5–12 Jul 2017
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
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« La Nuit des ondes gravitationnelles » : a multi-site outreach event about gravitational waves

8 Jul 2017, 09:45
Room Mangano (Palazzo del Casinò)

Room Mangano

Palazzo del Casinò

Parallel Talk Outreach, Education, and Diversity Outreach, education, diversity


Nicolas Arnaud (LAL (CNRS-IN2P3))


On Monday March 20th 2017, an outreach event dedicated to the gravitational waves and their recent discovery by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration took place. Jointly organized by the “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique” (CNRS) and the “Société Française de Physique » (SFP), it was targeting the general audience with an emphasis on high-school students and teachers. The key feature of this project was to be multi-site, meaning that the event would take place simultaneously in a dozen French cities, plus the French Institute in Firenze (Italy), close to the site of the Virgo experiment. The project was also meant to be interactive, with all sites connected through a videoconference for a Q&A session with scientists, a quiz and finally a conference about astrophysics in the cinema. The event was also broadcasted live on the web, via a webcast system and the social medias. In addition, four contests (science and arts) open to anyone (schools and the general audience) were organized.


Guy Wormser (LAL Orsay) Mrs Marie Lauvergeon (CNRS) Nicolas Arnaud (LAL (CNRS-IN2P3))

Presentation materials