12–16 Sept 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
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A novel statistical test for dark matter induced dark matter sources

14 Sept 2016, 14:00
500/1-201 - Mezzanine (CERN)

500/1-201 - Mezzanine


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Poster Contributions Gamma-ray astrophysics Poster Session (coffee at 15:00) & CERN Visit


Sara Algeri (Imperial College London)


The firm establishment of gamma-ray sources of dark matter is often impeded by source confusion. Conventional astrophysical sources can mimic hypothetical dark matter sources, manifested in unidentified sources in the Fermi-LAT catalogues or in the GC excess. In statistical terms, the question of whether a sources is dark matter or conventional astrophsyics is an example of a non-standard hypothesis test where the usual chi-squared approximations do not apply because the hypotheses are not nested. We can reformulate the problem in a way that allows us to leverage methods developed to handle so called trial factors and obtain asymptotically valid frequentist tests. We illustrate the proposed method in a series of numerical studies that validate its power and false positive rate.

Primary author

Sara Algeri (Imperial College London)


Prof. Jan Conrad (Stokcholm University)

Presentation materials

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