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5–12 Jul 2017
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Search for Long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector

Not scheduled
Salone Adriatico (Palazzo del Casinò)

Salone Adriatico

Palazzo del Casinò

Board: HG-3
Poster Presentation Higgs and New Physics Poster session


Masahiko Saito (University of Tokyo (JP))


Several supersymmetric models predict the production of massive long-lived supersymmetric particles. Such particles, if charged, may be detected through abnormal specific energy loss or long time-of-flight to the calorimeters. The poster presents recent results from searches of long-lived supersymmetric charged particles using proton-proton collisions at a centre of mass energy of 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector.

Experimental Collaboration ATLAS

Primary author

Yoram Rozen (Technion (IL))

Presentation materials