5–12 Jul 2017
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Antiproton Flux and Antiproton-to-Proton Flux Ratio in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with AMS on the Space Station

Not scheduled
Salone Adriatico (Palazzo del Casinò)

Salone Adriatico

Palazzo del Casinò

Board: AP-2
Poster Presentation Astroparticle Physics Poster session


Andreas Bachlechner (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))


Precision measurements by AMS of the antiproton flux and the antiproton-to-proton flux ratio in primary cosmic rays in the absolute rigidity range from 1 to 450 GV are presented based on $3.49 \times 10^5$ antiproton events and $2.42 \times 10^9$ proton events. At ~20 GV the antiproton-to-proton flux ratio reaches a maximum. Unexpectedly, above 60 GV the antiproton spectral index is consistent with the proton spectral index and the antiproton-to-proton flux ratio shows no rigidity dependence in the rigidity range from ~60 to ~500 GV. This unexpected observation requires new explanation of the origin of cosmic ray antiprotons.

Experimental Collaboration AMS


Andreas Bachlechner (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))

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