Parallel Session I: Jet Modification in A+A (I)
- Rainer Fries (Texas A&M University)
We discuss the evolution of an energetic jet which propagates through a dense quark-gluon plasma and radiates gluons due to its interactions with the medium. Within perturbative QCD, this evolution can be described as a stochastic branching process, that we have managed to solve exactly.
We present exact, analytic, results for the gluon spectrum (the average gluon distribution) and for the...
The LHC heavy-ion physics programme aims at investigating the fundamental properties of nuclear matter under extreme conditions of energy density and temperature, where a transition to a Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) is expected. Jets are now considered as established probes of the QGP due to their substantial energy loss while traversing the medium, resulting in a modification of their transverse...
Cu+Au collisions provide a unique system to study hard probes. For example,
the collision geometry at a fixed centrality is necessarily different from
that of symmetric Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions. A systematic study of the
production of high-pT particles and jets in systems with different geometry
may provide information about the path-length dependence of energy loss in
the medium. The PHENIX...