The JSNS2 experiment aims to search for the existence of neutrino
oscillations with Delta m2 near 1eV2 at the J-PARC Materials
and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF). With the 1 MW of 3 GeV
proton beam created by Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) and spallation
neutron target, an intense neutrino beam from muon decay at rest is
available. Neutrinos come predominantly from mu+ decay :
mu+ --> e+ + numubar + nue.
The oscillation to be searched for is numubar to nuebar
which is detected by the inverse beta
decay interaction nuebar + p --> e+ + n, followed by
gammas from neutron capture of Gd.
The two detectors with a fiducial volume of 50 tons are located
24 meters away from the mercury target.
Additional physics programs include the cross section measurements with
neutrinos with a few 10 MeV from muon decay at rest and with monochromatic
236MeV from kaon decay at rest..
Experimental Collaboration | JSNS^2 (J-PARC E56) experiment |