5–12 Jul 2017
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Latest Results From MicroBooNE

6 Jul 2017, 12:45
Room Casinò (Palazzo del Casinò)

Room Casinò

Palazzo del Casinò

Parallel Talk Neutrino Physics Neutrino physics


Dr Martin Auger (LHEP BERN)


MicroBooNE is a liquid-argon-based neutrino experiment, which is collecting data in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam. MicroBooNE will directly probe the source of the anomalous excess of electron-like events in MiniBooNE, while also measuring low-energy neutrino cross sections and providing important R&D for future detectors. It is the first of three liquid argon TPC detectors planned for the Fermilab Short Baseline Neutrino program. This talk will give the status of MicroBooNE and present recent results on the detector technology, on event reconstruction techniques, and from neutrino beam data.

Experimental Collaboration MicroBooNE


Dr Martin Auger (LHEP BERN)

Presentation materials