12–16 Sept 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Dark matter decays from non-minimal coupling to gravity

14 Sept 2016, 14:00
500/1-201 - Mezzanine (CERN)

500/1-201 - Mezzanine


Show room on map
Poster Contributions Dark matter (indirect detection) Poster Session (coffee at 15:00) & CERN Visit


Oscar Cata


In the framework of the Standard Model extended with a dark matter particle in curved spacetime, we investigate the impact of terms in the Lagrangian linear in the dark matter field and proportional to the Ricci scalar on the dark matter stability. We show that this non-minimal coupling induces decay even if the dark matter particle only has gravitational interactions, and that the decay branching ratios into Standard Model particles only depend on the dark matter mass. We compute the dark matter decay widths in some simple scenarios and we set conservative limits on the non-minimal coupling parameter from experiments.


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