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28–29 Jun 2016
Valencia, Parque Científico
Europe/Zurich timezone


You can reach the Parque Científico (see google map) from Valencia by metro or by bus. Its main entrance is ~2 minutes from TVV and ~10 minutes walk from the stop Vicent Andrés Estellés.











By metro



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Take the Metro line  4 , which in reality is a tramway, directed towards:

  • RECOMMENDEDLl. Llarga - Terramelar or Mas del Rosari and get off at TVV (zone A)

  • Vicent Andrés Estellés or Fira València and get off at Vicent Andrés Estellés (zone A)  

To arrive to the meeting venue from NH Hotel we recommend taking metro line  or  at Turia station, which is at shopping centre “NUEVO CENTRO” nearby the hotel, and change then to tramway line  at Empalme station.

To get to Parque Cientifico from hotels in the city centre, we recommended a walk to Pont de Fusta station, and then get on tram line  ( Ll. Llarga - Terramelar or Mas del Rosari ), which takes you directly (~ 35 minutes) to TVV station.

For schedule information, check the metrovalencia web page.


Tickets can be bought at the ticket machines placed in all stations. Coins and €5, €10, €20 banknotes are accepted.

You will get the cheapest fare by buying a BONOMETRO for 10 trips (zone A), it costs €7.20 plus the price of the rechargeable card, €1. Please keep in mind the possibility of sharing it with a partner. The card must be validated before getting on the metro or tram.

By taxi

It should take about 20'-25' from the Old Town. Please instruct him to take you to "Burjassot" at "Parc Cientific" of the university near the "Canal Nou".

By bus (not recommended)

Take line  63  and get off at Vicent Andrés Estellés - Poliesportiu. You may plan your trip at the EMT web page by indicating "Campus Universitario De Burjassot - Universitat De Valencia" as destination.

From the airport or the train airport

Please follow the instructions provided here.

Additional information on the location of IFIC can be found here.