5–12 Jul 2017
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Exclusion of multifold solutions of the CKM Unitarity Triangle by a time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis of B0 --> D(*) h0 with D --> Ks pi pi decays combining BaBar and Belle data

Not scheduled
Salone Adriatico (Palazzo del Casinò)

Salone Adriatico

Palazzo del Casinò

Board: FL-9
Poster Presentation Flavour Physics and Fundamental Symmetries Poster session


Gerald Eigen (University of Bergen (NO))


We present results of a new analysis campaign, which combines the final data samples collected by the B factory experiments BaBar and Belle in single physics analyses to achieve a unique sensitivity in time-dependent CP violation measurements. The data samples contain $( 471 \pm 3 )\times 10^6\, B\bar{B}$ pairs recorded by the BaBar detector and $( 772 \pm 11 )\times 10^6\, B\bar{B}$ pairs recorded by the Belle detector in $e^{+}e^{-}$ collisions at the center-of-mass energies corresponding to the mass of the $\Upsilon\left(4S\right)$ resonance at the asymmetric-energy B factories PEP-II at SLAC and KEKB at KEK, respectively. We present a measurement of $\sin(2\beta)$ and $\cos(2\beta)$ by a time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis of $B^{0} \to D^{(*)} h^{0}$ with $D \to K_{S}^{0} \pi^{+} \pi^{-}$ decays. A first evidence for $\cos(2\beta)>0$, the exclusion of trigonometric multifold solutions of the Unitarity Triangle and an observation of CP violation are reported.

Experimental Collaboration BABAR and BELLE


Gerald Eigen (University of Bergen (NO))

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