Sebastian Bruggisser
(DESY Theory-Group)
Varying Yukawas open new possibilities for electroweak baryogenesis. In this talk I will focus on the CP-violation and the baryon-asymmetry (for details on the strength of the phase transition, see abstract by Iason Baldes). Starting from first principles, I will derive the general form of the CP-violating semiclassical force and the diffusion equations for models with varying Yukawa couplings. This represents a very general framework to determine the baryon-asymmetry generated in a given model. I will discuss the necessary ingredients for successful baryogenesis and I will apply this framework to different models and discuss the CP-violation and the amount of baryon-asymmetry produced.
Sebastian Bruggisser
(DESY Theory-Group)
Geraldine Servant
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))