Jhilik Majumdar
(Institut für Experimentalphysik, University of Hamburg)
Abstract : Axion-like particles (ALPs) as an extension of the standard model define a generic class of light pseudo-sclars with a rich phenomenology because of their coupling to photons. Here we explore a so-far neglected opportunity to search for ALPs-photon coupling in the disappearance channel, i.e. a characteristic energy dependent suppression of gamma-rays. To verify this phenomenon we use seven years of Fermi-LAT Pass 8 data with P8R2_SOURCE_V6 IRFs of two gamma-ray pulsar sources and investigate the presence of spectral features of them in accordance with photon-ALPs coupling using particular models of the large-scale Galactic magnetic field. We estimate best fit values of parameters like photon-ALPs coupling and ALPs mass.
Jhilik Majumdar
(Institut für Experimentalphysik, University of Hamburg)