23–27 May 2016
Centro de Congressos, Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Colored particle-in-cell simulations for heavy-ion collisions

25 May 2016, 17:10
Room 02.2 (Centro de Congressos, Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus)

Room 02.2

Centro de Congressos, Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus


David Mueller (Vienna University of Technology)


We present our work on the simulation of the quark-gluon-plasma using the colored particle-in-cell (CPIC) method. CPIC is a generalization of particle-in-cell simulations - commonly used in plasma physics - to real-time non-abelian lattice gauge theories. Using this method we are able to model the early time dynamics of heavy-ion collisions in the laboratory frame in 3+1 dimensions. In particular we study the effects of finite pancake thickness in the McLerran-Venugopalan model. Our approach requires a consistent treatment of gauge fields and color currents, which is achieved using charge-conserving CPIC methods. We show that the description in the laboratory frame agrees with boost-invariant approaches as a limiting case and investigate collisions beyond boost-invariance.

Primary author

David Mueller (Vienna University of Technology)


Andreas Ipp (TU Wien) Daniil Gelfand (TU Darmstadt)

Presentation materials