23–27 May 2016
Centro de Congressos, Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Small-x evolution beyond the eikonal approximation

24 May 2016, 15:30
Room 02.2 (Centro de Congressos, Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus)

Room 02.2

Centro de Congressos, Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus


Fabio Dominguez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)


Following the recent studies in the effects of next-to-eikonal and next-to-next-to-eikonal propagation in high-energy proton-nucleus collisions, we calculate the corresponding corrections to small-x evolution. These corrections arise explicitly both from non-eikonal propagation of the softer gluon fluctuations, and from emission/absorption of gluons in the projectile wave function while inside the nuclear target. We show for what kinematical regions and which observables these corrections can be important.

Primary author

Fabio Dominguez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)


Tolga Altinoluk

Presentation materials