May 23 – 27, 2016
Centro de Congressos, Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus
Europe/Lisbon timezone

The 3rd International Conference on the Initial Stages in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (InitialStages2016), to be held at Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus, Lisbon, Portugal, on May 23rd-27th 2016. The meeting follows up on the 2014 (Napa) and 2013 (A Toxa) editions.

Centro de Congressos, Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus
Grande Anfiteatro
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal


Experimental results from the LHC and RHIC colliders, together with novel theoretical tools developed in the last few years, are leading to an unprecedented knowledge of the collective dynamics at play in high-energy nuclear and hadronic collisions. Progress in our understanding of the initial-state of strongly interacting matter, from the saturated partonic structure of nuclei to its hydrodynamical evolution, is remarkable. The latest results from (p)dAu collisions at RHIC, pPb and high-multiplicity pp at the LHC carry hallmarks of collective behaviour akin to those observed in AA collisions and commonly attributed to the formation of QGP. A comprehensive understanding of the interplay of QGP collectivity with intrinsic initial state complexity remains elusive. The meeting will be focused on the discussion of the present experimental and theoretical knowledge of the partonic structure of protons and nuclei; the corresponding conditions at the initial stages of the collision, including the role and nature of fluctuations and correlations; the subsequent hydrodynamical evolution; the determination of viscosity or other medium properties; and the emergence of collective behaviour in small systems. Providing a framework for cross-talk among different subfields is one of the main goals of the conference.


  • Partonic structure of protons and nuclei.
  • The initial stages of heavy-ion collisions.
  • Global and collective dynamics from small to large systems.
  • Hydrodynamics and fluctuating initial conditions.
  • Viscosity and other transport coefficients of the QCD medium.
  • Strong coupling techniques.
  • Multi-parton interactions in pA and AA collisions.
  • Proton-nucleus and lepton-nucleus complementarity.

Conference fee

A conference fee of 250 Euros (for participants who register and pay before April 1st 2016) and of 350 Euros (for those who register and pay after April 1st) will include coffee breaks, lunches and the conference dinner.

Important dates

  • January 22nd: Second announcement, website goes live, registration and abstract submission open.
  • February 26th: Deadline for abstract submission (you need to have/create an INDICO account at CERN, see the bottom of the login page that will appear when you try to submit an abstract)) and for application for financial support.
  • March 13th: Decision on abstract acceptance.
  • April 1st: Deadline for early fee (EUR 250) payment.


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