The 2-day meeting on the CLIC detector and physics study will start on Tuesday 30 August 08:30 and will end on Wednesday 31 August around 17:30. Most of the time will be devoted to topical sessions, providing an overview of ongoing activities and future plans. In order to allow the participants to get a good overview of the work in CLICdp, we try to avoid parallel sessions as much as possible. The timetable presently proposed is tentative - sessions can be shortened/extended at a later stage, according to the proposed number of talks.
We foresee to have the following topical sessions (and conveners):
- Physics and Analysis (Victoria Martin, Rosa Simoniello, James Wells)
- Detector Optimization (Konrad Elsener, Frank Simon)
- Software (Aidan Robson, Andre Sailer, Huong Lan Tran)
- Vertex / Tracker R&D (Mathieu Benoit, Daniel Hynds, Andreas Nurnberg)
- FCAL / ECAL / HCAL R&D (Yan Benhammou, Naomi van der Kolk, Eva Sicking)
A CLICdp Institute Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday lunchtime, 30 August.
A workshop dinner will take place on Tuesday evening at Le Bois Joly restaurant in Crozet, France.
There are no registration fees for the meeting. A contribution of 45 euros will be asked for the dinner (cash payment only please at the registration on Tuesday morning).