decay
        involves the same final states as the decay
        $\Lambda_b^0~\to~P_c^+(~\to~p~K^-)~+~J/\psi $.

        I also discuss polarization effects in the cascade decay
        This analysis was published in [1].

        [1] T.~Gutsche, M.~A.~Ivanov, J.~G.~K\"orner, V.~E.~Lyubovitskij
        and P.~Santorelli,
        Phys.\ Rev.\ D {\bf 88}, no. 11, 114018 (2013)

        Speakers: Prof. Mikhail Ivanov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research), Mikhail Ivanov, Mikhail Ivanov (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH)), Mikhail Ivanov (Moscow State University)
      • 2:45 PM
        Theory overview of the tree-level b-decays 30m

        I review theoretical progress in the study of semileptonic tree-level B decays and its interplay with recent experimental results. In particular, I focus on two anomalies: the ratios $R(D)$, $R(D^{*})$:
        $R(D^{(*)})=\frac{BR(B-> D^{(*)} \tau \bar \nu_\tau)}{BR(B-> D^{(*)} \ell \bar \nu_\ell)}$
        and the inclusive vs exclusive determination of $|V_{cb}|$.
        I review several explanations for such anomalies and discuss further tests to clarify their origin.

        Speakers: Fulvia De Fazio (INFN Bari), Fulvia De Fazio (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
      • 3:15 PM
        LHC results on tree-level beauty decays 30m

        LHC results on tree-level beauty decays
        Tree-level beauty decays present crucial ingredients in the search for physics beyond the SM through quark flavour changing transitions.
        This contribution covers recent LHC results in charged-current semileptonic decays and beauty decays to both charmed and charmless fully hadronic final states.
        The semileptonic decays must be studied to determine the parameters |Vub| and |Vcb| in order to over-constrain the Unitary Triangle.
        First studies with semileptonic beauty baryons, which are uniquely accessible at hadron colliders, are presented.
        Semitaunonic decays provide an opportunity to test for physics that couples differently among the leptonic families, and recent results in this area are presented.
        Tree level decays to hadronic final states provide complementary constraints on the parameters of the Unitarity Triangle, in particular the internal angle gamma, which is currently the least precisely determined.
        Several recent results on beauty decays to charmed and charmless final states are presented, including their combined impact on the determination of the angle gamma.

        Speaker: Mika Anton Vesterinen (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
      • 3:45 PM
        New results on rare B decays with leptons from Belle 30m

        Rare B decays with leptons in the final state are powerful probes to search for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) as they can be calculated in the SM with high precision. We report recent results on rare B decays with leptons from the Belle experiment at the KEKB $e^+ e^-$ collider. The $B \to D^* \tau^+ \nu$ mode is sensitive to New Physics effects such as a charged Higgs or leptoquark current, while the world average of the branching ratio shows a discrepancy from the SM. Recently, Belle has performed a measurement of this mode using $\tau^+$ decays to hadronic final states, which is essentially independent of previous measurements from Belle. With this method, the $\tau$ lepton polarization in $B \to D^* \tau^+ \nu$ has been measured for the first time. In addition, we study the $D^*$ polarization in $B \to D^* \tau^+ \nu$ by analyzing the $D^*$ helicity angle distributions. Exploiting the unique features of $e^+ e^-$ B-factories, Belle can also study inclusive $B \to X_c \tau^+ \nu$ decays. Recent results on purely leptonic decay, $B \to \mu^+ \nu$ will also be discussed. The analyses are based on the full data set of Belle containing 772 million $B\bar{B}$ pairs.

        Speaker: Saskia Falke (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 4:15 PM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 4:45 PM
        Recent results from LHCb on semileptonic decays of b-hadrons 15m

        Due to their large branching fractions and good theoretical uncertainties, semileptonic b-hadron decays are excellent tools to study the CKM matrix and b-hadron properties such as lifetimes. The LHCb experiment has a very good potential for studies of semi-leptonic decays of b-hadrons, due to its excellent muon identification capabilities and very good reconstruction of decay vertices. In this contribution, recent results on semileptonic decays of b-hadrons at LHCb are presented.

        Speaker: Concezio Bozzi (CERN and INFN Ferrara)
      • 5:00 PM
        The role of theory input for exclusive Vcb determinations 15m

        We present recent results on the extraction of Vcb from data on B->D^* l nu decays. Using two different parameterizations of form factors, we show how theory input from Heavy Quark Effective Theory or Light Cone Sum Rules affect the value of Vcb. The results show that the inconsistency of Vcb extractions in exclusive and inclusive decays needs a reappraisal.

        Speaker: Stefan Schacht (INFN, Sezione di Torino and Universita di Torino)
      • 5:15 PM
        Time-dependent measurements of the CKM angle gamma at LHCb 15m

        The CKM angle gamma is the least well-known angle of the unitarity triangle, and the only one easily accessible at tree level. Important constraints on gamma are obtained from time dependent analysis of flavour-tagged Bs -> Ds K decays, and the latest results using the full LHCb Run 1 dataset are presented here. The ultimate goal of degree level precision for gamma requires exploitation of all possible channels and techniques, and the results of related time-dependent analyses of B meson decays with gamma sensitivity, B->Dpi and B->Ds*K, will be presented.

        Speaker: Donal Hill (University of Oxford (GB))
      • 5:30 PM
        Sensitivity to scalar contributions in b to c (u) tau nu decays 15m

        I present results of an analysis of scalar contributions in b→cτν transitions including the latest measurements of R(D(∗)), the q2 differential distributions in B→D(∗)τν, the τ polarization asymmetry for B→D∗τν, and the bound derived from the total width of the Bc meson. Scalar contributions with the simultaneous presence of both left- and right-handed couplings to quarks can explain the available data, specifically R(D(∗)) together with the measured differential distributions. However, the constraints from the total Bc width present a slight tension with the current data on B→D∗τν in this scenario, preferring smaller values for R(D∗). I discuss possibilities to disentangle scalar new physics from other new-physics scenarios like the presence of only a left-handed vector current, via additional observables in B→D(∗)τν decays or additional decay modes like the baryonic Λb→Λcτν and the inclusive B→Xcτν decays. We also analyze scalar contributions in b→uτν transitions, including the latest measurements of B→τν, providing predictions for Λb→pτν and B→πτν decays. The potential complementarity between the b→u and b→c sectors is finally investigated once assumptions about the flavour structure of the underlying theory are made.

        Speaker: Alejandro Celis (Ludwig Maximilian University)
      • 5:45 PM
        Charmless B decays at LHCb 15m

        Charmless b-hadron decays are CKM suppressed in the Standard Model, which brings the tree amplitudes to levels comparable with corresponding loop amplitudes. Hence, new particles not foreseen in the SM that appear in the loops may alter observables of these decays. We present the most recent measurements of branching ratios and CP asymmetries in charmless b-hadron decays to two- and multi-body final states. Measurements of polarisation fractions and triple-product asymmetries for B->VV decays, where V indicates a vector meson, are also presented.

        Speaker: Eduardo Rodrigues (University of Cincinnati (US))
      • 6:00 PM
        Possible origin(s) of RD(*) flavor anomalies 15m

        Three key issues pertaining to the semi-leptonic RD(*) anomalies will be addressed here:
        1) How robust are the SM predictions?
        2) What are the model-independent collider signature of these anomalies?
        3) What are some of the simplest BSM explanations for these?
        In answer to 1) latest information from on and off the lattice will be critically
        examined to question, in particular the reliability of the stated theory error.
        Reg 2) It will be shown that the semi-leptonic anomalies rigorously imply unavoidable collider signatures that the LHC experimental community should ASAP vigorously pursue to confirm or refute these anomalies. Lastly, but nevertheless of considerable importance, reg 3), is the issue of what interesting, and theoretically well motivated, underlying extensions of the SM are there that could be responsible for these anomalies assuming they withstand further scrutiny and the test of time.

        This talk is based in significant part on work done and in progress with Wolfgang Altmannshofer and Bhupal Dev.

        Speaker: Amarjit Soni (Brookhaven National Lab)
      • 6:15 PM
        Measurement of CKM parameters at Belle II 15m

        The Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector; it will operate at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric e+e− collider. The detector is in its final phase of construction and the accelerator has successfully completed the first phase of commissioning. The design luminosity is 8×1035cm−2s−1, and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab−1 of data, a factor of 50 more than the Belle experiment. We report our prospects for measuring the CKM angle gamma and observables in semileptonic B meson decays linked to the matrix elements Vcb and Vub.

        The CKM angle gamma is the least well known of the angles of the unitarity triangle and the only one that is accessible with tree-level decays in a theoretically clean way. The key method to measure gamma is through the interference between B^+ to D^0 K^+ and B^+ to \overline{D}^0 K^+ decays which occur if the final state of the charm-meson decay is accessible to both the D^0 and \overline{D}^0 mesons. To achieve the best sensitivity, a large variety of D and B decay modes is required; the Belle II experiment has the advantage that almost all final states can be reconstructed, including those with photons.

        The measurements of rates and other observables in CKM favoured or suppressed semileptonic B meson decays to light leptons (electron and muon) and to the tau lepton. provide a gateway to fundamental parameters of the Standard Model, such as Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements Vcb and Vub and are sensible to lepton flavour universality violation from physics beyond the Standard Model.

        Speaker: Ilya Komarov (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
      • 6:30 PM
        Nonperturbative determination of form factors for semileptonic Bs meson decays 15m

        Investigating the phenomenology of semileptonic $B_s$ meson decays allows to further constrain the Standard Model and explore new, independent channels to determine important parameters, like the CKM matrix elements $|V_{ub}|$ and $|V_{cb}|$. Given different systematics of $B_s$ decays w.r.t. $B$ decays, this may help to shed light on the long-standing discrepancy between inclusive and exclusive determinations of CKM matrix elements, on recently reported anomalies like in ratios of branching fractions, or on rare, GIM suppressed decays.

        Here we report on our lattice calculation based on the set of 2+1 flavor domain-wall Iwasaki gauge field configurations generated by the RBC-UKQCD collaboration using domain-wall light, strange, and charm quarks, and bottom quarks simulated with the relativistic heavy quark action. We present new results for semileptonic form factors for $B_s \to D_s \ell \nu$ and $B_s \to K \ell \nu$ as well as for $B_s \to \phi \ell^+ \ell^-$ and will give an outlook on determining the ratios $R(D_s)$ and $R(D_s^*)$ as well as on form factors for $B_s\to K^{(*)} \ell^+ \ell^-$ decays.

        Speaker: Oliver Witzel (University of Edinburgh)
    • 2:30 PM 6:30 PM
      Higgs and new physics: Higgs Room Welles (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Welles

      Palazzo del Casinò

      Convener: Giuseppe Degrassi (Universita e INFN, Roma Tre (IT))
      • 2:30 PM
        Charged Higgs production with a W boson or a top quark 15m

        I present theoretical results for charged Higgs production in association with a W boson or a top quark at the LHC. I calculate higher-order threshold corrections and show that they are very significant. I present detailed results for total cross sections as well as transverse-momentum and rapidity distributions of the Higgs boson for various LHC energies.

        Speaker: Nikolaos Kidonakis (Kennesaw State University)
      • 3:00 PM
        Standard Model Extended by a Heavy Singlet: Linear vs. Nonlinear EFT 15m

        I consider the Standard Model extended by a heavy scalar singlet and derive the low-energy effective theory resulting from integrating out the heavy state. This exercise in effective field theory serves to illustrate with a simple example the systematics of the linear and nonlinear electroweak effective Lagrangians and to clarify the relation between them. I discuss power-counting aspects and the transition between both effective theories on the basis of the model.

        Speaker: Alejandro Celis (Ludwig Maximilian University)
      • 3:15 PM
        Search for a new spin-zero resonance in diboson channels at 13 TeV 15m

        The talk aims to present the most recent results on heavy scalar search in diboson final states (WW,ZZ) combining different final states using full 2016 data collected by CMS detector.

        Speaker: Alessio Magitteri (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
      • 3:30 PM
        Search for high mass bosonic resonances with the ATLAS detector 15m

        Several theories beyond the Standard Model, like the EWS or 2HDM models, predict the existence of high mass Higgs particles, which could decay into final states with Weak bosons. In this presentation the latest ATLAS results on these searches will be discussed, using about 36 fb-1 of p-p collisions at 13 TeV.

        Speaker: Leonardo Carminati (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
      • 3:45 PM
        Flavour Physics meets Heavy Higgs Searches 15m

        We point out that the stringent lower bounds on the masses of additional neutral and charged Higgs bosons crucially depend on the flavour structure of their Yukawa interactions. We show that these bounds can easily be evaded when flavour violation is allowed in the Higgs sector. As an illustration, we study the phenomenology of a two Higgs doublet model with a Yukawa texture arising from charging the right-handed top quarks under a new $U(1)_{PQ}$ symmetry, as arising from a variant axion model. We combine constraints from both low energy flavour physics measurements, LHC measurements of Higgs boson rates, and LHC searches for new Higgs bosons. We propose novel LHC searches for heavy Higgs bosons that could be performed in the coming years to unravel the existence of these new Higgs bosons.

        Speaker: Ayan Paul (INFN, Sezione di Roma)
      • 4:00 PM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 4:30 PM
        Precision Calculations to Top- and Bottom-Yukawa Couplings within the SM and BSM 15m

        In this talk we would like to report on our recent calculations of the mixed QCD-EW corrections to the top- and bottom Yukawa couplings within the Standard Model (SM) and beyond (THDM, MSSM). After a brief review of the SM calculations, we would like to concentrate on the comparison SM/BSM and on the non-decoupling behavior of these corrections that might open a new window to indirect searches for new physics.

        Speakers: Dr Luminita Mihaila (ITP, University of Heidelberg), Luminita Mihaila (Uni Heidelberg)
      • 4:45 PM
        Two-Higgs-doublet model fits with HEPfit 15m

        The Two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) is one of the most studied extensions of the Standard Model. But just as the other popular "New Physics" models, it gets more and more constrained by recent experimental progress, especially by the LHC data. For all four 2HDM types with a softly broken $Z_2$ symmetry, we present updated results of global analyses obtained with the open-source HEPfit code. We emphasize the impact of the LHC run II data. Furthermore, we discuss 2HDM's beyond the conventional $Z_2$ symmetric types and the status of their implementation in HEPfit.

        Speaker: Otto Eberhardt (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
      • 5:00 PM
        Tracks of resonances in electroweak effective Lagrangians 15m

        Taking into account that LCH searches for New Physics are failing, the electroweak effective theory seems to be appropriate to deal with current energies. Tracks of new higher scales can be studied through next-to-leading corrections of the electroweak effective theory. Assuming strongly-coupled scenarios we have considered high-energy Lagrangians which incorporate explicitly new heavy fields. Then, and integrating out these heavy resonances, we study the pattern of low-energy constants among the light fields which are generated by the massive states. A generic non-linear realization of the electroweak symmetry breaking with a singlet Higgs is assumed. The importance of the high-energy behaviour of the underlying theory and different possible descriptions of massive spin-1 resonances are analysed.

        Speaker: Ignasi Rosell (Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera & IFIC, Valencia)
      • 5:15 PM
        Search for Higgs-like particle produced in association with $b$ quarks and measurement of $Z \to b\bar{b}$ cross section at CDF II 15m

        We present a search for a Higgs-like particle $\phi$ decaying into $b\bar{b}$ produced in association with $b$ quarks in p$\bar{p}$ collisions. The event sample corresponds to 5.4 $\text{fb}^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity collected with the CDF II detector at the Tevatron collider using a single $b$ tagged jet trigger. We search for an enhancement in the mass of the two leading jets in event with at least three jets identified as coming from $b$ quarks. A data-driven procedure is applied to estimate the dijet mass spectrum of the non-resonant multijet background, which has been used to measure the production cross-section of the $Z$ decaying into $b\bar{b}$ in the same sample but with at least two b-jets. We set one of the most stringent upper limits on $\sigma(p\bar{p} \rightarrow \phi b) \times \mathcal{B}(\phi \rightarrow b\bar{b})$ in the $100-300~\text{GeV/c}^2$ mass range.

        Speaker: Emanuele Michielin (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
      • 5:30 PM
        Searching for massless Dark Photons at LHC via Higgs boson production 15m

        Dark photons $\bar{γ}$ mediating long-range forces in a dark sector are predicted by various new physics scenarios, and are being intensively searched for in experiments. Thanks to the non-decoupling properties of the Higgs boson, BR values of Higgs decaying into a photon plus darkphoton $H \to\gamma \bar{\gamma}$ up to a few percent are possible for a massless dark photon, even for heavy dark-sector scenarios. The corresponding signature consists (for a Higgs boson at rest) of a striking monochromatic photon with energy $E_{\gamma}=m_H/2$, and similar amount of missing energy. We perform a model independent analysis at the LHC of both the gluon-fusion and VBF Higgs production mechanisms at 14 TeV, including parton-shower effects, and updating our previous parton-level analysis at 8 TeV in the gluon-fusion channel by a more realistic background modeling. We find that a 5σ sensitivity can be reached in the gluon-fusion channel for $BR(H\to \gamma\bar{\gamma})≃0.1\%$ with an integrated luminosity of L≃300${\rm fb}^{−1}$. The corresponding VBF reach is instead restricted to 1%. Such decay rates can be naturally obtained in dark-photon scenarios arising from unbroken $U(1)_F$ models explaining the origin and hierarchy of the Yukawa couplings, strongly motivating the search for this exotic Higgs decay at the LHC.

        Speaker: Dr Barbara Mele (INFN)
      • 5:45 PM
        ATLAS Higgs and supersymmetry physics prospects at the high luminosity LHC 15m

        The Higgs physics prospects at the high-luminosity LHC are presented, assuming an energy of sqrt(s) = 14 TeV and a data sample of 3000-4000 fb-1. In particular, the ultimate precision attainable on the couplings measurements of the 125 GeV Higgs boson with SM fermions and bosons is discussed, as well as perspectives on the search for the Standard Model di-Higgs production, which could lead to the measurement of the Higgs boson self-coupling.
        Scenarios of SUSY sparticle production, among others, have been used as benchmark to drive the design of the component upgrades, and to evaluate the sensitivity of the upgraded accelerator and detector. This talk will also overview the expected sensitivity that the ATLAS experiment will have to SUSY sparticle production with 3000 fb-1 pf proton-proton collisions collected at a centre of mass energy of 14 TeV.

        Speaker: Nicola Venturi (CERN)
      • 6:00 PM
        Higgs measurements at the HL-LHC with CMS 15m

        We present the performance of Higgs boson property measurements and BSM Higgs searches using the CMS detector in the High-Luminosity LHC conditions, with an integrated luminosity of up to 3000 fb-1. Projections of 13 TeV analyses and 14 TeV simulation studies are both shown.

        Speaker: Adinda De Wit (Imperial College (GB))
      • 6:15 PM
        Sensitivity to anomalous VVH couplings at the ILC 15m

        The discovery of the 125 GeV Higgs boson, which was the last missing element of the standard model (SM), provided us the insight that the electroweak symmetry breaking is done by a Higgs condensate in the vacuum, namely the Higgs mechanism. However the SM does not give the dynamics explaining why and how that Higgs condensate is formed. On the other hand, the SM can not provide candidate particles for the dark matter, and can not explain the baryon number asymmetry in our universe, etc.. Therefore new physics beyond the SM is needed to answer all of those questions. Remarkably the effects of new physics will be inevitably imprinted in the properties of the Higgs boson, namely its couplings to other SM particles and its CP nature. At the future International Linear Collider (ILC), one of the most important goals is precise measurement those properties.

        In this talk, we will focus on the measurement of the general Lorentz structure of couplings between Higgs and vector bosons (VVH, V=Z or W) at the ILC, based on an approach of the effective field theory. The sensitivities to both CP-even and CP-odd dimension-5 operators are evaluated by exploring various Higgs production and decay channels, in particular taking advantage of the sensitivities from differential cross sections measurements. The studies are performed based on full detector simulation of the International Large Detector (ILD), for ECM = 250 GeV and 500 GeV. Combined sensitivities are given for some realistic running scenarios of the ILC.

        Speaker: Mr Tomohisa Ogawa (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
    • 2:30 PM 6:30 PM
      Higgs and new physics: Supersymmetry Sala Perla (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Sala Perla

      Palazzo del Casinò

      Convener: Marie-Helene Genest (LPSC-Grenoble, CNRS/UGA (FR))
      • 2:30 PM
        SUSY scenarios according to EWSB 30m

        The talk provides an overview of the status of SUSY breaking scenarios. The focus will be on the way the electroweak symmetry breaking is achieved and understood in different scenarios. Various aspects of naturalness and its implication will be discussed and compared.

        Speaker: Radovan Dermisek
      • 3:00 PM
        Searches for supersymmetry via strong production in fully hadronic final states at CMS 15m

        We report on searches for new physics in events with one or more jets and missing transverse energy. The searches use proton-proton collision data recorded in 2016 by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The results are interpreted in terms of several simplified models of supersymmetry.

        Speaker: Myriam Schoenenberger (Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
      • 3:15 PM
        Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos in final states with no leptons with the ATLAS detector 15m

        Despite the absence of experimental evidence, weak scale supersymmetry remains one of the best motivated and studied Standard Model extensions. This talk summarises recent ATLAS results on inclusive searches for supersymmetric squarks and gluinos, including third generation squarks produced in the decay of gluinos. The searches involve final states containing jets, missing transverse momentum and no light leptons, taus or photons, and were performed with pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV.

        Speaker: Otilia Anamaria Ducu (Universite de Montreal (CA))
      • 3:30 PM
        Searches for supersymmetry via strong production in events with one or more leptons at CMS 15m

        We report on searches for new physics in events with one or more charged leptons, jets and missing transverse momentum. The searches use proton-proton collision data recorded in 2016 by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The results are interpreted in terms of several simplified models of pair production of supersymmetric partners of gluons or quarks.

        Speaker: Christian Schomakers (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
      • 3:45 PM
        Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos in final states with leptons with the ATLAS detector 15m

        Despite the absence of experimental evidence, weak scale supersymmetry remains one of the best motivated and studied Standard Model extensions. This talk summarises recent ATLAS results on inclusive searches for supersymmetric squarks and gluinos, including third generation squarks produced in the decay of gluinos. The searches involve final states containing jets, missing transverse momentum and one or more leptons, and were performed with pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV.

        Speaker: Ximo Poveda Torres (CERN)
      • 4:00 PM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 4:30 PM
        Compressed SUSY searches with the Recursive Jigsaw Reconstruction 15m

        The Recursive Jigsaw reconstruction technique provides a powerful way to tackle challenging SUSY final states with multiple missing particles. By altering the input "decay tree" we demonstrate a new approach to considering compressed SUSY signatures from a variety of different sources. The imposition of this decay tree provides a clear way to define which objects are associated with an ISR system and those which are candidate decay products of the SUSY system. From this choice a set of variables emerge, providing a method to distinguish compressed cases from the pernicious standard model backgrounds present.

        We introduce this new approach, comparing it briefly to other methods used to probe this phase-space and demonstrate it's power through application to several compressed final states. We will further touch on the applicability of this same method to other physics processes where the use of conventional kinematic handles breaks down.

        Speaker: Paul Douglas Jackson (University of Adelaide)
      • 4:45 PM
        Search for compressed SUSY scenarios with the ATLAS detector 15m

        Scenarios where multiple SUSY states are nearly degenerate in mass produce soft decay products, and they represent an experimental challenge for ATLAS. This talk presents recent results of analyses explicitly targeting such “compressed” scenarios with a variety of experimental techniques. All results make use of proton-proton collisions collected at a centre of mass of 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector.

        Speaker: Julien Maurer (IFIN-HH (RO))
      • 5:00 PM
        Search for supersymmetry with compressed mass spectra or decays via Higgs bosons at CMS 15m

        We report on searches for supersymmetry in scenarios where the mass differences between the lightest supersymmetric particles are small, or where their decay chains involve a Higgs boson. The searches use proton-proton collision data recorded in 2016 by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The results are interpreted in terms of several simplified models of supersymmetry.

        Speaker: Constantin Heidegger (Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
      • 5:15 PM
        Supersymmetry signals in Z' decays 15m

        I discuss the feasibility to search for supersymmetry in the decays of heavy Z' bosons, predicted by GUT-inspired U(1)' models, by investigating final states with charged leptons and missing energy in pp collisions at the LHC. I also investigate decays into pairs of the lightest MSSM neutralinos, which are Dark Matter candidates, and update the exclusion limits on the Z' mass, accounting for the inclusion of BSM decay modes.

        Speaker: Gennaro Corcella (INFN - LNF)
      • 5:30 PM
        Searches for production of third generation squarks at CMS 15m

        We report on searches for supersymmetric partners of top and bottom quarks. The searches use proton-proton collision data recorded in 2016 by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The results are interpreted under several assumptions for the decay of these particles.

        Speaker: Indara Suarez (Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US))
      • 5:45 PM
        Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks in final states with no leptons with the ATLAS detector 15m

        Naturalness arguments for weak-scale supersymmetry favour supersymmetric partners of the third generation quarks with masses not too far from those of their Standard Model counterparts. Top or bottom squarks with masses less than or around one TeV can also give rise to direct pair production rates at the LHC that can be observed in the data sample recorded by the ATLAS detector. The talk presents recent ATLAS results from searches for direct stop and sbottom pair production in final states containing no leptons, using the data collected during the LHC Run 2.

        Speaker: Tommaso Lari (University and INFN, Milano)
      • 6:00 PM
        Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks in final states with leptons with the ATLAS detector 15m

        Naturalness arguments for weak-scale supersymmetry favour supersymmetric partners of the third generation quarks with masses not too far from those of their Standard Model counterparts. Top or bottom squarks with masses less than or around one TeV can also give rise to direct pair production rates at the LHC that can be observed in the data sample recorded by the ATLAS detector. The talk presents recent ATLAS results from searches for direct stop and sbottom pair production in final states with leptons, using the data collected during the LHC Run 2.

        Speaker: Priscilla Pani (CERN)
      • 6:15 PM
        Soft gluon resummation for associated gluino-gaugino production at the LHC 15m

        We present a threshold resummation calculation for the associated production of gluinos and gauginos at the LHC to the next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. Analytical results are presented for the process-dependent soft anomalous dimension and the hard function. The resummed results are matched to a full next-to-leading order calculation, for which we have generalised the previously known results to the case of supersymmetric scenarios featuring non-universal squark masses. Numerically, the next-to-leading logarithmic contributions increase the total next-to-leading order cross section by 7 to 20% for central scale choices and gluino masses of 3 to 6 TeV, respectively, and reduce its scale dependence typically from up to ±12% to below ±3%.

        Speaker: Michael Klasen
    • 2:30 PM 6:30 PM
      Heavy ion physics Room Mangano (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Mangano

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 2:30 PM
        Heavy flavour in high-energy nuclear collisions: results of transport calculations 30m

        I will show how transport calculations, interfaced with a realistic hydrodynamic modeling of the background medium, allow one to provide predictions for momentum and angular distributions of heavy-flavour particles in high-energy nuclear collisions, to be compared eventually with experimental data (D/B-mesons and their decay products). The presence of a hot-deconfined medium (Quark-Gluon Plasma) in which the propagation (and final hadronization) of c and b quarks takes place leads to modifications of the final observables with respect to the proton-proton case. In my presentation I will focus on medium effects on transverse-momentum spectra (with low-pT particles pushed to moderate pT by the collective expansion of the medium and high-pT particles suffering energy-loss) and azimuthal distributions, the angular anisotropies (elliptic and triangular) of final-state particles reflecting the initial geometric asymmetry of the system produced in the collision. I will also show first results of full 3+1 simulations, dropping the approximation of longitudinal boost-invariance and allowing for the study of observables at forward rapidity.

        Speaker: Dr Andrea Beraudo (INFN, sezione di Torino (IT))
      • 3:00 PM
        Nuclear modification factor and elliptic flow of open heavy flavours in Pb--Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC 15m

        The LHC heavy-ion physics program aims at investigating the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma, QGP, formed in such collisions. Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are regarded as efficient probes to study and characterize the QGP, as they are created on a very short time scale in initial hard processes and subsequently experience the entire system evolution interacting with the medium constituents.

        The measurement of the nuclear modification factor, $R_{\rm AA}$, of heavy-flavour particles gives important information about the colour-charge and parton-mass dependence of energy loss as well as about possible modifications of heavy-quark hadronization in the medium. In addition, the heavy-flavour elliptic flow, $v_2$, provides insights on the degree of thermalization of heavy quarks in the deconfined medium and carries information on the path-length dependence of parton energy loss, in the low- and high-$p_{\rm T}$ regions respectively.

        The heavy-flavour particles are measured in ALICE over a wide rapidity range, via D mesons and heavy-flavour hadron decay electrons at mid-rapidity ($|y|<0.8$), and heavy-flavour hadron decay muons at forward rapidity (2.5 < $y$ < 4).

        The latest results on the $p_{\rm T}$-differential $R_{\rm AA}$ and $v_2$ of D mesons and heavy-flavour hadron decay leptons in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.02$ and $2.76$ TeV performed with ALICE will be presented for different centrality classes and compared with theoretical model predictions. The results in different rapidity regions provide further information on the properties of the medium. The leptons at high $p_{\rm{T}}$ come mainly from beauty-hadron decays, therefore they are sensitive to transport properties of beauty quarks in the medium. Finally, the results obtained with the Event-Shape Engineering (ESE) technique applied to the D-meson $v_2$ in semi-central Pb--Pb events to investigate the influence of initial geometry fluctuations to heavy-flavour production will be shown.

        Speaker: Xiaoming Zhang (Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))
      • 3:15 PM
        Measurements of open charm hadron production in Au+Au collisions by the STAR experiment 15m

        Charm quarks possess large masses and thus they are expected to be primarily produced at the initial stages of heavy-ion collisions. Hot and dense nuclear matter, usually referred to as the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), can also be created in these collisions. Therefore, the QGP can be studied using charm quarks as penetrating probes via the in-medium energy loss, which is directly related to the intrinsic properties of the medium. In particular, a mass ordering of the parton energy loss in the hot medium is predicted, i.e. heavy-flavor quarks are expected to lose less energy than light quarks. Measurements of charm meson production in heavy-ion collisions provide a great opportunity to study the charm quark energy loss in the medium, and thus the QGP properties. Moreover, STAR has measured several species of charm hadrons and, therefore, can probe several modes of hadronization in the medium. In this presentation, we report the most recent measurements of the production of D$^0$ and D$^\pm$, as well as D$_\mathrm{s}$, containing a strange quark, and the $\Lambda_\mathrm{c}$ baryon in Au+Au collisions at the center-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon collision of $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}} = 200\,$GeV. These particles are reconstructed via their hadronic decay channels, where the daughter particles can be tracked and identified with excellent precision.

        Speakers: Mr Miroslav Simko (Nuclear Physics Institute of The Czech Academy of Sciences), Miroslav Simko (Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (cz))
      • 3:30 PM
        Open heavy flavor dynamics in heavy ion collisions: RAA, v1, v2, v3 15m

        We address the present theoretical challenge to have a self-consistent description of both the $R_{AA}(p_T)$
        and the elliptic flow $v_2(p_T)$ at both RHIC and LHC.
        We describe the heavy quarks dynamics in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) by means of
        a Boltzmann transport approach in which the non-perturbative interaction between
        heavy quarks and light quark is described by means of a quasi particle approach.
        Such a model is able to catch the main features of non-perturbative
        interaction as the increasing of the interaction in the region of low temperature, which is a
        fundamental ingredient to reproduce the experimental data for the nuclear suppression factor and the
        elliptic flow.
        We will also discuss the impact of radiative energy loss calculated in a multiple scattering and higher-twist scheme.
        Moreover we point out that charm quarks may be an ideal probe of the initial electromagnetic field.
        In fact thanks to their short formation time, subdominant thermal production and not very
        large mass they can be a sensitive probe of the initial electromagnetic field and electric conductivity of the bulk matter.
        Realistic simulation shows a charm/anti-charm opposite transverse flow $v_1$ of the order of a few
        percent depending on the value of the electric conductivity of the bulk QGP.

        [1]S. K. Das, F. Scardina, S. Plumari, V. Greco, Phys.Rev. C90 (2014) 044901.

        [2]S. K. Das, F. Scardina, S. Plumari, V. Greco, Phys.Lett. B747 (2015) 260-264.

        [3]S. K. Das, S. Plumari, S. Chatterjee, J. Alam, F. Scardina, V. Greco, Phys.Lett. B768 (2017) 260-264.

        Speaker: Salvatore Plumari (University of Catania (Italy))
      • 3:45 PM
        Open heavy-flavour production in p-Pb collisions measured with ALICE at the LHC 15m

        Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are probes of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) formed in high-energy nuclear collisions. They are produced in hard partonic scattering processes occurring in the initial stage of the collisions, propagate through the medium, and interact with its constituents, thus probing the entire evolution of the system.

        The heavy-flavour production in proton-nucleus collisions is sensitive to Cold Nuclear Matter effects (CNM), such as the modification of the parton distribution functions of nuclei due to shadowing or saturation, and parton energy loss in cold nuclear matter. These effects can induce a modification of the heavy-flavour production at low momentum and their measurement is required to understand final-state effects related to the presence of the QGP in Pb--Pb collisions.
        The study of heavy-flavour production as a function of the multiplicity of charged particles produced in the collision can provide information on the dependence of CNM effects on the collision geometry and on the density of final-state particles.
        In addition, the possible presence of collective effects in high-multiplicity p--Pb events could modify the $p_{\rm T}$ distributions of heavy-flavour hadrons.

        ALICE measures open heavy-flavour production via the reconstruction of D-meson hadronic decays and electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at mid-rapidity, and of muons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at forward rapidity. Recent results in p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$= 5.02 TeV collected during the Run-1 and Run-2 LHC periods will be presented. In particular, the production cross sections, nuclear modification factors (down to $p_{\rm T}$ = 0 for $D^{0}$ mesons), and multiplicity-dependent studies will be shown. The results will be compared with theoretical model predictions.

        Speaker: Cristina Terrevoli (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
      • 4:00 PM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 4:30 PM
        Universal strangeness production and size fluctuactions in small and large systems 15m

        Strangeness production at high multiplicity gives indications on the transverse size fluctuactions in AA,pA and pp. In particular the universal behavior
        of strange particle hadronization in small and large systems can be tested for the specific particle species, for different centralities and for large fluctuation of the transverse size
        in pA and pp by using the recent ALICE data. The expected similar behavior between large and small systems at large energies is discussed on the basis of causality constraints.

        Speaker: Prof. Paolo Castorina (Dipartimento Fisica ed Astronomia- Università di Catania, Italy)
      • 4:45 PM
        Strangeness production in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC 15m

        We present new ALICE results on the production of strange and multi-strange hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions at the top LHC energy of $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV.
        Strangeness production measurements are powerful tools for the study of the thermal properties of the deconfined state of QCD matter, the Quark-Gluon Plasma.
        Thanks to its unique tracking and PID capabilities, ALICE is able to measure weakly decaying particles through the topological reconstruction of the identified hadron daughters.
        Transverse momentum spectra of $K_{0}^{S}$, $\Lambda$, $\Xi$ and $\Omega$ at central rapidity are presented as function of the collision centrality.
        The so-called baryon anomaly in the ratio $\Lambda/K_{0}^{S}$ is examined to probe particle production mechanisms: the position of the peak is sensitive to recombination processes, the high $p_{\rm T}$ part can provide revealing insights on fragmentation and, finally, the steepness of the rising trend featuring for $p_{\rm T} \leq$ 2 GeV/$c$ can be connected to the hydrodynamic expansion of the system.
        In order to study strangeness enhancement, hyperon yields are normalised to the measurements of pion production in the corresponding centrality classes.
        Comparisons to lower energy results as well as to different collision systems will be shown. This offers a complete experimental picture that is used as a benchmark for several commonly adopted phenomenological models, such as the thermal-statisical hadronisation approach.

        Speaker: Peter Kalinak (Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK))
      • 5:00 PM
        Unidentified and identified hadron production in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE 15m

        In this talk, the centrality dependence of the $p_{\rm T}$ spectra of unidentified charged hadrons as well as of charged pions, kaons, (anti)protons and resonances in Pb-Pb collisions at the unprecedented energy of $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}} = 5.02$ are presented. The $p_{\rm T}$-integrated particle yields are compared to predictions from thermal-statistical models and the evolution of the proton to pion, kaon to pion and resonance to non-resonance particle ratios as a function of collision energy and centrality are discussed. Hydrodynamic and recombination models are tested against the measured spectral shapes at low and intermediate transverse momenta.
        The measurement of a comprehensive set of resonances with lifetimes in a wide range of 1-46 fm/$c$ is suitable for a systematic study of the role of re-scattering and regeneration in the hadronic phase. The study of the energy dependence of the resonance to non-resonance particle ratio addresses the question whether the picture of the dominance of re-scattering effects over regeneration still holds at the higher energy, where the density and the volume of the system are expected to be larger.
        Finally, the nuclear modification factor for the different particle species, which are found to be identical within the respective systematic uncertainties for transverse momenta above 8 GeV/$c$, will be shown.

        Speaker: Jacek Tomasz Otwinowski (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
      • 5:15 PM
        Multiplicity dependence of the production of identified charged hadrons in pp and pPb collisions from CMS 15m

        New results on transverse momentum spectra of identified charged hadrons in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV are presented using CMS detector at the LHC. Charged pions, kaons, and protons in the transverse-momentum range pT = 0.1-1.7 GeV/c and for laboratory rapidities |y| < 1 are identified via their energy loss in the CMS silicon tracker. The pT spectra and integrated yields are compared to lower center-of-mass energy pp, and to similar energy pPb and PbPb results, as well as to Monte Carlo simulations.
        For all collision systems studied, the average pT increases with particle mass and with the charged-particle multiplicity of the event as expected from theoretical predictions, among others from those based on gluon saturation. The results shows only a slight dependence of the average pT on the center-of-mass energy, indicating that particle production at LHC energies is strongly correlated with the charged-particle multiplicity rather than with the center-of-mass energy of the collision. The observed dependencies show that at TeV energies the characteristics of particle production in hadronic collisions are constrained mostly by the amount of initial parton energy available in a given collision.

        Speaker: Ferenc Siklér (Wigner RCP, Budapest (HU))
      • 5:30 PM
        Recent results on (anti-)(hyper-)nuclei production in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE 15m

        At the end of 2015 the ALICE experiment at the LHC has recorded Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV, that complement the dataset from Run 1. Both datasets contain a variety of (anti-)(hyper-)nuclei produced in the collisions, namely (anti-)deuteron, (anti-)triton, (anti-)helium-3, (anti-)alpha and (anti-)hypertriton. Furthermore, the large high quality data sample of pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV and 13 TeV and in p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5 TeV at the LHC with the ALICE detector allows for a systematic study of the light (anti-)nuclei production in these collision systems.
        The identification of these (anti-)(hyper-)nuclei is based on the energy loss in the Time Projection Chamber and the velocity from the Time-Of-Flight detector. In addition, the Inner Tracking System is used to distinguish secondary vertices originating from weak decays. This is of particular importance for the measurement of (anti-)(hyper-)triton which decays weakly and has a decay length of several centimeters. The decay mode into a (anti-)helium-3 and a oppositely charged pion is the one with the largest reconstruction efficiency, but the largest branching ratio is given by the 3-body decay mode into a deuteron, a proton and a charged pion. The study of (anti-)(hyper-)nuclei production at both energies will be discussed and findings will be compared to model predictions. Emphasis will be put on new results of the hypertriton in its 2- and 3-body decay modes.
        New results on deuteron production as a function of multiplicity in pp and p-Pb collisions will be presented, as well as the measurement of helium-3 in p-Pb collisions. The goal is to study production mechanisms such as coalescence in small systems, and to compare them to those in heavy-ion collisions.
        Finally, the status of the ongoing searches for hypothetical strange pentaquarks and dibaryons will be discussed, together with perspectives for studies with the increased statistics from the LHC Run II.

        Speaker: Stefano Trogolo (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
      • 5:45 PM
        High pT single identified particles in various collision systems with the PHENIX detector at RHIC 15m

        Jet quenching in the hot, dense medium formed in Au+Au collisions leads to the suppression of high $p_T$ particles which can be studied with the measurement of the leading hadrons, like $\pi_0$. They can be used to investigate the mechanism of energy loss of partons in a QGP when varying the collision geometry.

        Asymmetric Cu+Au collisions provide a system with similar energy density but different collision geometry when compared to Au+Au, with the same number of nucleon-nucleon collisions. Furthermore, at RHIC we can study different highly asymmetric collisions, such as p+Au, d+Au and $^3$He+Au. The observation of collective behavior in these systems suggests the creation of a medium, but alternate explanations exist. The systematic study of the $\pi_0$ production could give us a deeper understanding of the physics in these very asymmetric systems.

        We present new measurements of $\pi_0$ with PHENIX in the asymmetric collisions at midrapidity $|\eta|<$ 0.35 with collision energy $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV.

        Speakers: Klaus Dehmelt (Stony Brook University USA), Klaus Dehmelt (State University of New York Stony Brook (US)), Klaus Dehmelt (Stony Brook University USA)
      • 6:00 PM
        News on spectra from the NA61/SHINE experiment. 15m

        NA61/SHINE is a fixed target experiment at the CERN Super-Proton-Synchrotron. The main goals of the experiment are to discover the critical point of strongly interacting matter and study the properties of the onset of deconfinement. In order to reach these goals, a study of hadron production properties is performed in nucleus-nucleus, proton-proton and proton-nucleus interactions as a function of collision energy and size of the colliding nuclei.
        In this talk, recent results of particle production in p+p interactions, as well as Be+Be and Ar+Sc collisions in the SPS energy range are reviewed. Transverse momentum, transverse mass and rapidity spectra obtained with various analysis methods are presented. An implication of collective flow in central collisions of larger systems is discussed as well as surprises in studies on signatures of onset of deconfinement. The results are compared with available world data.

        Speaker: Magdalena Kuich (University of Warsaw (PL))
      • 6:15 PM
        Measurements of vector meson photoproduction with ALICE in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 5.02 TeV 15m

        The intense photon fluxes of relativistic nuclei provide a possibility
        to study photonuclear and two-photon interactions in ultra-peripheral collisions (UPC)
        where the nuclei do not overlap and no strong nuclear interactions occur.
        The study of such collisions provides information about the initial state of nuclei (nPDF).

        Exclusive $J/\psi$ production in UPC which is sensitive to the nuclear
        gluon distribution: first ALICE results from LHC Run 2 will be presented for
        this channel for both forward and mid-rapidity $J/\psi$. The increased statistics
        and the higher collision energy allows for a more detailed study of lower values of Bjorken-x.

        The analysis of the $\gamma+A \rightarrow \rho^0$+A process in UPC is a tool to test the, so-called, black disk regime
        where the target nucleus appears like a black disk and the total $\rho^0$+A cross section reaches it quantum mechanical limit.
        ALICE reports new measurements of $\rho^0$ photoproduction cross sections in Pb-Pb UPC at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.02$ TeV
        at mid-rapidity which are compared to predictions.

        Speaker: Valeri Pozdniakov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
    • 2:30 PM 6:30 PM
      Neutrino physics Room Casinò (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Casinò

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 2:30 PM
        Overview of knowns and unknowns in the standard three-neutrino framework 30m

        A global analysis of neutrino masses and mixings, performed within the standard three-neutrino framework, is presented. The combination of current data coming from oscillation experiments, neutrinoless double beta decay searches, and cosmological surveys, provides interesting constraints on the known mass-mixing parameters, as well as intriguing hints on the unknown ones. Concerning the latter, we confirm previous hints favoring nonmaximal theta-23 mixing, and nearly maximal leptonic CP violation. We also find that the so-called normal ordering (NO) of neutrino masses appears to be somewhat favored with respect to inverted ordering (IO) at the level of ~2 sigma, mainly by neutrino oscillation data (especially atmospheric), corroborated by cosmological data in some cases. Detailed constraints are obtained via the chi^2 method, by expanding the parameter space either around separate minima in NO and IO, or around the absolute minimum in any ordering. Implications for upcoming oscillation and non-oscillation neutrino experiments, including beta-decay searches, are also discussed. [Main reference paper: arXiv:1703.04471]

        Speaker: Eligio Lisi (INFN, Bari, Italy)
      • 3:00 PM
        Sensitivity of the DUNE Experiment to CP Violation and to physics beyond the SM 15m

        The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment with primary physics goals of determining the neutrino mass hierarchy and measuring delta_CP with sufficient sensitivity to discover CP violation in neutrino oscillation. CP violation sensitivity in DUNE requires careful understanding of systematic uncertainty, with contributions expected from uncertainties in the neutrino flux, neutrino interactions, and detector effects. In this presentation, we will describe the expected sensitivity of DUNE to long-baseline neutrino oscillation parameters, how various aspects of the experimental design contribute to that sensitivity, and the planned strategy for constraining systematic uncertainty in these measurements.

        The detector-beam configuration also provides an excellent opportunity to study physics beyond standard neutrino oscillations. DUNE will be able to search for or constrain a wide variety of physics phenomena beyond the Standard Model, such as, light sterile neutrinos, nonstandard neutrino interactions, large extra-dimensions, heavy neutrinos, lepton flavor violation, and low mass dark matter. In this talk, we will present preliminary DUNE sensitivities to physics beyond the Standard Model and discuss the potential of DUNE in understanding these phenomena.

        Speakers: Dr Justo Martin-Albo (Oxford), Dr Justo Martin-Albo (University of Oxford (GB)), Justo Martin-Albo Simon (Universidad de Valencia)
      • 3:15 PM
        The Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment 15m

        Hyper-Kamiokande is a planned next-generation multi-purpose megaton-scale water Cherenkov detector in Japan. It is situated along the same J-PARC beam line as T2K. The detector, which is heavily influenced by its successful predecessor Super-Kamiokande, will consists of two cylindrical tanks filled with 260 ktons of ultrapure water, a volume approximately 10 times larger than Super-Kamiokande. 40,000 ultrasensitive photo-sensors will clad its internal volume and 6,700 on the external detector faces. This massive undertaking pro-vides challenges for R&D, calibration, DAQ and construction. We will present the current detector design, systems and status, as well as its capability to address the fundamental question of the CP violation in the leptonic sector. Results assuming the second tank based in Korea will also be presented.

        Speaker: Dr Benjamin Richards (QMUL)
      • 3:30 PM
        An Intermediate Water Cherenkov Detector for the T2K and Hyper-K Experiments 15m

        The Japan based long baseline neutrino program aims for the discovery of CP violation in neutrino mixing and precision measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters at the T2K and Hyper-K experiments. Achieving these goals will require the collection of large data sets and the reduction of systematic uncertainties to the few percent level. Dominant systematic errors arise in the modeling of (anti)neutrino-nucleus interactions in water, and these errors can be reduced with measurements in an intermediate water Cherenkov detector located near the neutrino source at J-PARC. To this end, intermediate water Cherenkov detectors such as NuPRISM and TITUS have been proposed. These detectors include features such as an off-axis angle spanning configuration to measure the energy dependence of neutrino interactions and Gd loading to measure final state neutron multiplicities in neutrino interactions. In this talk, we present a unified program for intermediate water Cherenkov detectors in the J-PARC neutrino beam that supports that physics programs of T2K and Hyper-K.

        Speaker: Dr Michael Wilking
      • 3:45 PM
        Neutrino-nucleus scattering at nuSTORM 15m

        The nuSTORM facility will provide \nu_e and \nu_\mu beams from the
        decay of low energy muons confined within a storage ring. The
        instrumentation of the ring, combined with the excellent knowledge of
        muon decay, will make it possible to determine the neutrino flux at
        the %-level or better. The neutrino and anti-neutrino event rates are
        such that the nuSTORM facility serving a suite of near detectors will
        be able to measure \nu_eN and \nu_\muN cross sections with the %-level
        precision required to allow the next generation of long-baseline
        neutrino-oscillation experiments to fulfil their potential. By
        delivering precise cross section measurements with a pure weak probe
        nuSTORM may have the potential to make measurements important to
        understanding the physics of nucleii. The precise knowledge of the
        initial neutrino flux also makes it possible to deliver uniquely
        sensitive sterile-neutrino searches. The concept for the nuSTORM
        facility will be presented together with an evaluation of its
        performance. The status of the planned consideration of nuSTORM at
        CERN in the context of the Physics Beyond Colliders workshop will be

        Speaker: Kenneth Richard Long (Imperial College (GB))
      • 4:00 PM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 4:30 PM
        Neutrino CP Violation with the ESSnuSB project 15m

        After measuring in 2012 a relatively large value of the neutrino mixing angle θ13, the door is now open to observe for the first time a possible CP violation in the leptonic sector. The measured value of θ13 also privileges the 2nd oscillation maximum for the discovery of CP violation instead of the usually used 1st oscillation maximum. The sensitivity at this 2nd oscillation maximum is about three times higher than for the 1st oscillation maximum inducing a lower influence of systematic errors. Going to the 2nd oscillation maximum necessitates a very intense neutrino beam with the appropriate energy. The world’s most intense pulsed spallation neutron source, the European Spallation Source, will have a proton linac with 5 MW power and 2 GeV energy. This linac, under construction, also has the potential to become the proton driver of the world’s most intense neutrino beam with very high potential to discover a neutrino CP violation. The physics performance of that neutrino Super Beam in conjunction with a megaton underground Water Cherenkov neutrino detector installed at a distance of about 500 km from ESS has been evaluated. In addition, the choice of such detector will extent the physics program to proton–decay, atmospheric neutrinos and astrophysics searches. The ESS proton linac upgrades, the accumulator ring needed for proton pulse compression, the target station optimization and the physics potential are described. In addition to neutrinos, this facility will also produce at the same time a copious number of muons which could be used by a low energy nuSTORM facility, a future neutrino factory or a muon collider. The ESS neutron facility will be fully ready by 2023 at which moment the upgrades for the neutrino facility could start.
        This project supported by the COST Action CA15139 "Combining forces for a novel European facility for neutrino-antineutrino symmetry-violation discovery" (EuroNuNet).

        Speaker: Marcos Dracos (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
      • 4:45 PM
        The ENUBET project: high precision neutrino flux measurements in conventional neutrino beams 15m

        The precision era of neutrino physics requires measurements of absolute neutrino cross sections at the GeV scale with exquisite (1%) precision. These measurements are presently limited by the uncertainties on neutrino flux: the goal of the ERC ENUBET Project is to demonstrate that such uncertainties can be removed employing novel monitoring techniques of the leptons at the neutrino source. In particular, a reduction of these systematics by one order of magnitude can be achieved monitoring the positron production in the decay tunnel originating from the K_e3 decays of charged kaons in a sign and momentum selected narrow band beam. In this talk we present the results obtained during the first year of the Project on beamline simulation, rate and dose assessment, detector prototyping and evaluation of the physics reach. In particular, we present the Reference Design issued by the Collaboration in spring 2017, discussing its achievements and the remaining technical challenges.

        Speaker: Francesco Terranova (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
      • 5:00 PM
        SuperK-Gd 15m

        The Super-Kamiokande (SK) Collaboration has committed to the the SuperK-Gadolinium project that, by dissolving a Gd salt at 0.2 % in mass in the SK water, will upgrade the detector to be able to identify neutrons with very high efficiency. The current expected time
        for refurbishment of SK and start of this new phase is 2018.
        In this talk we present the physics benefits of high efficiency neutron tagging in Super-Kamiokande, the very extensive R&D program followed towards the decision, and the most relevant steps in the implementation of the SuperK-gadolinium project.

        Speakers: Luis Labarga (UAM), Luis Labarga (UAM)
      • 5:15 PM
        Studying Neutrino Oscillations and Searches for BSM Physics with Atmospheric Neutrinos in DUNE 15m

        The 40kt DUNE Far Detector, located at the Sanford Underground Research Facility, will offer unique capabilities for the study of atmospheric neutrinos. Due to the detector’s excellent energy resolutions, angular resolutions, and particle ID capabilities, atmospheric neutrino analyses in DUNE can provide valuable information about 3-flavor oscillations, despite the relatively modest statistics. These data provide a complementary analysis approach to beam neutrinos, and can help resolve ambiguities in beam-only analyses. In this talk we will focus on the determination of the mass hierarchy, octant of theta23, and measurement of Delta_CP using atmospheric neutrinos in DUNE. Atmospheric neutrinos can also lead to a variety of beyond the standard model scenarios for neutrino transitions, propagation, and interactions. Examples that have been previously studied include CPT violation, Lorentz invariance violation, non-standard interactions, Mass Varying Neutrinos (MaVaNs), and sterile neutrinos.

        Speakers: Dr Aaron Higuera (Houston), Aaron Higuera (University of Houston), Aaron Higuera (Fermilab)
      • 5:30 PM
        Neutrino Oscillation Physics and Proton Decay with Hyper-Kamiokande 15m

        Hyper-Kamiokande is a next generation water Cherekov detector consisting of 2 tanks,each with 187 kton fiducial mass, to be built in a staged approach.
        Hyper-Kamiokande will detect neutrinos produced by the upgraded J-PARC accelerator complex, as well as atmospheric neutrinos.
        It will make precision measurements of neutrino mixing parameters by a combination of accelerator and atmospheric neutrinos and it will enable us to search for proton decay and other exotic phenomena with an order of magnitude more data than current experiments. This talk will describe this rich physics program. Recent studies of the option for building the second tank in Korea to probe mass hierarchy will also be presented.

        Speakers: Luis Labarga (UAM), Luis Labarga (UAM)
      • 5:45 PM
        Status and Perspectives of KM3NeT/ORCA 15m

        The KM3NeT collaboration is constructing megaton-scale neutrino detectors at a depth of 2500m in the Mediterranean Sea.
        These detectors, named ARCA and ORCA are each made up of a three-dimensional array of spherical optical modules, each of which contains 31 3" photomultiplier tubes, designed to detect Cherenkov light emitted by charged leptons produced by neutrino interactions in and around the instrumented volume.
        These are packed either sparsely (ARCA) or densely (ORCA), depending on the target energy.
        ORCA, which is under construction off the coast of Toulon in France, will study atmospheric neutrino oscillations in the 1-100 GeV range.
        This will address multiple outstanding issues in neutrino oscillation research, including ascertaining the neutrino mass ordering.
        Physics studies indicate that this can be determined with a significance of 3-7 sigma (depending on the true value of the hierarchy and the the value of the mixing angle $\theta_{23}$) after three years of operation.

        Speaker: Mr Liam Quinn (CPPM)
      • 6:00 PM
        Status and perspectives of JUNO experiment 15m

        Precise measurements of the $\theta_{13}$ neutrino oscillation parameter by the Daya Bay, RENO and Double Chooz experiments have opened the path to the determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy. Indeed whether the $\nu_3$ neutrino mass eigenstate is heavier or lighter than the $\nu_1$ and $\nu_2$ mass eigenstates is one of the remaining undetermined fundamental aspects of the Standard Model in the lepton sector. Mass hierarchy determination would have an impact in the quest of the neutrino nature (Dirac or Majorana mass terms) towards the formulation of a theory of flavor. In addition to providing an important input to future experiments and other fields like cosmology, the determination of the mass hierarchy would represent a major step forward towards the understanding of the origin and nature of neutrino masses.
        The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a large liquid scintillator neutrino detector under construction in the south of China. Thanks to the large 20~kton active mass and unprecedented energy resolution (3% at 1 MeV) it will allow to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy with good sensitivity and to precisely measure the neutrino mixing parameters, $\theta_{12}$, $\Delta m_{21}^2$ and $\Delta m_{ee}^2$ with < 1% precision. Moreover, a large liquid scintillator detector will allow to explore physics beyond mass hierarchy determination and provide fundamental results on many topics in astroparticle physics, like supernova burst and diffuse supernova neutrinos, solar neutrinos, atmospheric neutrinos, geo-neutrinos, nucleon decay, indirect dark matter searches and a number of additional exotic searches. The talk will review the status of the experiment and give highlights on the physics reach.

        Speaker: Agnese Giaz
      • 6:15 PM
        Neutrino Physics at ADS Facilities 15m

        Accelerator Driven System (ADS) subcritical reactors are being developed around the world. The main goals of this kind of facility are to produce energy and, at the same time, to dispose of nuclear waste, which will be used to power nuclear reactors. Since, by itself, used nuclear fuel is not able to sustain a chain reaction, the additional neutrons needed will be supplied by a high-intensity accelerator, where a proton beam will be hitting a spallation target. This accelerator will produce, as a by-product, a large quantity of neutrinos: I will discuss the opportunities offered by this kind of facilities to the study of neutrino physics. I will focus in particularly on the accelerators that will be constructed as part of the China-ADS program: here in the first phases of the project $\bar{\nu}_e$ can be produced via Isotope Decay At Rest (IsoDAR): they can be detected with liquid scintillators and used to provide competitive bounds on sterile neutrinos in the disappearance channel. In the next phases, when the beam energy is higher, $\bar{\nu}_\mu$ will be produced via muon Decay At Rest ($\mu$DAR): in this phase it will be possible to measure the CP-violating phase $\delta_{CP}$ and to look for experimental signs of the presence of sterile neutrinos in the appearance channel, testing the LSND and MiniBooNE anomalies.

        Speaker: Prof. Emilio Ciuffoli (IMP, CAS)
    • 2:30 PM 6:30 PM
      QCD and hadronic physics Room Mosaici-1 (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Mosaici-1

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 2:30 PM
        Precise predictions for V+jet production 30m

        The production of electroweak gauge bosons in association with a jet, V+jet, constitutes an important class of standard-candle processes at the LHC. The requirement of an additional hadronic jet in the final state introduces a direct sensitivity to the strong coupling constant and the gluon PDF, while still retaining a large event rate. As such, V+jet production provides an ideal testing ground for our understanding of both strong and electroweak interactions in a hadron-collider environment.

        I give a brief review of the recent theory developments for this process class and present their phenomenological results. I further discuss how these calculations can be used for closely related observables, such as the $p_T$ spectrum of the gauge boson, and their impact on the interpretation of experimental data.

        Speaker: Alexander Huss (ETH Zurich)
      • 3:00 PM
        Measurements of the production of jets in association with a W or Z boson with the ATLAS detector 15m

        The production of jets in association with vector bosons is an important process to study perturbative QCD in a multi-scale environment. The ATLAS collaboration has performed new measurements of vector boson + jets cross sections, differential in several kinematic variables, in proton-proton collision data taken at center-of-mass energies of 8 TeV and 13 TeV. The measurements are compared to state-of-the art theory predictions. They are sensitive to higher-order pQCD effects, probe flavour and mass schemes and can be used to constrain the proton structure.

        In addition, we present a new measurement of the splitting scales of the kt jet-clustering algorithm for final states containing a Z-boson candidate at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV.

        Speaker: Lianyou Shan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
      • 3:15 PM
        Measurements of Vector boson fusion with the ATLAS detector 15m

        The most recent results on the production of single W and Z bosons with two jets at high invariant mass at centre-of-mass energies of 7, 8 and 13 TeV are presented. Integrated and differential cross sections are measured in different phase space regions with varying degree of sensitivity to the electroweak production in vector boson fusion. The cross section for the electroweak W boson production has been extracted for both integrated and for the first time differential distributions. In addition, the cross-section for the electroweak production of two jets in association with a Z boson is measured for the first time at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The results are compared to state-of-the-art theory predictions and are used to constrain anomalous gauge couplings.

        Speaker: Kurt Brendlinger (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 3:30 PM
        Electroweak and QCD aspects in V+jets with CMS 15m

        The study of the associated production of vector bosons and jets constitutes an excellent testbench to check numerous QCD predictions. Total and differential cross sections of vector bosons produced in association with jets has been studied at both 8 and 13 TeV center-of-mass energies. Differential distributions as function of a broad range of kinematical observables are measured and compared with theoretical predictions. Final states with a vector boson and jets can be also used to study electroweak initiated processes, such as the vector boson fusion production of a Z boson accompanied by a pair of energetic jets having large invariant mass.

        Speaker: Nadezda Chernyavskaya (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
      • 3:45 PM
        V+heavy flavor jets and constraints to PDFs with CMS 15m

        The associated production of vector bosons, W or Z, and jets originating from heavy-flavour quarks is a large background source in measurements of several standard model processes, Higgs boson studies, and many searches for physics beyond the SM. The study of events with one or two well-identified and isolated leptons accompanied by heavy-flavour jets is crucial to refine the theoretical calculations in perturbative QCD, as well as to validate associated Monte Carlo techniques. Using the LHC proton-proton collision data at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV collected by the CMS detector, Wbb, Zb(b), W+c, and Z+c cross sections are measured. Fiducial differential cross sections are measured as a function of several kinematic observables. The study of the associated production of a vector boson with jets from a c-quark is specially interesting to improve the treatment of heavy quarks in PDF-related studies. The production of a W boson associated with a c-quark allows probing and constraining the strange quark content of the proton. The associated production of a Z boson and c-quark jets may give insight into the existence of an intrinsic charm quark component inside the proton.

        Speaker: Svenja Karen Pflitsch (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 4:00 PM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 4:30 PM
        Interplay of QCD and EW corrections and precision physics at hadron colliders 30m

        Precision tests of the Standard Model can be successfully performed at the LHC
        only if QCD and EW radiative corrections are under control.
        In this presentation I will discuss the non trivial interplay between the two sets of corrections, using several observables which can be measured in the Drell-Yan processes to illustrate the conceptual and technical problems that arise in the determination of EW parameters with an accuracy below the per mil level.

        Speaker: Alessandro Vicini (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
      • 5:00 PM
        Higher-order QED effects in hadronic processes 15m

        In this talk, we describe the computation of higher-order QED effects relevant in hadronic collisions. In particular, we discuss the calculation of mixed QCD-QED one-loop contributions to the Altarelli-Parisi splittings functions, as well as the pure two-loop QED corrections. We explain how to extend the DGLAP equations to deal with new parton distributions, emphasizing the consequences of the novel corrections in the determination (and evolution) of the photon distributions.

        Speaker: German Sborlini (IFIC-Valencia)
      • 5:15 PM
        Extended studies of isolated photon production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA 15m

        Isolated photons with high transverse energy components have been studied in $ep$
        scattering with the ZEUS detector at HERA, using 326 pb$^−1$ integrated luminosity. The kinematic region includes photon virtualities 10 < $Q^2$ < 350 GeV$^2$. Photons with transverse energy 4 < $E_T^\gamma$ < 15 GeV and pseudorapidity −0.7 < $\eta^\gamma$ < 0.9 were measured with accompanying jets having transverse energy and pseudo rapidity 2.5 < $E_T^{jet}$ < 35 GeV and −1.5 < $\eta^{jet}$ < 1.8. Differential cross sections are presented for the following variables: the fraction of the incoming photon energy and momentum that is transferred to the photon and the jet, the fraction of proton energy taken by the parton that interacts with the photon, and the azimuthal angle and the pseudorapidity difference between the prompt photon and the jet and between the prompt photon and the scattered electron. Comparisons are made with several different theoretical calculations: a leading-logarithm Monte Carlo simulation, a next-to-leading-order QCD calculation and a calculation using the $k_T$ factorisation approach.

        Speaker: Ian Brock (University of Bonn (DE))
      • 5:30 PM
        Measurement of photon production cross sections with the ATLAS detector 15m

        The production of prompt isolated photons at hadron colliders provides a stringent test of perturbative QCD and can be used to probe the proton structure. The ATLAS collaboration has performed precise measurements of the inclusive production of isolated prompt photons at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, differential in both rapidity and the photon transverse momentum. In addition, the integrated and differential cross sections for isolated photon pairs at 8 TeV have been measured. The results are compared with state-of-the-art theory predictions at NLO in QCD and with predictions of several MC generators.

        The production of prompt photons in association with jets provides an additional testing ground for perturbative QCD (pQCD) with a hard colourless probe less affected by hadronisation effects than jet production. The ATLAS collaboration has studied the dynamics of isolated-photon plus jet production in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 and 13 TeV, which will be presented and discussed.

        Speaker: Ruggero Turra (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
      • 5:45 PM
        Prompt photon production and photon-jet correlations with POWHEG 15m

        Photon production, also in association with jets, is an important
        probe of the quark gluon plasma. For many decades, theoretical
        predictions of prompt photon production have been based on next-
        to-leading order (NLO) calculations. We present a recalculation
        of this process at NLO and combine it with parton showers (PS) in
        the POWHEG framework. This allows for the first time full NLO+PS
        simulations, including also hadronisation and detector effects. Of
        particular phenomenological importance are the induced modifactions
        of the transverse-momentum balance and azimuthal angle asymmetry
        between the photon and recoiling jet, present now already in pp
        and not only in AA collisions.

        Speaker: Michael Klasen
      • 6:00 PM
        EW boson production at LHCb 15m

        LHCb, while purpose built for b-physics, also functions as a general purpose forward detector, covering the pseudo-rapidity range 2.0 to 5.0. We present the latest measurements of W and Z boson production. These benchmark measurements are used to constrain the parton distribution functions that describe the inner structure of the proton, and to test the modelling of Standard Model processes. These measurements can also be used to validate reconstruction techniques.

        Speaker: Lorenzo Sestini (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
      • 6:15 PM
        The photon PDF from high-mass Drell Yan data at the LHC using xFitter 15m

        We present the xFitter project (former HERAFitter) which provides a unique open-source software framework for the determination of the proton's PDFs and for the interpretation of the physics analyses in the context of Quantum Chromodynamics.
        We highlight the new xFitter software release which includes state-of-the-art
        theoretical developments.  We present a novel determination of the photon PDF from fits to the recent ATLAS measurements of high-mass Drell-Yan production at 8 TeV.
        This analysis is based on the new xFitter framework which has required improvements both in the APFEL program, to account for NLO QED effects for the first time, and in the aMCfast interface to account for the  photon-initiated contributions in the EW calculations within MadGraph5_aMC@NLO.
        The results are compared with other recent QED fits and determinations of the photon PDF, where consistent results are found.

        Speaker: Mr Francesco Giuli (University of Oxford (GB))
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Cosmology, dark energy, gravitational waves Room Martinelli (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Martinelli

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 9:00 AM
        Hairs of discrete symmetries 15m

        Gauge symmetries are known to be respected by gravity because gauge charges carry flux lines, but global charges do not carry flux lines and are not conserved by gravitational interaction. For discrete symmetries, they are spontaneously broken in the Universe, forming domain walls. Since the realization of discrete symmetries in the Universe must involve the vacuum expectation values of Higgs fields, a string-like configuration (hair) at the intersection of domain walls in the Higgs vacua can be realized. Therefore, we argue that discrete charges are also respected by gravity.

        Speaker: Prof. Jihn E. Kim (Kyung Hee University)
      • 9:15 AM
        Observable Gravitational Waves from Higgs Inflation in SUGRA 15m

        Abstract content
        We consider models of chaotic inflation driven by the real parts
        of a conjugate pair of Higgs superfields involved in the
        spontaneous breaking of a grand unification symmetry at a scale
        assuming its Supersymmetric value. Employing Kaehler potentials
        with a prominent shift-symmetric part proportional to c- and a
        tiny violation, proportional to c+, included in a logarithm we
        show that the inflationary observables provide an excellent match
        to the recent Planck and Bicep2/Keck Array results setting, e.g.,
        0.012<= c+/c- <=1/N where N=2 or 3 is the prefactor of the
        logarithm. Deviations of these prefactors from their integer
        values above are also explored and a region where hilltop
        inflation occurs is localized. Moreover, we analyze several
        possible stabilization mechanisms for the non-inflaton
        accompanying superfield using just quadratic terms. In all cases,
        inflation can be attained for subplanckian inflaton values with
        the corresponding effective theories retaining the perturbative
        unitarity up to the Planck scale.

        Speaker: Costas Pallis (University of Cyprus)
      • 9:30 AM
        Adiabaticity and gravity theory independent conservation laws for cosmological perturbations 15m

        We carefully study the implications of adiabaticity for the behavior of
        cosmological perturbations. There are essentially three similar but
        different definitions of non-adiabaticity: one is appropriate for
        a thermodynamic fluid $\delta P_{nad}$, another is for a general matter field
        $\delta P_{c,nad}$, and the last one is valid only on superhorizon scales.
        The first two definitions coincide if $c_s^2=c_w^2$ where
        $c_s$ is the propagation speed of the perturbation, while
        $c_w^2=\dot P/\dot\rho$.
        Assuming the adiabaticity in the general sense, $\delta P_{c,nad}=0$,
        we derive a relation between the lapse function in the comoving sli-cing $A_c$
        and $\delta P_{nad}$ valid for arbitrary matter field in any theory of gravity,
        by using only momentum conservation.
        The relation implies that as long as $c_s\neq c_w$,
        the uniform density, comoving and the proper-time slicings
        coincide approximately for any gravity theory and for any matter field
        if $\delta P_{nad}=0$ approximately.
        In the case of general relativity this gives the equivalence
        between the comoving curvature perturbation $R_c$
        and the uniform density curvature perturbation $\zeta$
        on superhorizon scales, and their conservation.
        This is realized on superhorizon scales in standard slow-roll inflation.

        We then consider an example in which $c_w=c_s$, where $\delta P_{nad}=\delta P_{c,nad}=0$
        exactly, but the equivalence between $R_c$ and $\zeta$ no longer holds.
        Namely we consider the so-called ultra slow-roll inflation.
        In this case both $R_c$ and $\zeta$ are not conserved.
        In particular, as for $\zeta$, we find that it is crucial to take into
        account the next-to-leading order term in $\zeta$'s spatial gradient expansion
        to show its non-conservation, even on superhorizon scales.
        This is an example of the fact that adiabaticity (in the thermodynamic sense) is not always enough to ensure
        the conservation of $R_c$ or $\zeta$.

        Speaker: Antonio Enea Romano (Universidad de Antioquia (CO))
      • 9:45 AM
        Inflation with dissipation and metastability 15m

        We analyze two models in which primordial inflation has non-standard features. In the first model we study the evolution of a system in which the inflaton is slowed down by dissipation of energy into gauge bosons instead of the usual Hubble friction: in particular we study the conditions of the onset of such a scenario from a static field configuration and we briefly mention some difficulties of the treatment of perturbations. In the second model we consider the case of a metastable vacuum which sources exponential inflation and we show that the presence of scalar-tensor gravity can induce a power-law expansion which allows successful tunneling. We also analyze the case in which such a metastable vacuum might be in the Standard Model Higgs potential.

        Speaker: Dr Alessio Notari (Universitat de Barcelona)
      • 10:00 AM
        Cosmology of self-gravitating media 15m

        The low-energy dynamics of a generic self-gravitating media can be studied by using effective field theory in terms four derivatively coupled scalar fields. Imposing SO(3) internal spatial invariance, the theory describes fluids, superfluids, solid and supersolids. Dynamical and thermodynamical properties of the medium are dictated by internal symmetries of the effective theory. From the analysis of cosmological perturbations it emerges that in the scalar sector, besides the gravitational potential, a non-adiabatic mode corresponding to the perturbations of entropy per particle σ. Perfect fluids and solids are adiabatic with constant in time σ while for superfluids and supersolids σ has non-trivial dynamics. Tensor perturbations are massive for solid and supersolid. Such an effective approach can be used to give a very general modelling of the dark sector based on symmetries.

        Based on Phys.Rev. D94 (2016) 124023 (arXiv:1603.02956), Phys.Rev. D94 (2016) 025034 (arXiv:1605.05304) and a forthcoming additional paper.

        Speaker: Luigi Pilo (Dept. of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Univ. of L'Aquila and INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy )
      • 10:15 AM
        Detecting quantum gravity in the sky 15m

        We show that the dimension of spacetime becomes complex-valued when its short-scale geometry is invariant under a discrete scaling symmetry. This characteristic can arise either in quantum gravities based on combinatorial or multifractal structures or as the partial breaking of continuous dilation symmetry in any conformal-invariant theory. With its infinite scale hierarchy, discrete scale invariance overlaps with the traditional separation between ultraviolet and infrared physics and it can leave an observable imprint in the cosmic microwave background. We discuss such imprint in the form of log oscillations and sharp features in the primordial power spectrum.

        Speaker: Dr Gianluca Calcagni (IEM-CSIC)
      • 10:30 AM
        The turnaround radius as a probe of dark energy and modified gravity 15m

        In an accelerating universe a maximum radius exists above which a shell of test particles cannot collapse and disperses due to the cosmic expansion. Observations of this turnaround radius for large structures could constrain the
        effective equation of state of dark energy. We use the Hawking quasilocal mass to make the concept of turnaround radius well defined in general relativity and
        then we extend it to modified theories of gravity for which the gravitational slip is non-vanishing.

        [Based on V. Faraoni, M. Lapierre-Leonard & A. Prain 2015,JCAP 10, 013; V. Faraoni 2016, Phys. Dark Universe 11, 11]

        Speaker: Prof. Valerio Faraoni (Bishop's University)
      • 10:45 AM
        Decoupling effects in the running of the Cosmological Constant 15m

        We revisit the decoupling effects associated with heavy particles in the renormalization group running of the vacuum energy in a mass-dependent renormalization scheme. We find the running of the vacuum energy stemming from the Higgs condensate in the entire energy range and show that it behaves as expected from the simple dimensional arguments meaning that it exhibits the quadratic sensitivity to the mass of the heavy particles in the infrared regime. The consequence of such a running to the fine-tuning problem with the measured value of the Cosmological Constant is analyzed and the constraint on the mass spectrum of a given model is derived. We show that in the Standard Model (SM) this fine-tuning constraint is not satisfied while in the massless theories this constraint formally coincides with the well known Veltman condition. We also provide a remarkably simple extension of the SM where saturation of this constraint enables us to predict the radiative Higgs mass correctly. Generalization to constant curvature spaces is also given.

        Speakers: Prof. Blazenka Melic (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb), Blazenka Melic, Blazenka Melic (IRB, Zagreb), Blazenka Melic
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:30 AM
        NIKA2: a mm camera for cluster cosmology 15m

        Clusters of galaxies are unique cosmological probes sensitive to the primordial density fluctuations, and the expansion history and energy content of the Universe. The thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect is an observable of choice for cluster cosmology due tothe low scatter in the relationship between SZ flux and cluster mass, and the construction of large tSZ selected cluster catalogs by Planck, ACT and SPT. However, there exists a weak discrepancy between cluster and CMB cosmological constraints, which may due to bias in the observable-mass relation. Physical processes at play in clusters may be at the origin of this bias and could affect more importantly high redshift clusters. Thus, accurate cluster cosmology requires detailed mapping of the cluster emission from the core to the outskirts.

        This is the purpose of the NIKA2 tSZ large program, aiming at mapping a representative sample of 50 tSZ selected high redshift clusters, 0.5 < z < 1.0, for a total of 300 hours of observation. NIKA2 is a dual-band camera made of 2680 KIDs operating at 150 and 260 GHZ, installed at the IRAM 30 m telescope, with a FOV of 6.5', and 18" and 12" resolution at 150 and 260 GHz. With such instrumental capabilities NIKA2 is a unique instrument for tSZ observations making possible high sensitivity mapping of high redshift clusters in a few hours. The main output of the NIKA2 tSZ program will be the study of the redshift evolution of the cluster pressure profiles as well as that of the scaling laws relating the cluster global properties. X-ray observations of the NIKA2 cluster sample obtained with the XMM Newton satellite will be also used.

        We will review current cluster cosmology results and describe the NIKA2 instrument and its prototype NIKA1. We will illustrate the NIKA2 tSZ capabilities using recent NIKA1 results in a pilot sample of high redshift clusters. Finally, we will present the NIKA2 tSZ LP, synergy with the X-ray observations, and cosmological perspectives.

        Speaker: Dr Juan Francisco Macias-Perez (LPSC)
      • 11:45 AM
        QUBIC: the Q&U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology. A novel way to look at the polarized Cosmic Microwave Background. 15m

        In this presentation I will talk about QUBIC, an experiment that takes up the challenge posed by the detection of primordial gravitational waves with a novel approach. Detecting the signature left by primordial gravity waves in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) entails measuring a tiny polarized component of the CMB, the so-called B-modes, that is literally buried in polarized astrophysical foregrounds and can be disguised by instrumental systematic effects. Deploying instruments with tens of thousands of detectors is not enough to measure this elusive, sub-μK signal; one has to effectively control the foreground and instrumental contributions. QUBIC responds to these needs by combining the sensitivity of state-of-the art bolometric detectors with the systematic effects control typical of interferometers, allowing us to clean the measured data from instrumental effects by exploiting the so-called “self-calibration”, a technique deeply rooted in the interferometric nature of the instrument. In my talk I will first highlight the challenges posed by CMB B-modes measurements and then focus on the development of the first module of QUBIC, a dual band instrument (150 GHz and 220 GHz) that will be deployed in Argentina during the Fall of 2018.

        Speakers: Prof. Aniello Mennella (University of Milan, Department of Physics), Aniello Mennella (Università di Milano - Physics)
      • 12:00 PM
        Future CMB projects 15m

        As the Planck mission is delivering its ultimate results, it has become clear that much is still to be learnt from additional observations of the Cosmic Microwave background. In the light of current results and remaining questions, I will discuss the scientific case of some of the main future CMB projects, their complementarity, and how to address the challenges of measurement accuracy and of detailed characterization of the observations that are required for precision cosmology with these future experiments.

        Speaker: Jacques Delabrouille (CNRS)
      • 12:15 PM
        Cosmology with the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) 15m

        I will present an overview of the final results from the SDSS-III BOSS analysis (DR12). Using the galaxy power spectrum and correlation function, BOSS was able to measure the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations scale in two independent redshift bins to 1% precision. Such constraints allow to map out the expansion history of the Universe and represent one of the most important cosmological tools at low redshift. I will also present the latest constraints on the growth of structure, which allow tests of modified gravity theories and help to constrain the sum of the neutrino masses.

        Speaker: Florian Beutler (University of Portsmouth)
      • 12:30 PM
        Measuring baryon acoustic oscillations using the distribution of intergalactic gas 15m

        The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) of SDSS-III has ushered in a new era for high-redshift quasar surveys studying the large-scale structure of the Universe through intervening absorption by the intergalactic gas. The unprecedented number of quasar absorption spectra provided by BOSS allows us to measure the expansion rate and geometry of the Universe at redshift z>2 using baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) imprinted in large-scale structures. I will present the latest measurements of the BAO scale using the absorption auto-correlation and cross-correlation with quasars based on 160,000 quasar spectra taken from SDSS-III Data Release 12. By combining the BAO results from the auto- and cross-correlation, the Hubble parameter is measured with a precision of nearly 2%, providing direct evidence that the cosmic expansion was decelerating 11 billion years ago. New data from the ongoing Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) of SDSS-IV and the near-future surveys DESI and WEAVE will greatly enhance the precision of the BAO measurement over the next decade.

        Speaker: Dr Michael Blomqvist (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille)
      • 12:45 PM
        Cosmology with Type Ia supernovae: environmental effects 15m

        Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have proved to be a successful probe of dark energy thanks to their property of standardizable candle allowing us to construct a supernova Hubble diagram with very low scatter through a two-parameter empirical light-curve correction. However, 0.15 magnitude intrinsic luminosity variation remains once corrections are applied, leaving plenty of room for a third variable correlating to Hubble diagram residuals. Indeed, the standardization process does not entirely capture the physical processes at play leading to the triggering of the explosion, and does not take into account the evolution of progenitor properties through history. In an attempt to link host galaxy properties to supernova light-curves, numerous independent studies have shown that host galaxy stellar masses significantly correlate with light-curve standardization parameters, and that Hubble diagram residuals correlate to global properties of the host galaxy. I present a consistent set of measurements of the properties of the global and local environments of type Ia supernovae in the largest spectroscopic sample to date. Our sample includes the full Supernova Legacy Survey data (SNLS) as well as the SDSS data and a number of well-measured low-redshift supernovae. While the analysis is still blinded regarding cosmology, preliminary results can be obtained which cast a new light on the environmental dependence of supernova luminosity.

        Speaker: Matthieu Roman (LPNHE Paris)
    • 9:00 AM 1:01 PM
      Detectors and data handling Room Amici (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Amici

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 9:00 AM
        The CMS HGCAL detector for HL-LHC upgrade 17m

        The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will integrate 10 times more luminosity than the LHC, posing significant challenges for radiation tolerance and event pileup on detectors, especially for forward calorimetry, and hallmarks the issue for future colliders. As part of its HL-LHC upgrade program, the CMS collaboration is designing a High Granularity Calorimeter to replace the existing endcap calorimeters. It features unprecedented transverse and longitudinal segmentation for both electromagnetic (ECAL) and hadronic (HCAL) compartments. This will facilitate particle-flow calorimetry, where the fine structure of showers can be measured and used to enhance pileup rejection and particle identification, whilst still achieving good energy resolution. The ECAL and a large fraction of HCAL will be based on hexagonal silicon sensors of 0.5 - 1 cm^2 cell size, with the remainder of the HCAL based on highly-segmented scintillators with SiPM readout. The intrinsic high-precision timing capabilities of the silicon sensors will add an extra dimension to event reconstruction, especially in terms of pileup rejection. An overview of the HGCAL project is presented, covering motivation, engineering design, readout and trigger concepts, and performance (simulated and from beam tests).

        Speaker: Arnaud Steen (National Taiwan University (TW))
      • 9:17 AM
        The CMS ECAL Upgrade for Precision Crystal Calorimetry at the HL-LHC 17m

        The electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) of the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment (CMS) is operating at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) with proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV center-of-mass energy and at a bunch spacing of 25 ns. Challenging running conditions for CMS are expected after the High-Luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC). We review the design and R&D studies for the CMS ECAL crystal calorimeter upgrade and present first test beam studies. Particular challenges at HL-LHC are the harsh radiation environment, the increasing data rates and the extreme level of pile-up events, with up to 200 simultaneous proton-proton collisions. Precision timing can be exploited to reduce the effect of the pile-up. We report about the timing resolution studies performed with test-beams. We also report on the R&D for the new readout and trigger electronics, which must be upgraded due to the increased trigger and latency requirements at the HL-LHC.

        Speaker: Nancy Marinelli (University of Notre Dame (US))
      • 9:34 AM
        ATLAS Calorimeter: Run-2 performance and Phase-II upgrade 17m

        The ATLAS detector was designed and built to study proton-proton collisions produced at the LHC at centre-of-mass energies up to 14 TeV and instantaneous luminosities up to $10^{34} \mathrm{cm}^{-2} \mathrm{s}^{-1}$. A liquid argon (LAr)-lead sampling calorimeter is employed as electromagnetic calorimeter and hadronic calorimeter, except in the barrel region, where a scintillator-steel sampling calorimeter (TileCal) is used as hadronic calorimeter.
        This presentation will give first an overview of the detector operation and data quality, as well as the achieved performance of the ATLAS calorimetry system. Additionally, the upgrade projects of the ATLAS calorimeter system for the high luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) will be presented. For the HL-LHC, the instantaneous luminosity is expected to increase up to $\mathrm{L} \simeq 7.5 \times 10^{34} \mathrm{cm}^{-2} \mathrm{s}^{-1}$ and the average pile-up up to 200 interactions per bunch crossing.

        The major R&D item is the upgrade of the electronics for both LAr and Tile calorimeters in order to cope with longer latencies of up to 60 us. The expected radiation doses will exceed the qualification range of the current readout system. The status on the R&D of the low-power ASICs (pre-amplifier, shaper, ADC, serializer and transmitters) and readout electronics for all the design options will be discussed.

        Moreover, a High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) is proposed to be added in front of the LAr calorimeters in the end-cap region (2.4 <|$\eta$|< 4.2) for pile-up mitigation at Level-0 trigger level and offline reconstruction. The HGTD will correlate the the energy deposits in the calorimeter to different proton-proton collision vertices by using TOF information with high time resolution (30 pico-second per readout cell) based on the Silicon sensor technologies. The current test beam results will be presented as well.

        Speaker: Djamel Eddine Boumediene (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))
      • 9:51 AM
        The LHCb RICH Detector Upgrade 17m

        LHCb is one of the four main experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, focused on the study of CP violation and rare decays of b and c quarks. The Ring-Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) system is a crucial component of the LHCb experiment providing identification of charged particles over a large momentum range (2-100 GeV/c) and angular acceptance (15-300 mrad). The LHCb RICH performed extremely well during Run 1 and the current Run2. LHCb will upgrade many of its detector systems during the second LHC long shutdown (2019-2020) in order to sustain a five-fold increase in instantaneous luminosity up to 2$\times$10$^{33}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$. In order to reach the planned 40 MHz continuous data taking, a substantial change in the LHCb trigger and read-out schemes will be implemented. The RICH detectors will be upgraded by installing new photo-detectors, electronics and modified optics and mechanics. The status of the RICH upgrade program will be reviewed, including tests of the complete photo-electronic chain in the lab and in dedicated test-beams.

        Speaker: Massimiliano Fiorini (Universita di Ferrara & INFN (IT))
      • 10:08 AM
        Low radioactivity Argon and SiPM at cryogenic temperatures for the next generation dark matter searches 17m

        DarkSide-20k is a proposed 20 tonne fiducial mass liquid argon TPC that will perform an instrumental background-free search for WIMP dark matter. The TPC will be outfitted with more than 125,000 silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) grouped into 5210 single-channel, $25\ {\rm cm}^2$ photosensors that are sensitive to single photoelectrons, and will be filled with low radioactivity Argon extracted from underground CO$_2$ wells in Cortez, Colorado in the US.
        We will present the performance of the photosensor and associated low-noise electronics at liquid argon temperature and discuss the strategy for scaling up production for DarkSide-20k as well as an overview of the Urania and Aria projects which aim to extract and purify 100 kg/day of underground Argon for use in Darkside-20k.

        Speaker: Dr Walter Marcello Bonivento (INFN Cagliari)
      • 10:25 AM
        CaloCube: a new homogenous calorimeter with high-granularity for precise measurements of for high-energy cosmic rays in space. 17m

        The direct observation of high-energy cosmic rays, up to the PeV region, will depend on highly performing calorimeters, and the physics performance will be primarily determined by their geometrical acceptance and energy resolution.Thus, it is fundamental to optimize their geometrical design, granularity, and absorption depth,with respect to the total mass of the apparatus, probably the most important constraints for a space mission.
        Furthermore a calorimeter based space experiment can provide not only flux measurements, but also energy spectra and particle identification to overcome some of the limitations of ground based experiments.
        Calocube is a homogeneous calorimeter whose basic geometry is cubic and isotropic, so as to detect particles arriving from every direction in space, thus maximizing the acceptance; granularity is obtained by filling the cubic volume with small cubic scintillating crystals.
        A prototype, instrumented with CsI(Tl) cubic crystals, has been constructed and tested with particle beams. An overview of the obtained results will be presented and the perspectives for future space experiments will be discussed.

        Speaker: Dr Gabriele Bigongiari (INFN-Pisa)
      • 10:42 AM
        Development and characterization of near-UV sensitive Silicon Photomultipliers for the Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope prototype for the CTA collaboration 17m

        Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) are standard sensors widely employed for applications in which high sensitivities and fast responses in the detection of low fluxes of visible and UV photons are required.
        The Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), is involved in a R&D project for SiPM sensors sensitive to near UV wavelengths.
        The performances of the latest technology of NUV-High-Density SiPM have confirmed that the quality of the current production technology opens the possibility to employ these devices for many applications.
        In this contribution, we review the performances of the latest technology of NUV-High-Density SiPM and the prospects for their use in one of the designs of the camera focal planes of Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope prototype, including the development of packaging procedures of single sensors into high-density multi-SiPM modules and the development of a custom front-end ASIC for a high rate waveform sampling of the SiPM signals.

        Speaker: Emanuele Fiandrini (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:30 AM
        Tracking in 4 dimensions 20m

        In this contribution we will present the progresses toward the construction of a silicon tracking system able to measure the passage of charged particles with a combined precision of ∼ 10 ps and ∼ 10 μm, either using a single type of sensor, able to concurrently measure position and time, or a combination of position and time sensors.

        The recent development of controlled multiplications in Low-Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) has opened up the possibility of manufacturing silicon detectors with signal larger than that of traditional sensors, but with still very low noise, therefore enabling precision time measurements. The basic mechanism of LGAD is to obtain charge multiplication within the bulk of a silicon sensor by adding a thin multiplication layer just underneath the p-n junction.

        The inclusion of timing information in the structure of a recorded event has the capability of changing the way we design experiments, as this added dimension dramatically improves the reconstruction process. Depending on the type of sensors that will be used, timing information can be available at different stages in the reconstruction of an event, for example (i) at tracking reconstruction, if timing is associated to each point or (ii) during the event reconstruction, if timing information is associated to each track.

        We will first review the current LGAD manufacturing schemes, the results obtained at beam tests, than the mitigation techniques implemented to built radiation hard LGAD sensors, and finally how 4D tracking is being included in future experiments and its impact in the reconstruction of physics quantities. We will also present the research and development of the LGAD read-out electronics, showing the current best limits and reviewing the possible technological choices currently developed.

        Speaker: Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino)
      • 11:50 AM
        Diamond Detector Technology: Status and Perspectives 20m

        At present most experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
        are planning upgrades in the next 5-10 years for their innermost
        tracking layers as well as luminosity monitors to be able to take data
        as the luminosity increases and CERN moves toward the High Luminosity-LHC
        (HL-LHC). These upgrades will most likely require more radiation
        tolerant technologies than exist today. As a result this is one area of
        intense research. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamond has been
        used extensively and successfully in beam conditions/beam loss monitors
        as the innermost detectors in the highest radiation areas of essentially
        all LHC experiments. The startup of the LHC in 2015 brought a new
        milestone where the first diamond pixel modules were installed in an LHC
        experiment (ATLAS) and successfully began taking data. As a result,
        this material is now being discussed as a possible sensor material
        for tracking very close to the interaction region and for pixelated
        beam conditions/beam loss monitors of the LHC/HL-LHC upgrades where
        the most extreme radiation conditions will exist.

        The RD42 collaboration at CERN is leading the effort to use CVD diamond
        as a material for tracking detectors operating in extreme radiation
        environments. During the last three years the RD42 group has succeeded
        in producing and measuring a number of devices to address specfic issues
        related to use at the HL-LHC. We will present status of the RD42 project with
        emphasis on recent beam test results. In particular we present the latest
        results on material development, the most recent results on the independence
        of signal size on incident particle rate in poly-crystalline CVD
        diamond pad and pixel detectors over a range of particle fluxes up to
        20 MHz/cm^2 measured, and results from first 3D diamond detectors which
        produce an extremely radiation tolerant device and collect nearly all of
        the charge deposited in the material. In addition we will present the plans
        for future use of the most recent devices

        Speaker: Michael Philipp Reichmann (Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
      • 12:10 PM
        Development of a thin-wall straw-tube tracker for COMET experiment 16m

        The COMET experiment at J-PARC aims to search for the charged lepton flavor violating process of neutrinoless muon to electron conversion with an improvement of a sensitivity by a factor of 10000 to the current limit, in order to explore the parameter region predicted by most of well-motivated theoretical models beyond the Standard Model. When the muon to electron conversion occurs, almost all the energy of the muon mass is carried out by the electron which is expected to have the monochromatic energy of about 105 MeV. The experiment requires to detect such electron with an excellent momentum resolution, better than 200 keV/c, in order to achieve the goal sensitivity. Thus the very light material detector which is operational in vacuum is indispensable. On the basis of the requirement, we have developed the thin-wall straw-tube tracker which is operational in the vacuum and constructed by the extremely light material. The prototype straw-tube tracker has been developed, which consists of 9.8 mm diameter tube, longer than 1 m length, with 20 $\mu$m thickness Mylar foil and 70 nm aluminum deposition, and its performance evaluation using radioactive source, cosmic ray, and electron beam has been performed. In this presentation, we report the detail of the performance evaluation of the prototype tracker. The prospect of final detector design is also described.

        Speaker: Kazuki Ueno (KEK)
      • 12:26 PM
        Radiation studies on resistive bulk-micromegas chambers at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility 16m

        With the growing diffusion of resistive Micromegas detectors in HEP experiments the study of long-term aging behaviour is becoming more and more relevant.

        Two resistive bulk-Micromegas detectors were installed in May 2015 at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility exposed to an intense gamma irradiation with the aim to study the detector behavior under high irradiation and the long-term aging.
        The detectors have an active area of 10x10 $^2$, readout strip pitch of 400 $\mu$m, amplification gap of 128 $\mu$m and drift gap of 5 mm.

        The desired accumulated charge of more than 0.2 C/cm$^2$ has been reached for one of the chambers, equivalent to 10 years of HL-LHC operation. The efficiency, amplification, and resolution of the Micromegas after this long-term irradiation period will be compared with the performance of a non irradiated detector.

        In addition, the latest results of the measured particle rate as a function of the amplification voltage will be presented and compared with those obtained in 2015.

        Speaker: Barbara Alvarez Gonzalez (CERN)
      • 12:42 PM
        Measurement of shower development and its Molière radius with a four-plane LumiCal test set-up 16m

        A prototype of a luminometer, designed for a future e+e− collider detector, and consisting at present of a four-plane module, was tested in the CERN PS accelerator T9 beam. The objective of this beam test was to demonstrate a multi-plane operation, to study the development of the electromagnetic shower and to compare it with MC simulations. In addition, the effective Molière radius of this configuration is extracted.

        Speaker: Itamar Levy (Tel Aviv University (IL))
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Dark matter Room Mosaici-2 (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Mosaici-2

      Palazzo del Casinò

      • 9:00 AM
        Indirect Detection Experiments 30m

        We live in a golden age for astro-particle physics, with a significant number of experiments actively monitoring high-energy Universe. Many of these probes provide excellent tests of particle physics models of dark matter particles. In particular, experiments such as Fermi -LAT, AMS-02, Ice Cube, ... are significantly cutting into the parameter space of one of the most popular candidates, the WIMPs. In this talk I will describe some of the strategies and methods used to search for dark matter with astrophysical data. Special attention will be given to the latest indications of an unaccounted gamma-ray excess at few GeV in the Fermi-LAT data in the region around the Galactic Centre, which steered lots of attention as it was shown to be consistent with putative signals of WIMP dark matter particles and complementary constraints provided by other experiments. Finally I will discuss projections of the expected sensitivities with upcoming experiments and continued data taking with current ones.

        Speaker: Dr Gabrijela Zaharijas (University of Nova Gorica)
      • 9:30 AM
        Looking for New Physics in the Satellites of the Milky Way 15m

        Sitting at the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function, dwarf spheroidal galaxies of the Milky Way are among the most compelling targets for Dark Matter indirect searches, being characterized by large mass-to-light ratios and small baryonic background and foreground. In this talk we review the assumptions at the basis of the estimate of the Dark Matter content in these galaxies as extensively studied in the literature. Then, we present a novel method in order to conservatively assess the impact of the mass-anisotropy degeneracy plaguing the outcome of these indirect Dark Matter searches. This new approach is based on the inversion of the spherical Jeans equation (arXiv:1603.07721). Going beyond the standard Cold Dark Matter paradigm, we eventually comment on the unique opportunity these galaxies offer to us in the quest for the fundamental nature of Dark Matter.

        Speaker: Mauro Valli (INFN Rome)
      • 9:45 AM
        Dark Matter signal from e+ / e- / p- with the AMS Detector on the International Space Station 15m

        The excess of the antiproton flux and the antiproton-to-proton flux ratio beyond the prediction of the collision of ordinary cosmic rays is a unique signal from the Dark Matter model of neutralino annihilation. This excess can not come from pulsars. We present precision measurements by AMS of the antiproton flux and the antiproton-to-proton flux ratio in the absolute rigidity range from 1 to 450 GV based on 3.49 x 10$^5$ antiproton events and 2.42 x 10$^9$ proton events. Comparison of our results with neutralino annihilation model shows good agreement. Comparison with other astrophysics models will also be presented.

        We also present the latest results on 20 million electron and positron events measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. The measurement covers the energy range up to 1000 GeV. The measured positron flux and the positron fraction are in agreement with the Dark Matter Model with a neutralino mass of ~1 TeV. Comparison of the measurement with other astrophysics models will also be presented. In addition the precision measurement of the combined electron and positron flux exhibit no structures and positron arrival directions are consistent with isotropy, in agreement with the Dark Matter models.

        Speaker: Nikolas Zimmermann (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
      • 10:00 AM
        Probing dark matter annihilation in the Galaxy with antiprotons and gamma rays 15m

        We analyze cosmic-ray antiproton observations in the light of dark matter (DM) annihilation in our Galaxy using the recent precise AMS-02 measurements. Taking into account cosmic-ray propagation uncertainties by fitting at the same time DM and propagation parameters we find a significant indication of a DM signal for various annihilation channels in the mass range between 40 and 130 GeV and with an annihilation cross-section close to the thermal value. Intriguingly, this signal is compatible with the DM interpretation of the Galactic center gamma-ray excess and recent observation of dwarf satellite galaxies as we will demonstrate by perform a joint fit of the antiproton and gamma-ray data. As an example, we interpret our results in the Higgs Portal model.

        Speaker: Jan Heisig (RWTH Aachen University)
      • 10:15 AM
        Searches for low-mass new-physics states with the BaBar detector 15m

        We report on the most recent searches for unknown low-mass states performed with the data collected by the BaBar detector at the PEP-II e+e- collider.
        The first search is based on a sample corresponding to 53 fb−1 of e+e− collision data collected with a special single-photon trigger. We look for events with a single high-energy photon and a large missing momentum and energy, consistent with production of a spin-1 particle A′ through the process e+e−→γA′, A′→invisible. Such particles, referred to as “dark photons”, are motivated by theories applying a U(1) gauge symmetry to dark matter. We find no evidence for such processes and set 90\% confidence level upper limits on the coupling strength of A′→e+e− for a dark photon with a mass lower than 8 GeV. In particular, our limits exclude the values of the A′ coupling suggested by the dark-photon interpretation of the muon (g-2) anomaly, as well as a broad range of parameters.
        Many models of New Physics postulate the existence of new gauge bosons mediating interactions between “dark sectors” and the Standard Model. We present a second search for a dark boson Z′ coupling only to the second and third generation of leptons in the reaction e+e−→μ+μ−Z′, Z′→μ+μ− with the full BaBar dataset. No significant signal is observed and limits improving upon bounds derived from neutrino experiments are set.

        Speaker: Nicolas Arnaud (LAL (CNRS-IN2P3))
      • 10:30 AM
        CMB bounds on primordial black holes 15m

        I will describe the physical mechanisms and the actual bounds that CMB anisotropy studies put on primordial black holes, notably if they constitute a sizable fraction of dark matter. Both mass-independent gravitational effects (linked to mergers) and mass-dependent ones (due to electromagnetic energy injection) will be covered. I will also briefly comment on the complementarity of other cosmological bounds (primordial nucleosynthesis, large scale structures, CMB spectral distortions) and on some future prospects.

        Speakers: Pasquale Dario Serpico (LAPTh - CNRS & Univ. de Savoie (France)), Pasquale Serpico (LAPTh - CNRS & Univ. Savoie (FR)), Pasquale Serpico (LAPTH, Annecy-le-vieux)
      • 10:45 AM
        Directional detection of Dark Matter with nuclear emulsion based detector 15m

        Direct dark matter searches are promising techniques to identify the nature of dark matter particles. A variety of experiments have been developed over the past decades, aiming to detect Weakly Interactive Massive Particles (WIMPs) via their scattering in a detector medium. Exploiting directionality would also give a proof of the galactic origin of dark matter making it possible to have a clear and unambiguous signal to background separation. The directional detection of Dark Matter requires very sensitive experiment combined with highly performant technology. The NEWSdm experiment, based on nuclear emulsions, is proposed to measure the direction of WIMP-induced nuclear recoils. We discuss the potentiality, both in terms of exclusion limits and potential discovery, of a directional experiment based on the use of a solid target made by newly developed nuclear emulsions and read-out systems reaching sub-micrometric resolution.

        Speakers: Nicola D'Ambrosio (Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (IT)), Nicola D'Ambrosio (INFN)
      • 11:00 AM
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:30 AM
        CYGNUS: development of a high resolution TPC for rare events 15m

        In this presentation the R&D of a gas detector prototype for high precision tracking of low energy nuclear recoils over large gas volumes will be presented.
        In our prototype, the scintillation light accompanying the electronic avalanches in a triple GEM structure is detected by a CMOS-based camera through a suitable lens. The CMOS sensors provide a very high granularity along with a very low noise (of the order of a single photon) and a very high sensitivity (70% of quantum efficiency).
        Once operated with a large aperture and suitable focal length lens, large areas can be imaged at reduced costs.
        Moreover, the optical approach is attempted in presence of a
        highly electronegative gas suitable for negative ion drift (SF6 and its admixtures). An additional innovative element is the concurrent readout of the light by means of a suitable photomultiplier system. It will complement the readout by providing the time resolution necessary to separate, for fiducialization purposes, the contributions of the different charge carriers within the same nuclear recoil ionization cluster.

        Recent tests on beam demonstrated the achievement of resolutions of the order on tens of μm in the XY plane and hundreds of μm in Z and the feasibility, for the first time ever, of the Negative Ion Drift mechanism at ambient pressure with a very small amount of SF6 percentage.

        The idea is to use such a detector in future large scale experiments for directional Dark Matter searches and for measurements of coherent neutrino scattering on nuclei.

        Additional applications of this detector might be in the realm of neutron detection, X-ray polarimetry and particle therapy.

        Speaker: Davide Pinci (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
      • 11:45 AM
        Cosinus - Cryogenic Dark Matter searches with NaI crystals 15m

        Cosinus is a R&D project aiming for the cryogenic operation of NaI-crystals to search for elastic dark matter scattering. NaI-crystals are scintillating and
        the combined measurement of the scintillation light and the phonon signal allows a precise measurement of the deposited energy and a good separation between signal and background events. However, NaI is hygroscopic and requires a special treatment during the construction of the modules. In addition, the scintillation properties of NaI at cryogenic temperatures have not been measured yet. First results and future plans for operating a NaI crystals at cryogenic temperatures will be present. A dark matter direct detection experiment with NaI crystals operating at cryogenic temperatures would provide additional information for the understanding of the dark-mater claim by the DAMA/LIBRA collaboration.

        Speaker: Jochen Schieck (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
      • 12:00 PM
        DARWIN: towards the ultimate dark matter detector 15m

        DARWIN (DARk matter WImp search with liquid xenoN) will be an experiment
        for the direct detection of dark matter using a multi-ton liquid xenon time projection chamber. The first goal of Darwin will be to look for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) pushing the sensitivity until the background of natural sources of neutrinos will be the dominant background. DARWIN's excellent sensitivity will allow to search for solar axions, galactic axion-like particles and the neutrinoless double-beta decay of $^{136}Xe$. It will also measure the low-energy solar neutrino flux with <1% precision, observe coherent neutrino-nucleus interactions, and be an excellent observatory for galactic supernovae. I will present DARWIN's detector concept, discuss its physics reach, main sources of background and current activities.

        Speaker: Prof. Francesco Arneodo (New York University Abu Dhabi)
      • 12:15 PM
        Axion experimental review 30m

        Proposed more than 30 years ago, axions are still the most compelling solution to the strong CP problem of the Standard Model. More recently their physics case has been considerably sharpened, as well as that of similar axion-like particles (ALPs) that generically emerge in diverse high-energy extensions of the Standard Model, notably string theory. Both axion and ALPs constitute very appealing candidates to the dark matter of the Universe, and they are also invoked as a solution of a number of anomalous astrophysical observations. In addition, particular realizations of these type of models appear linked with inflation, dark radiation and even dark energy. These developments, together with the fact that experimental techniques have recently achieved sensitivity to relevant regions of ALP parameter space, are increasing the interest in the search for these particles. I will review the status of the experimental landscape, as well as near term prospect from ongoing experiments, future projects and new detection ideas in the search for laboratory, dark matter and solar axions and ALPs.

        Speaker: Igor Garcia Irastorza (Universidad de Zaragoza (ES))
      • 12:45 PM
        Possible resonance effect of dark matter axions in SNS Josephson junctions 15m

        Dark matter axions can generate peculiar effects in special types of Josephson junctions, so-called SNS junctions [1]. One can show that the axion field equations in a Josephson environment allow for very small oscillating supercurrents, which manifest themselves as a tiny wiggle in the I-V curve, a so-called Shapiro step, which occurs at a frequency given by the axion mass. The effect is very small but perfectly measurable in modern nanotechnological devices. In this talk I will summarize the theory and then present evidence that candidate Shapiro steps of this type have indeed been seen in several independent experiments [2]. Assuming the observed tiny Shapiro steps are due to axion flow then these data consistently point to an axion mass of about 110 $\mu$eV, consistent with what is expected for the QCD axion. In addition to the above small Shapiro resonance effects at frequencies in the GHz region one also expects to see broad-band noise effects at much lower frequencies [3]. Overall this approach provides a novel pathway for the future design of new types of axionic dark matter detectors.

        [1] C. Beck, Possible resonance effect of axionic dark matter in Josephson junctions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 231801 (2013)

        [2] C. Beck, Axion mass estimates from resonant Josephson junctions, Phys. Dark Univ. 7-8, 6-11 (2015)

        [3] C. Beck, Cosmological flux noise and measured noise power spectra in SQUIDs,
        Scient. Rep. 6, 28275 (2016)

        Speaker: Prof. Christian Beck (Queen Mary, University of London)
    • 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
      Higgs and new physics: Exotics Room Welles (Palazzo del Casinò)

      Room Welles

      Palazzo del Casinò