5–12 Jul 2017
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Results of transient GW searches with Advanced LIGO

7 Jul 2017, 15:45
Room Martinelli (Palazzo del Casinò)

Room Martinelli

Palazzo del Casinò

Parallel Talk Cosmology, Dark Energy, Gravitational Waves Cosmology, dark energy, gravitational waves


Ed Porter (APC-Paris / CNRS)


The detection of gravitational waves from the merger of binary black holes during the first Advanced LIGO science runs has opened up a new field of astronomy, and a new window on the universe. During these runs, searches for different types of compact binaries are conducted. In this talk, I will review the detected black hole mergers, and discuss the implications of the non-detection of other transient source types, such as binary neutron stars and intermediate mass black holes, in the first science run.

Experimental Collaboration Advanced LIGO - Virgo


Ed Porter (APC-Paris / CNRS)

Presentation materials