In the next decades the Large Hadron Collider and its luminosity upgrade
are expected to yield a wealth of increasingly sensitive searches and
measurements in hadro-production of top quarks and electro-weak gauge
bosons. Several projects are being prepared for energy-frontier lepton
(ILC, CLIC, FCCee, CEPC, mC), electron-proton (LHeC), hadron colliders
(FCChh, SPPC) that are to continue this quest. In this review I collect
the results of a large number of studies into the top and EW physics
potential of the HL-LHC and future colliders. A model-independent
comparison of the BSM potential is performed in the framework of an
effective field theory. I discuss the strengths and weaknesses of lepton
and hadron colliders and identify areas where different projects can
provide complementary information.