Science opens new windows on the world, but we must open new windows on science if we are to engage hard-to-reach audiences and improve diversity. Based on the detailed findings of the ASPIRE report from Kings College London, STFC's new Public Engagement Strategy recognises the need to engage young people earlier and more effectively to deliver the message that science is for everyone. ASPIRES and other research has identified factors contributing to low STEM career aspiration in key groups despite a high level of STEM interest. This session will present the interim findings of January-June 2017 pilot projects in mass communication - TeamScience - designed and developed by STFC's Strategic Communications team and run as pilot projects in low science capital regions of the UK. The goal is to demonstrate with local examples and in local accents that "science" has a role in multiple careers. Its key aim will be to break the “not for me” barrier with regard to STEM career aspirations and take our science to traditionally hard to reach audiences. In this session we will announce initial findings, show how the campaign objectives and target audience were developed using readily available research and insight, and discuss some of the ways we are utilising existing channels and opportunities to roll out the campaign.