22–27 Sept 2016
East Lake International Conference Center
Asia/Chongqing timezone
<a href="http://hp2016.ccnu.edu.cn">http://hp2016.ccnu.edu.cn</a>

Measurement of the suppression and v_{n} of heavy flavor muons in lead-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector

24 Sept 2016, 16:20
Wuhan Hall (East Lake International Convention Center)

Wuhan Hall

East Lake International Convention Center


Qipeng Hu (University of Science and Technology of China (CN))


ATLAS has measured the production of heavy flavor muons in 2.76 TeV pp and Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC. The measurements are performed over the transverse momentum range 4 < pT < 14 GeV and for five Pb+Pb centrality intervals. Backgrounds arising from in-flight pion and kaon decays, hadronic showers, and mis-reconstructed muons are statistically removed using a template fitting procedure. The heavy flavor muon differential cross-sections and per-event yields are measured in pp and Pb+Pb collisions, respectively. The nuclear modification factor, RAA , is observed to be independent of pT within uncertainties and to be less than unity, which indicates suppressed production of heavy flavor muons in Pb+Pb collisions. The heavy flavor muon yield is measured as a function of the azimuthal angle difference, phi-Psi_{2}, where the experimental event plane angle, Psi_{2} is measured in forward calorimeters that cover 3.2 < |y| < 4.9. Fourier coefficients associated with the cos(2(phi-Psi_{2})) modulation, v2 , are measured as a function of pT and centrality. They vary slowly with pT and show a systematic variation with centrality that is characteristic of other elliptic anisotropy measurements. Higher harmonics v3 and v4 are also measured using Scalar Product method.

Presentation type Oral


Qipeng Hu (University of Science and Technology of China (CN))

Presentation materials