HEP Software Foundation Workshop

Amphiteatre Pierre Leman (LAL)

Amphiteatre Pierre Leman


Domaine Universitaire Bat. 200 B.P. 34 91898 Orsay Cedex France See <a href=http://www.lal.in2p3.fr/-Getting-to-LAL,87-?lang=en target=_howtogetthere>how to get there</a> and <a href=https://indico.cern.ch/event/496146/attachments/1233570/1874040/From_RER_stations_to_LAL.png target=_access_map>access map</a>

The HEP Software Foundation had its first formative workshop at SLAC in January 2015. That workshop led to the establishment of HSF activity areas in the topics of greatest community interest identified at the workshop, with an organization following the model of a community-driven "do-ocracy". Since then, these activities have developed and new opportunities present themselves.

The HSF held its second workshop May 2-4 2016 at LAL in Orsay (near Paris, France), with two main elements. The first element, following SLAC, was a plenary gathering with talks and discussion on progress to date and future plans, how to garner greater participation, new initiatives and projects, and guest speakers from the open software community. The second element consisted of focused mini-workshops and hackathons, in areas of current or potential HSF activity that are of broad interest and relevance, with hands-on objectives.

Input on content was collected through a doodle poll.

Feel free to contact hep-sf-startup-team@googlegroups.com.if you have any question or suggestion.

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