5–12 Jul 2017
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Improved Search for a Light Sterile Neutrino at Daya Bay

7 Jul 2017, 12:45
Room Casinò (Palazzo del Casinò)

Room Casinò

Palazzo del Casinò

Parallel Talk Neutrino Physics Neutrino physics


Xin Qian (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment currently holds for the most precise measurement of the third neutrino mixing angle θ13~8.4^o, which unlocked the gateway of studying the CP violation in the lepton sector, and the most precise measurement of |Δm^2_32|. The multiple detectors at different locations also allow for using relative energy spectral analysis to search for a light sterile neutrino with corresponding mass-squared splitting Δm^2_41 below 0.3 eV^2. This result was combined with those of Bugey-3 and MINOS to set limits in the anomalous muon to electron neutrino appearance oscillation. For Δm^2_41 above 0.3 eV^2, Daya Bay tested the foundation of the sterile neutrino explanation of the reactor antineutrino anomaly through measurements of reactor flux, energy spectrum, and fuel evolution. In this talk, we will present the latest results.

Experimental Collaboration Daya Bay experiment


Xin Qian (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials