5–12 Jul 2017
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Theoretical prediction of $\Lambda$, $\Sigma$, $\Xi$ hyperon magnetic form factors $|G_M^H(t)|$ behaviours and also ratio $|G_E^H(t)|/|G_M^H(t)|$ in time-like region.

Not scheduled
Salone Adriatico (Palazzo del Casinò)

Salone Adriatico

Palazzo del Casinò

Board: TE-17
Poster Presentation Top and Electroweak Physics Poster session


Prof. Stanislav Dubnicka (Inst. of physics SAS)


The advanced $\Lambda$, $\Sigma$, $\Xi$ hyperon Unitary and Analytic electromagnetic structure models are constructed explicitly and behaviours of $|G_M^H(t)|$ and ratios $|G_E^H(t)|/|G_M^H(t)|$ are predicted in time-like region as functions of the total energy squared $t=W^2$ in the c.m. system of $H\bar H$, which will be found out in intended
measurements of the $\Lambda$, $\Sigma$, $\Xi$ hyperon polar angle $\Theta_H$ distributions $F(\cos\Theta_H)$ in $e^+e^-\to H\bar H$ processes.


Prof. Stanislav Dubnicka (Inst. of physics SAS)


Prof. Anna Zuzana Dubnickova (Dept.of Theor.Physics, Comenius University) Dr Cyril Adamuscin (Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK)) Dr Erik Barto\v s (Inst.of Physics SAS)

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