An array of about 70 small-sized telescope will cover the high-end of the gamma ray energy spectrum at the southern site
of the Cherenkov telescope array (CTA). They will offer an unprecedented insight on the energetic processes in the range
1-300TeV originated in galactic and extragalactic sources.
The SST-1M is one of the three implementations of those small-sized telescopes and consists of an innovative digital
camera based on silicon photo-multipliers mounted on a Davis-Cotton optics with a single segmented 4-m diameter mirror.
The telescope, the photo-detection plane, its digital readout and its trigger system will be described, together with
the test setup realised to fully characterise the camera and the calibration strategy to operate it. This test setup
allows us to asses the performances of the camera, from the single silicon photo-multiplier response to the overall
trigger rate and efficiencies. The performances of the system will be discussed and compared to end-to-end simulations
of the telescope.
Experimental Collaboration | SST-1M Collaboration and the CTA consortium |