Mazin Woodrow Khader
(Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US))
07/11/2016, 09:10
James Beacham
(Ohio State University (US))
07/11/2016, 10:00
Abdollah Mohammadi
(Kansas State University (US))
07/11/2016, 10:55
Benjamin Eric Kaplan
(New York University (US))
07/11/2016, 11:20
Bithika Jain
(Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS))
07/11/2016, 11:45
Alexei Safonov
(Texas A & M University (US))
07/11/2016, 12:10
Simon Knapen
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
07/11/2016, 14:00
I will give a brief overview of the possible exotic Higgs decays in models of Neutral Naturalness. This talk serves as the lead-in for the talks by David Curtin and Eric Kuflik.
Henry Lubatti
(University of Washington (US))
07/11/2016, 15:15
Jamie Antonelli
(The Ohio State University (US))
07/11/2016, 16:10
John Paul Chou
(Rutgers, State Univ. of New Jersey (US))
07/11/2016, 16:35
Jamie Antonelli
(The Ohio State University (US)),
Jessie Shelton
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),
Yiming Zhong
(Stony Brook University)
07/11/2016, 17:00
Shikma Bressler
(Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
08/11/2016, 09:25
Konstantinos Nikolopoulos
(University of Birmingham (GB))
08/11/2016, 09:50
Yotam Soreq
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
08/11/2016, 10:45
Emmanuel Stamou
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
08/11/2016, 11:10
Stefan Alte
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
08/11/2016, 12:00
Rafael Teixeira De Lima
(Northeastern University (US))
08/11/2016, 14:10
Hou Keong Lou
(Princeton University)
08/11/2016, 14:35
Felix Yu
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
08/11/2016, 15:00
Brian Shuve
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory),
Markus Klute
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)),
Stefania Gori
(Cincinnati University)
08/11/2016, 17:10